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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

@Zarvan can we please avoid creating thread of similar topic that too based on a screenshot of a tweet? It is just scattering information all over the place.

On topic, let's see.
For the past couple of parades, ISPR was doing the recording. PTV was using ISPR's feed. I don't know for sure, but it looks like ISPR is contracting the recording work out to another studio or agency. They hit 720p last time, but I hope for 2022 they raise the budget so that we can get 1080p or 4K.
Possible agencies assigned to the task:
Go check the tenders. It’s dated December 10th and says Procurement of Components/Assemblies for Indigenous Manufacturing of Tank VT-4. Going by the list of items in the list, it suggests 70 Tanks. I will concede that most items listed are related to the gun but the title is not specific to guns.
And I’m telling you it’s just the guns. That’s why the tender is only related to guns.
No VT-4s are being produced or Assembled in Pakistan, all are being bought directly from China. HIT is producing AK-1 and Type 85. How do you expect HIT to produce VT4 without any new production lines or ToT?

We may see HIT produce some other technologies from VT-4 for use in the AK-2 in the near future, but the tanks are and will be directly bought from China, this is also corroborated by the many dozens of images and videos showing PAs VT-4s under construction in China and being delivered from China.
And I’m telling you it’s just the guns. That’s why the tender is only related to guns.
No VT-4s are being produced or Assembled in Pakistan, all are being bought directly from China. HIT is producing AK-1 and Type 85. How do you expect HIT to produce VT4 without any new production lines or ToT?

We may see HIT produce some other technologies from VT-4 for use in the AK-2 in the near future, but the tanks are and will be directly bought from China, this is also corroborated by the many dozens of images and videos showing PAs VT-4s under construction in China and being delivered from China.
So they are coming without the guns?
Not as bizarre as the F-16 blocks and versions. It is following the same pattern
The A stands for Alphas and they're for single seater aircraft.
The B stands for Bravos and they're for dual seater aircraft.
The C can't be also a single seater as A is already designated for those.

As far as blocks go for the JF-17 Thunders, they are Blocks 1, 2 and 3, not Blocks A, B and C.
So they are coming without the guns?
Should probably switch threads, but a tank gun is several parts. HIT only produces the gun barrels for VT4 AFAIK. This is because the standard Chinese barrels On the VT-4 are not front removable, while the Pakistani ones are. The breech in Pakistani VT-4s is likely the standard one for VT-4 and not the one used in AK. HIT may have made some design changes in order to incorporate the removable barrel into the VT-4 breech, which is what the “design and development of Indigenous gun barrel for VT4” in MODP yearbook may have been.

I’m unsure wether the barrels are being equipped once they are delivered to Pakistan or if Pakistan is making the barrels and sending them to China to be installed in the tanks, the first few deliveries came with barrels already installed from China.

Either way, the front removable barrel means that they can be easily and quickly replaced/equipped, the feature is mainly for ease of maintenance and repair.
@kursed @PanzerKiel

Correct me if I am wrong but the tweet seems to say that 8 units will be rolled out tomorrow.

Then, FTC will go through them and test them.

Then they will be inducted into the PAF.

That is, the handover isn't tomorrow. Only the rollout is.

tweet seems to say tested by FTC
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