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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

WS10 incorp AL31/AL31-F1 core. Besides it carries FADEC parts of which are proprietry with Lylka Saturn.

I think we should end this discussion here since for the Block 3 it is irrelevant ... I replied in the J-10 thread.
he is a moderator and asking the right thing. This place is not for non-credible self promoting YT videos. Specially, most of the information is already discussed here. By allowing so, this place will turn into a YouTube click baiting video contest.
The Eagle:
I don't know how will you take this but sometimes environment turn into a school is not pleasant or good to ears. I know many here will disagree but most who keep their quite may.

On one side we say people have right to express their thoughts to share but on the other hand we have seen people snubbed.

It is also seen members with influencial presentation or fame are ignored.

But what i would say is when people are schooled by those who have knowledge bring value (although those schooled always react instead of looking into their own faults) because they add information and value to the young or new members.

And then there are those who add nothing more than figures. I have also seen people here who don't even know or differentiate between the credibility of the people and side with them thoughtlessly.

I am not a big mouth but i would say: knowledge never comes from book, books are delusional. It is the master who make books worthy to read. And it is by sitting at his two feet, knowledge is earned.
Why would we license produce SD-10s when we are procuring Pl-15s.... Most probably a slip of tongue.... Or you want to start the fuel in the green parts argument again lol.
You have got to start somewhere. You cannot get the big Agarbatti without getting a few small and medium sized ones. Savour the moment. It is still something to be proud of if confirmed.
You have got to start somewhere. You cannot get the big Agarbatti without getting a few small and medium sized ones. Savour the moment. It is still something to be proud of if confirmed.
Sir G !!!
If this was a proper articulated documentary, I would have agreed hundred percent with you. But this was a kind of a candid interview and the interviewee seemed a bit nervous at that specific time ... I just don't see the gain and if it were being produced here this would have been (will be ) somewhat of an achievement and something to celebrate not hide behind curtains.....
Moreover, I just don't want to gain false hope and be disappointed as was the case with the JF-17 block 3 specs ( specifically ground clearance and size increase )...
Alhamdulilah for what PAC has achieved upto now and Alhamdulilah for what it will achieve in the future.. rest seeing is believing in PAC's case.... God speed....
You have got to start somewhere. You cannot get the big Agarbatti without getting a few small and medium sized ones. Savour the moment. It is still something to be proud of if confirmed.
Nothing was confirmed. Probably just a gaffe from the pilot.
Sir G !!!
If this was a proper articulated documentary, I would have agreed hundred percent with you. But this was a kind of a candid interview and the interviewee seemed a bit nervous at that specific time ... I just don't see the gain and if it were being produced here this would have been (will be ) somewhat of an achievement and something to celebrate not hide behind curtains.....
Moreover, I just don't want to gain false hope and be disappointed as was the case with the JF-17 block 3 specs ( specifically ground clearance and size increase )...
Alhamdulilah for what PAC has achieved upto now and Alhamdulilah for what it will achieve in the future.. rest seeing is believing in PAC's case.... God speed....
When you look for the wrong things you will always be disappointed. The JFT Specs were always a bridge too far.
Anyways-there was chatter that AWC has started doing things inhouse on the sd10s and PL series. I see a lot of developments coming out of this if people are not afraid to experiment amd innovate a bit. So all in all a good news if true.
PS: the news was not censured so it is likely to be a sheikh Rasheed Ahmed style news.
Why so much secrecy around the cockpit?

PAF loves secrecy. In fact all of our forces do!
Sometimes it is completely logic defying level of secrecy for something that's not even special. Its like lakeer ki fakeeri level of secrecy. Doesn't even make sense but is religiously followed!
The Eagle:
I don't know how will you take this but sometimes environment turn into a school is not pleasant or good to ears. I know many here will disagree but most who keep their quite may.

On one side we say people have right to express their thoughts to share but on the other hand we have seen people snubbed.

It is also seen members with influencial presentation or fame are ignored.

But what i would say is when people are schooled by those who have knowledge bring value (although those schooled always react instead of looking into their own faults) because they add information and value to the young or new members.

And then there are those who add nothing more than figures. I have also seen people here who don't even know or differentiate between the credibility of the people and side with them thoughtlessly.

I am not a big mouth but i would say: knowledge never comes from book, books are delusional. It is the master who make books worthy to read. And it is by sitting at his two feet, knowledge is earned.

The issue is, questioning a person for his opinion and or for his title versus ignoring what's being said. Let's all discuss the matter instead of questioning someone's authority to post. Everyone can post. We will evaluate the content not the person. Why to get personal with someone being a mod at all. By the time we differentiate and understand that, many of ambiguities will vanish. There are some expressions that indeed doesn't makes any sense except for mocking someone or targeting in uncivilized manners.

The issue is, questioning a person for his opinion and or for his title versus ignoring what's being said. Let's all discuss the matter instead of questioning someone's authority to post. Everyone can post. We will evaluate the content not the person. Why to get personal with someone being a mod at all. By the time we differentiate and understand that, many of ambiguities will vanish. There are some expressions that indeed doesn't makes any sense except for mocking someone or targeting in uncivilized manners.


thank you for your reply.

problem is not who does what but who has credibility measured by knowledge, i tried to make it clear in my post, anyhow.
i just could not understand this criteria

i am sorry but that's me.

best regards to you for your efforts
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