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JF-17 Block 4

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According to ACM Sohail Block 3 configuration has been finalized. Although that configuration has not been made public, information from various sources provides a reasonable idea/guess about it. Perhaps it is time to start thinking beyond that now. Start mind storming about requirements/wish-list as to what enhancements should be made /can be made for a block-4 of JF-17. Stuff that could not be achieved with block-3 for whatever reason.

What do you guys think? Please share your thoughts.

P.S. Please keep it real. No stealth JF-17 art work please. If lockheed didn't transform the F-16 into a stealth plane yet, PAC/CAC aren't doing it either.
there wont be block 4. PAF moving to 5th gen. upgrades of jf17 will continue however
My Block 4 Concept


With a bigger pilot cockpit , fit a Touch screen Large Display in cockpit



Any of these Super Large High resolutin Displays would be great with the bigger pilot cockpit for nice roomy Jet with Double Twin Engines
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People who are in this business they know what to do and when to do.Who knows they might have already started brainstorming and preliminary needed home work.I work in an automotive company.We started preparation for the launch of 2019 model in 2016. :agree:
its obvious that after building such a enormous aviation city at kamra pakistan air force wont stop after completion of block 3, there must blck 4 or gen.5 under azm project.
if we will try fully we can get them but Babooos in PAF die hard follower of F-16 and they cannot see anything beside F-16 even in their dreams..

as for Money, please go and tell this money BS to others.

these jets will not come overnight. it will take almost 4-6 years for full delivery.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and UAE are not in the best relationship. Saudi will not entertain in giving Pakistan any money for any defense project. Economically we are in worst situation....Pakistan is financially corrupt and almost bankrupt. We only have 3 to 6 months money left in the banks.
We barely have enough money for current defense projects. Where will the money come from for J-11/J-16? Pakistan rupees is 116 to 1 dollar and it might go up to 120 in 3 months if drastic steps are not take to control the corruption. Ask yourself are we in better financial situation today than we were in 2013? Will we be better in 2023?
i think block 3 is enough or we will upgrade rest of old blocks to block -3A or super thunder . but then we need new fighter
In this post, Here An interview by Air Commodore Khalid, it is mentioned JF-17 will likely have a block 4 and even a block 5. Once people have a good idea about what will be going in block 3 - and from various articles and threads here, I think people do now - then talking/discussing about possibilities for block 4 is not useless in my opinion.

But you can have your own opinion.

We shouldn't have all our eggs in one basket, we need to diversify with another series of aircraft bigger and better , designed on a blank sheet of paper from scratch with all the knowledge acquired from the JF17 project.
According to ACM Sohail Block 3 configuration has been finalized. Although that configuration has not been made public, information from various sources provides a reasonable idea/guess about it. Perhaps it is time to start thinking beyond that now. Start mind storming about requirements/wish-list as to what enhancements should be made /can be made for a block-4 of JF-17. Stuff that could not be achieved with block-3 for whatever reason.

What do you guys think? Please share your thoughts.

P.S. Please keep it real. No stealth JF-17 art work please. If lockheed didn't transform the F-16 into a stealth plane yet, PAC/CAC aren't doing it either.
No need, because of the following facts:

  1. All available technologies possible for Light weight fighter are expected to be incorporated directly or through pods in Blk3. So working on blk 4 will achieve nothing.
  2. Furthermore, unless we have working model of blk 3 we cannot identify its shortcomings so there is no point of working on blk 4 without knowing shortcomings in blk 3.
If PAF commits to buying another 100 birds, there will be a Block-4 and Block-5 too. Each block allocation is 50 birds. Each block comes with a notable upgrade in capability and ultimately all birds will be upgraded to the highest standard down the track. We cannot make a good judgment on Block-4 or 5 capabilities unless we see what they were able to pull off with the Block-3.
As they say in common language:

"Pind wasia nae tay milan vadhaiyan"
since block 3 design is finalized and its just that production is to be started with the selection of new gadgets, our engineering intellect should redirect their focus towards Gen. 5 fighters rather than block 4. To fill the numbers, we can always produce more block 3 planes. There won't be much difference between block 3 and 4 in my opinion. Major structural change in design will infact make it a new plane altogether. So better to focus on project Azm and go for Gen.5 planes which are the future and they will have all the tricks which block 3,4,5 ...X has.
Lets get to block 3 and have it rolled out first before dreaming about block 4 in all due respect !!
PAF will not induct more than 250 of JF-17 than how comes they even think about block 4?
PAF will not induct more than 250 of JF-17 than how comes they even think about block 4?
The JF-17 will be a backbone aircraft for the PAF for a very long time. The Block-1 aircraft are slated for extensive overhaul starting 2020 and eventually a Block-4/5 variant will have to replace them beyond that.
There is a interview with someone from PAF working in the JF-17 project stating the above. Will try to find it, Block-4/5 and beyond are confirmed.
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and UAE are not in the best relationship. Saudi will not entertain in giving Pakistan any money for any defense project. Economically we are in worst situation....Pakistan is financially corrupt and almost bankrupt. We only have 3 to 6 months money left in the banks.
We barely have enough money for current defense projects. Where will the money come from for J-11/J-16? Pakistan rupees is 116 to 1 dollar and it might go up to 120 in 3 months if drastic steps are not take to control the corruption. Ask yourself are we in better financial situation today than we were in 2013? Will we be better in 2023?
Sorry bro heard this doom and gloom since 1947
Pakistan is just fine and yes we have severe corruption but just fix your house and I will fix mine and if everyone just does their bit the nation will be great in a short time

My Block 4 Concept

View attachment 463341 View attachment 463342

With a bigger pilot cockpit , fit a Touch screen Large Display in cockpit



Any of these Super Large High resolutin Displays would be great with the bigger pilot cockpit for nice roomy Jet with Double Twin Engines
Very interesting concept. But putting a 2nd engine doesn't just mean adjustment to the fuselage. The wing area will also have to be increased to create greater lift for the additional mass. At this rate with a 2nd engine and fuselage weight no weapons will be carried. So basically they will have to redesign the whole aircraft
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