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JF-17 For Myanmar Air force spotted at CAC

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You are not with it

Salahuddin was not a caliph as a matter of fact there was 3 caliphs at the time of salahuddin how many people can tell me the name of any one of the those caliphs ? Because none of them cared so history forgot them

History remembers salahuddin simply because he cared

Pakistan can live its life time looking inwards but that won't get us anywhere

We used to look outwards in 1960s and 70s and even today our sacrifice are remembered by many only if we continued

Over 100 years ago we helped ottoman Turks in today Turkish school kids learn engraved curriculum about Pakistans support

You don't have to be a leader you just need care when Pakistan cared it did well when we became selfish we started loosing

I'd rather Nigeria or Azerbaijan were launch customer

Ignore the negative comments about Pakistan not caring for the ummah. I agree with you about caring but it was something unavoidable as it was a deal done by China and PAC is just honouring the contract as agreed between the partner countries sharing the construction workload.

What we may suggest PAF should do is fund an NGO who work with the poor Rohingyas in need of our help with some of our share from the proceeds of the sales. I expect nothing less from our best of the best but care for our brethren in need.
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Fellow Pakistanis
Do you guys really have to engage with the low grade call center c'yas?

Just ignore and report them, two minutes they are out. Don't you have even that amount of patience?

You have to hand to the dedication to being such a loser that they have to keep running to dynamic IPs one after the other and go through the entire process to create an ID. Utterly useless people in life do this, must not have a job or one that pays & treats him soo crappy that they have to engage in this just to feel better about their miserable existence
Saarey Indians ek Jaise nahi hotey.....
Na saarey Indians ki tareef ki gayi hai

Indians plural hai
Indian ka matlab aik adad Indian
Unit of measurement is 1 each

Tu agar kaha jaye call center types- yani ye maksoos- specific Indian jaisa

@Syed.Ali.Haider you asked me to tag you when this happens but somehow i have a feeling that even this might not be ENOUGH to convince you.

Thank you for the tag. This is indeed an important step forward. I am happy to admit that I was wrong about the JF-17 export success. Pakistan has indeed demonstrated success in the international jet fighter export market. Congratulations to Pakistan and the entire team that made this project such a success. (Concrete results speak for themselves when they are demonstrated, not claimed.)
It does matter because now Pakistanis cannot claim that they are exporting JF-17/ building jets for exports.
When PAK first announced the export order of JF17 to Myanmar, there were many delusional Indians such as u who were saying that it's not true and they need proof...and then reality hit.

Now u have chosen to move on to ur next delusion bcuz ur hatred of Pakistan blinds u. In time this current delusion of urs will also shatter.
Firstly congrats to the project managers in PAC and CAC for their first export. That being said, I just want to point out a few issues with respect to points raised here.
1. Why these birds are having the final assembly in CAC and being shipped from China and not Pakistan and what role Pakistan had in their construction? There are a number of reasons why the jets are in CAC and not PAC first and foremost being that it will be politically imprudent for GoP and PAC to be seen by their local population to be supplying weapons for the slaughter of Muslims in another nation (backlash would not be good, just as if Pakistan had sold weapons to Serbia or Croatia during the Bosnian or Kosovar War, or sold weapons to Israel). It is politically safer for Pakistan to have China sell these aircraft. It in now way means Pakistan a) did or didn't play a role in their construction, and b) could have played a role in their construction if it wanted to. We have seen pictures of Ruby 1, 2, and 3 in PAC AND we have seen the construction pictures of the PAF's own JF-17s at PAC so whether or not they produced a single screw in these planes has no bearing on PACs ability to produce the plane. Can it produce large components of the plane? YES. Will PAC still recieve $128M of the $256M+ that this deal is worth (50%)? YES. All other positions on the subject is foolish and stupid. Its like arguing that Lockheed-USA produced the PAF's F-16 so that means Turkish Aerospace Industries was incapable of producing the aircraft (which is can produce under license).

2. Does the fact that the launch costumer being Myanmar represent a tarnish on Pakistan's foreign policy and mean that it chased the all-mighty dollar instead of sticking to its principals of speaking out for oppressed Muslims, even if the entire sale was arranged through CAC and Pakistan played no role in the sale or production of the aircraft? In a word, YES. The arrangement through CAC/China does not obfuscate Pakistan responsibility to protect innocent people be they Muslim or otherwise (1) in Islam, (2) under the Geneva convention, (3) or the grounds of basic human decency. In my Pakistan should have talked China out of the sale or tried to block it. Failure to do so shows a lack of fortitude and that Pakistan has adopted a level of subservience to China, and even if it tried to stop the sale and failed at least you could say you made an effort. Hiding behind notions of developing leverage while on the other trying to say that the Chinese did the sale because we had moral objections to it is hypocritical AND furthermore shows cowardice on the part of Pakistan to own up to the truth of the situation. Especially when PAC will see 50% of the funds (a revenue of $128 Million for PAC on the initial 16 units with a potential for another $128M if further 16 are sold). We may have to accept that Myanmar a costumer, and there may not be anything Pakistanis or their well wishers (such as myself) can do about it at this stage, but we should at least celebrate the news with a little sanguinity in that yes we may be happy PAC will get revenue, but we are not happy about the source and wont pretend to be. That is my opinion, I have no problems with others having your own, THAT's OK. We can disagree.

3. No-one has discussed the fact that the Myanmar military Junta has strong ties to India. What protections has China /Pakistan built into this sale to prevent India from getting a "closer look" at this bird? I actually have no idea and for the level of fighter this is, I cant imagine China placing the tight controls on JF-17 as US placed on Pakistan's Blk 52s .
Na saarey Indians ki tareef ki gayi hai

Indians plural hai
Indian ka matlab aik adad Indian
Unit of measurement is 1 each

Tu agar kaha jaye call center types- yani ye maksoos- specific Indian jaisa

saare Indians call centers mein kaam karte hai , to kya doodhwaale tumhare posts ukhaad rahey hain mian ?
well I guess u r in a boisterous mood after the Pakistani win over the Brits.
i didn't expect such an immature reply from you, quite unworthy.
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Thank you for the tag. This is indeed an important step forward. I am happy to admit that I was wrong about the JF-17 export success. Pakistan has indeed demonstrated success in the international jet fighter export market. Congratulations to Pakistan and the entire team that made this project such a success. (Concrete results speak for themselves when they are demonstrated, not claimed.)
Going to print it, frame it and display it in my study! :P

Just kidding.

Thank you for the reply (finally). Yes it is an important step forward and i am quite confident that this will be the first of many orders. There is a confirmed order of Nigeria as well ( you can believe that now) then there are rumors about Azerbaijan (even i do not claim that as confirmed/well to be honest, i usually do not make such "claims"). The will get things rolling. The truth is that JF17 even in its current configuration and price tag is an ideal option for all those African Nations and many other growing economies. It is cheap, it is modern with with precision strike weaponry, anti-shipping capability, anti-radar munitions, BVR missiles. The future holds AESA HMDS. HOBS missile and other goodies. All in all, it gives an excellent bang for the buck and was poised to succeed in export market. We will move forward for here InshAllah!!
3. No-one has discussed the fact that the Myanmar military Junta has strong ties to India. What protections has China /Pakistan built into this sale to prevent India from getting a "closer look" at this bird? I actually have no idea and for the level of fighter this is, I cant imagine China placing the tight controls on JF-17 as US placed on Pakistan's Blk 52s .

Pakistan's customized EW suite, Radar, and weapons package will not be available for them. Why? Because they are assembled in CAC not PAC! And these are the things that matter. Beyond that, the plane is basically a single engine Mig-29. There is nothing about the flight characteristics which the Indians couldn't guess through video footage, high resolution pics and publicly available specs.

Another interesting question not answered yet is: Does it have a Chinese engine or Russian engine? That would further differentiate the performance of the jet.
Still better than that color you proposed earlier. I can appreciate an improvement. :)

Pakistan's customized EW suite, Radar, and weapons package will not be available for them. Why? Because they are assembled in CAC not PAC! And these are the things that matter. Beyond that, the plane is basically a single engine Mig-29. There is nothing about the flight characteristics which the Indians couldn't guess through video footage, high resolution pics and publicly available specs.

Another interesting question not answered yet is: Does it have a Chinese engine or Russian engine? That would further differentiate the performance of the jet.
Looks like the same Russian engine and all reports/talks suggest the same.
Myanmar already operates Russian aircraft so i don't think getting a Russian engine for them would have been a problem.
Thank you for the tag. This is indeed an important step forward. I am happy to admit that I was wrong about the JF-17 export success. Pakistan has indeed demonstrated success in the international jet fighter export market. Congratulations to Pakistan and the entire team that made this project such a success. (Concrete results speak for themselves when they are demonstrated, not claimed.)
Atlast you say something good for JF Project:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Going to print it, frame it and display it in my study! :P

Just kidding.

Thank you for the reply (finally). Yes it is an important step forward and i am quite confident that this will be the first of many orders. There is a confirmed order of Nigeria as well ( you can believe that now) then there are rumors about Azerbaijan (even i do not claim that as confirmed/well to be honest, i usually do not make such "claims"). The will get things rolling. The truth is that JF17 even in its current configuration and price tag is an ideal option for all those African Nations and many other growing economies. It is cheap, it is modern with with precision strike weaponry, anti-shipping capability, anti-radar munitions, BVR missiles. The future holds AESA HMDS. HOBS missile and other goodies. All in all, it gives an excellent bang for the buck and was poised to succeed in export market. We will move forward for here InshAllah!!

Now, I can agree. Pakistan's jetfighter has come of age. (The delay in my reply was only because I was away.)

Actual results will always be more important to me than mere claims, and I will have no problems appreciating things that actually happen, and for calling out lies and claims too. Truth above all.

Now let's see how many of these jets are sold over the next years, which could eventually be in the hundreds, given the size of the market you mention. Good luck to the project!
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