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JF-17 has edge over LCA: Pak officials

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And JF-17's radar can manage upto 40 targets at a time, while LCA's radar can manage 10 targets!! And JF-17's also have ECM suites(Electronic Ware Fare) used for radar jamming.

JF-17 is fitted with a radar warning receiver (RWR) that gives data to the pilot on direction and proximity of enemy radars, as well as an onboard electronic counter-measures (ECM) suite that interferes with these radars to help stop them targeting the aircraft. These systems can be enhanced by the addition of externally-mounted avionics pods:

A Missile Approach Warning (MAW) system is incorporated, using several optical sensors mounted on the airframe that can detect the missile's rocket motor to collect information on the nature of the threat. Data collected by the MAW system, such as direction of inbound missiles and the time to impact (TTI), is shown on the cockpit displays and HUD to warn the pilot.
A countermeasures dispensing system is also present, dispensing decoy flares and chaff to decoy enemy radars and inbound missiles, helping the aircraft evade them. Flares decoy heat-seeking missiles by giving off a very similar heat signature to the aircraft's jet engines, whereas chaff confuses enemy radar systems trying to detect and target the aircraft (such those used by radar-guided air-to-air missiles).

These systems not only make JF-17 more survivable in combat, but also make it very effective in the roles of aerial reconnaissance and suppression (or destruction) of enemy air defence (SEAD) when the appropriate avionics pods and weaponry are mounted on the aircraft.

Man you cant even read wikipedia correctly.The radar to be used in LCA is EL/M-2052 AESA which can manage 64 targets.
Planning for LCA block II have already started and I dont think except from some french equipments and may be a new engine derivative anything is going to change as China also wants Pak to order more J-10.

No offence, but LCA block I is not operational yet, and HAL have started planing for blk-II, hahaha. its remind of missile tech, that india's agni-I is not operational yet and have plans for Surya-20,000km.

Well, there was a normal post, too! Besides, it was often enough mentioned that Tejas is crap and nothing else

By those who put a 2001 article without mentioning date and then say that no LCA components will be indegenous.Just put it this way lets agree to disagree on who is better B/W LCA and JF17.
Now this sums up that jf-17 is able to retain it's main purpose.Lca on the other hand is an advanced interceptor to replace Mig-21.

What do you think the JF-17 was made for? you think our engineers were bored so they decided to build an aircraft? The JF-17 will replace the current F-7s (MIG-21s) and, later on, the Mirages.

First of all no links provided.
Second Jf-17 uses RD93 A DERIVATIVE OF RD 33 which China license produce so sale to any other country requires permission of Russia and if russia deemed that it affecting their market they will refuse.So unless China develops engine on it's own it is unlikely to be a major contender.And even a second hand F-16 is much better as compared to JF-17.At one third of price but also at one third of capability so only for countries facing cash crunch unless a block II having some features of J-10 comes up.

First of all, he said Jane's, please learn to read.
There are so many things wrong in this post, I don't know where to begin. Firstly, the engine problems are well known and have been resolved, and China is working on its own engine. Secondly, a second hand F-16 (newer blocks) is most definitely superior in performance to both the JF-17 and the LCA, so I don't see what your point is. JF-17 does cost 1/3rd the price but it offers 3/4th of its capabbilities. As far as bang-for-buck goes, if we take out American jets like the F-16, F-15, F-18 etc., it is probably the best in the world.

Now, before you make me the target of your childish rage, take the time to read carefully what I have written. Also, note that the JF-17 was made to be upgradable. Therefore, there is no point assuming the JF-17 will remain what it is. Today, it is good enough to replace our ageing aircraft with a superior and cost effective option, but tomorrow, it could be one of our front-line fighters.

Lastly, I don't think the article says anything ground-breaking. We all knew the JF-17 would be designed primarily to be cost effective, easy to support and availability without threat of sanctions. Also, probably just as importantly, it was built to jump-start the defence and commercial aerospace industry in Pakistan. In all these areas, it has already proven to be a success, so, really, we should not have to come here day after day to convince people that it was a worthwile and successful project.
Dont want to derail the thread, but for pak guys i want say that JF-17's cost is $15-18mn, and LCA's cost is $17-20mn, and in full production it would dropped to $15mn, so we must should have info about the cheap cost of china, china can built AC in $10mn and will build over $20mn. SO pak guys dont under estimate our JF-17 blk-I

HAL Tejas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
do you know why your major did not mention other areas . becoz it lacks in those .
it doesnt have a complete digital fbw and in terms of avionics and radar it still is behind. but it has shown potential and can become a truly 4.5 gen aircraft if paf sticks to it claims . so plz get ur fact right .

Your wrong. Perhaps, you dont have facts.
An aviation enthusiast Kartik sums it up beautifully: “If the Pakistanis integrate even a medium performance radar and use the SD-10 with it, it is a big threat to the Indian Air Force – just look at the MiG-21 Bison to see what an underestimated fighter can turn out to be.

The Sukhoi Su-30K was also found to be a poor aircraft when the IAF first evaluated it, and then after all sweat and toil put into getting its avionics in place and the thrust vector controls, the Su-30MKI is a completely different beast!

I somehow fear that the JF-17 shouldn’t prove to be a fighter that makes the Fulcrums, Mirages, Bisons almost on-par or just a little superior. Which is why the IAF needs a true fourth generation fighter to stay ahead – both airframe wise as well as avionics wise”
Stop posting wikipedia as a link since we all know everyone can just go over and edit it. A more reliable source would be better.
Man you cant even read wikipedia correctly.The radar to be used in LCA is EL/M-2052 AESA which can manage 64 targets.

Wikipedia is unreliable source. First there needs to be an intention that the aircraft will actually be operational in the mother Air Force (in this case IAF). After that there are going to be plans which Wikipedia is a source that cannot verify. It is unlikely that LCA will every get operational nevermind being equipped with an AESA radar which is too much for a low cost aircraft.
First of all, he said Jane's, please learn to read.

Link means Email link.
There are so many things wrong in this post, I don't know where to begin. Firstly, the engine problems are well known and have been resolved, and China is working on its own engine.

That is what I have said.If china has to sold it, it should have it's own engine not RD 33 DERIVATIVE.
Secondly, a second hand F-16 (newer blocks) is most definitely superior in performance to both the JF-17 and the LCA, so I don't see what your point is.
Now read this from post.
The JF-17 will place China firmly in the role of a competitor to both Russia and the US as it is being positioned as an alternative to Russian Sukhoi aircraft and (presumably second-hand) F-16s.
This puts the credibility of article into jeopardize.
JF-17 does cost 1/3rd the price but it offers 3/4th of its capabbilities. As far as bang-for-buck goes, if we take out American jets like the F-16, F-15, F-18 etc., it is probably the best in the world.
In whose world??? Pakistan's world.The statement is immature.

Also, note that the JF-17 was made to be upgradable. Therefore, there is no point assuming the JF-17 will remain what it is. Today, it is good enough to replace our ageing aircraft with a superior and cost effective option, but tomorrow, it could be one of our front-line fighters.

Nope. j-10 is going to be much better a may be a true 4.5 gen. fighter.
Wikipedia is unreliable source. First there needs to be an intention that the aircraft will actually be operational in the mother Air Force (in this case IAF). After that there are going to be plans which Wikipedia is a source that cannot verify. It is unlikely that LCA will every get operational nevermind being equipped with an AESA radar which is too much for a low cost aircraft.

100% Agree!!
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