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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

What it means longer thicker Wingtip launcher ?
Will it be able to carry sd-10

I have seen this up and close and I do not see anything externally different the strengthening will be internal as outer wing of jf is pure aluminum while internal wing structure has steel reinforcement plus wing tank (green area)

compared to j-10 where it’s wing tanks goes all the way to the tip (Green area) but even j-10 outer pylon is not for heavier sd-10

to strengthen jf outer wing need to run steel spars /rib all the way to the wingtip or additional ribs/spars to strengthen it which were added but still aluminum based

may be they did that Ie add more strengthen spars/ribs

thicker pylons by itself will not address the load limitation Of underlying outer wing

anyway we will find out sooner or later

pl-10 is heavier than pl-5e , 105-110kg vs 85 kg and Sd-10 200 kg compared to aim-120 which is 156-165 kg range
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Specs of old version (2016). New version has different specs.

Progress on blk 3 continues despite covid-19.

Two notable structures in blk 3 PT, both colored in grey

Strengthened front flap

View attachment 624373

Longer, thicker wingtip hardpoint.

View attachment 624374

blk 1/2

View attachment 624378
i don't see any external differences. may be there are some internal ones i cannot see.

Please explain what u observed as an external difference.

What is the price of each JF-17 block III now to Pakistani?

Heard somewhere around $62 million per piece.
You mean $26 million....because the J-10C would cost Pakistan around $50 million max from off the shelf..
PAF needed Block-3 YESTERDAY. Time is the enemy since to tackle what is coming in the next few months Block-3 in large numbers is required URGENTLY. And what is coming in the next 6 to 12-months, it is not going to be pretty, just wait and see.
The concept to ponder over here, is that once the missile is launched, then what happens ?
The Tip of the wing, is furthest from the center of gravity, thus the largest moment.
Thus the need of computers to keep the craft stable during and after launch.

@messiach pointed out in one of her post that with the advent of triple axis FBW some of the technical impediments to carrying SD10 on the wingtips have been removed so it should be possible to do so.
Pardon, and proof for this second one already at PAK Kamra is? ... is he reliable anyway?

No proof of a second prototype in Kamra. But, according to an earlier Jane's report, Air Marshal Syed Noman Ali mentioned that a second Block III prototype will be conducting tests in May. Of course, this may have been delayed due to COVID-19.

PAC Kamra's newly appointed chairman, Air Marshal Syed Noman Ali, said a second Block III prototype will assist in May with the test and evaluation process.
URL: https://www.janes.com/article/94094...irst-12-jf-17b-combat-aircraft-in-near-future
PAF needed Block-3 YESTERDAY. Time is the enemy since to tackle what is coming in the next few months Block-3 in large numbers is required URGENTLY. And what is coming in the next 6 to 12-months, it is not going to be pretty, just wait and see.
While there is urgency I do not think it is dire. Events of the days past have shown us IAF will not venture into Pak air space without significant upgrades of its platforms. These upgrades will take 2-3 years
PAC should be allowed to test and integrate all the hardware and software and sort out the teething problems of the platform. Induction without this is dangerous and detrimental to the reputation of the platform. We will still replace a platform a year as the money for quicker replacement is just not there.

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