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JF-17 For Myanmar Air force spotted at CAC

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F-7PG is not exactly copies of Mig-21. It is one of the most widely sold Chinese fighter due to its enlarges wing for shorter take off, better low speed handling and longer range due to housing of more fuel. No other soviet Mig-21 is similar.

Even now lineage Mig-21 from China still being produced and sold in terms of advance trainer JL-9G which can be convert with ease into a fighter jet.

Sourgraped spotted. If Pakistan is not involved, Myanmar will directly deal with CAC. I dont see you condemm Saudi or whatever dropping bomb on Yemeni or Syria... What a double standard.

Yo... Are you still around? Seems you other insults and so on around the Forum seems "normal" or maybe those -22 and 2011 is some sort of "bargain" :)

Anyway here my last answer to your biased, low accusation... agian and again... :)
1/ Deal with Pakistan or China is the same...both were engaged in the biz... and if Mynmar choosed to deal with Cac directly , then so be it... at least a brother do not have to stain his blood... China has a qualified past for that matter...
2/ It's a Pakistani related thread , therefore I don't need to bring KSA or such in the pool... Basic knowledge you know...
3/ As for KSA and buddies... try to read my other post of that matter... you will be quite suprised... but that's not one of your quality... isn't it? you just accuse others... like always...

Have Fun :)
New member approval

Three reasons why this is in China.
1. This is FC-1- full Chinese spec aircraft with everything made in China, the JF-17 is a different spec.

2. Production line at PAC focused on domestic requirements, block-II improvement and testing along with possible nigerian order.

3. Myanmar deal was pretty less PAF and more CaTic. As such with the Rohingya situation, we would like to be seen less with them.

The weightage could be on either 1,2 or 3
The description shown in the MyAF aircraft picture states JF-17. Most of the times FC-1 is stated. Also Pakistan does not have advance flight testing capacity. Therefore, China mostly does the final tests. I think the answer lies somewhere b/tw point 2 and 3.
Defines most of Indian youth.

That is an unfair generalization, lets not stoop to their levels: we have always been better with better family values.
So are many Indian youth. Its this internet bhakts that are the core issue and yes they are despicable or simply pitiful little men who have found a dangerous cause. All extremists are like that, social rejects or marginalized in some way.
Youpi!!! I wanna see some bombs dropping on few rohingyas... Yeah another Muslim BBQ from the air in the making ...maybe...

Well Whatever "peaceful" ideology some may put in front of them... in The End $$ rules... whatever this country or other is exterminating or killing or oppressing your own brother/sisters... $$ do not have pride neither rightfullness...

Seems Pride is cheap around... in our time... sold for only few dozens millions...
Doesn't stop Arabs or other muslims from being friends with india coz of Kashmir or Israel due to Palestine?

We don't have ties with Israel.
Hate India.
No ties with Armenia.
Recognise Kosovo.

Fought or supported Arabs,Bosnians etc etc.

What did we gain? Your Arab leaders awarding Indian PM medals ?
Your troops marching in Delhi?
You even buy weapons from Israel ?

And irony is that it was Pak who established of those GCC militaries..

Pakistan even hosts over .8 million rohingyas, we have condemned the Myanmar govt.. and we can keep pursuing them to normalise situation... exporting weapons = influence + relationship.

No Arab country on the other hand has spoken about their plight let alone give shelter to rohingya refugees.
Just like we have given shelter to Bosnians during Bosnian-Serb war.
To Somalis (who still live here).
To middle eastern refugees.
To millions of afghanis.
And a lot more.

Talk is cheap.. and JF is a joint venture... and it's going to be delivered by CAC.
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Doesn't stop Arabs or other muslims from being friends with india coz of Kashmir or Israel due to Palestine?

We don't have ties with Israel.
Hate India.
No ties with Armenia.
Recognise Kosovo.

Fought or supported Arabs,Bosnians etc etc.

What did we gain? Your Arab leaders awarding Indian PM medals ?
Your troops marching in Delhi?
You even buy weapons from Israel ?

And irony is that it was Pak who established of those GCC militaries..

Pakistan even hosts over .8 million rohingyas, we have condemned the Myanmar govt.. and we can keep pursuing them to normalise situation... exporting weapons = influence + relationship.

No Arab country on the other hand has spoken about their plight let alone give shelter to rohingya refugees.
Just like we have given shelter to Bosnians during Bosnian-Serb war.
To Somalis (who still live here).
To middle eastern refugees.
To millions of afghanis.
And a lot more.

Talk is cheap.. and JF is a joint venture... and it's going to be delivered by CAC.

I will answer one by one...

What did you gain? you don't have to gain anything when it's for the sake of your brothers/sisters... the most important thing is that those who helped have mostly gain a lifetime happyness in the afterlife...

Since when Arab leaders are representing "Arabs and muslims"?? does your gov repsenting avery pakistanis... is your gov a miror of every pakistani souls? As you can see "Arabs" risen agianst their "ARAB LEADERS" and they paid it with their blood... some countries succeeded in that like Mine... Tunisia... and others are still swimming in the blood of their fathers/mothers/sisters/brothers/sons and daughters...

And NO... selling weapons to those who are not worth it... just of this illusion of "normalising the situation"... is just an escuse... Then sell and buy from Israel or India... and will see if you get normalisation and justice among yourself...

YOUR COUNTRY IS NOT THE ONLY ONE TO HOST REFUGEES... whatever it's yesterday or today... it's not even something to speak about... it's somthing as a Human being should...whatever you are muslim or not... Ppl in need, running away from wars or oppression SHOULD BE helped and given shelter... Yesterday it's you... today it's others... I don't need to give you the refugees stats around syria...

As for the rohyngas... few arab/muslim countries spoke about them and their oppression... mine did per exemple... did we took some of them... No. Did other neighboor country did... yes.

Just some stat... to give you the opportunity to understand today problems... I will take my tiny country as an exemple... Since 2011 we hosted more than 2Mil refugees in our 10-11Mil total pop with a 50Bil$ GDP...

I never asked to host refugees..; but at least consider who you are selling it to... Westerners didn't blink an eye to refuse selling their weapons for "alleged terro" or " journalist oppression" or even for " Political meeting"... while muslims "GOV" do not have asecond though about it..;

And don't take me wrong... bf jumping on your horses about GCC or whataever... never I said they were better... but when you have good feeling about someone... it's only natural to push him to be better... that's the basic...

Anyway... it's not like I or You or Us gonna change anything around the block... But in the End if you can't make sacrifice for your own kind even it's forlosing few millions ... How can you ask others to do it for yourself...

Have Fun
It is possible that CAC acts as the final assembler in this case. But parts could come from both countries. After all, CAC is much closer to Myanmar than Pakistan. For Pakistan to deliver jets to Myanmar, it has to fly the planes around India.

It can also fly through China. This is a nonsensical arguement.
Pakistani JF-17's also need to be decked out in some sick paint, the current f-16 camo is shiet
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Ain't that bad..

Not bad at all, since it has got more to do with lower visibility and it effectively blends in with the grey of most of our skies. But you know that already too. Wouldnt mind if the flashy green one got a makeover though, something along the lines of solo-turk would be rather smashing.
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