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Hello. I have seen pictures. I didn't name your engine. I said it landed in water. have you seen fighter jets landing in water? Yes China uses firewall. Many information is hidden from outside world. I don't blame Chinese engines.
oh boy........... please stop wasting my time ........... notifications for this :disagree:

The unpredictability of the direction of launch is the most important part of a bomber strike.
Hello Sir. India is too big for us. They have this advantage of coming out from deep and strike us. Destroying nearby Indian bases and strategic places isn't enough for us. Long range bombers can be used. Yes our long range bombers can launch missiles from inside Pakistan or probably from nearby Indian territory but there is always risk attached with such a strike. Indians have placed many of their assets deep inside which is difficult to target. I understand your point.
oh boy........... please stop wasting my time ........... notifications for this :disagree:
Ok i have seen enough hateful replies. You guys are crazy. remember Chinese jets aren't battle tested. I will still prefer f-16. Even second hand f-15 could be useful. I understand that there is a huge fan base. China is everywhere. I like Chinese jets but why not the best jet? F-16s are pride of PAF and it will remain a pride.
Hello. I have seen pictures. I didn't name your engine. I said it landed in water. have you seen fighter jets landing in water? Yes China uses firewall. Many information is hidden from outside world. I don't blame Chinese engines.

Yes I'm fully aware you did not mention the engines either since you don't know or do not care anyway ... it fits your agenda and so its fine for you.

Also, yes, I've seen it and that crash was reported at several accounts, but you take a different variant and try to spin conclusions that aren't valid. Your statement connected to the latest J-10C based on this crash is simply wrong. That's it.
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Ok i have seen enough hateful replies. You guys are crazy. remember Chinese jets aren't battle tested. I will still prefer f-16. Even second hand f-15 could be useful. I understand that there is a huge fan base. China is everywhere. I like Chinese jets but why not the best jet? F-16s are pride of PAF and it will remain a pride.

In fact that is not the point. But if you want to argue, then do it based on facts ... so if you want to say, I have my doubts on Chinese engine reliability and prefer the F-16 anyway, then it's fine. But to take any random J-10AS crash which has no relation to the latest J-10C, which is under discussion for Pakistan and try to deduct, there are engine and maintenance issues and China hides anyway too much, it is not acceptable. At least you must accept being criticised. And now to tell, we are fan boys and immature kills even more your credibility.
Hello Sir. India is too big for us. They have this advantage of coming out from deep and strike us. Destroying nearby Indian bases and strategic places isn't enough for us. Long range bombers can be used. Yes our long range bombers can launch missiles from inside Pakistan or probably from nearby Indian territory but there is always risk attached with such a strike. Indians have placed many of their assets deep inside which is difficult to target. I understand your point.

Ok i have seen enough hateful replies. You guys are crazy. remember Chinese jets aren't battle tested. I will still prefer f-16. Even second hand f-15 could be useful. I understand that there is a huge fan base. China is everywhere. I like Chinese jets but why not the best jet? F-16s are pride of PAF and it will remain a pride.

So how do we get latest F16s? You gave one suggestion, that is begging, but what if begging doeant work? Should our COAS and PM cry on live TV and hold feet of biden? Or should we hold feet of modi? How low are u ready to fall for F16s? And what if they sell u F16 but not all armaments and withhold parts? Just want to see how deep ur delusion is.
By the way taiwan will have b70s in good numbers and chinese are not worried, what does that tell u abt chinese fighter jets?
I think if I may be allowed to bring the focus back on the debate, this is not a question about j10 vs F16.
Most of us know in the current environment getting newer F16s is well nigh impossible. More than the utility of the 16s it is the problems around acquisition and the fickleness of the US policy makers which is drawing this chapter to a close.
The other debate which I have also been a part of is the utility of J10. It does not matrer whether the engine is Chinese or Russian. The real question is does the J10 fulfill our needs and is it the right jet for us.
Ex CAS is on record saying he does not think J10 fulfills our needs simply because the cost benefit exercise does not favour it( for anyone who does not understand this it is infrastructure, setup, acquisition and training costs vs capability which the new platform brings to the table). We have all felt the J10 does not fulfill our needs as all the capabilities and armaments are there in the JFT. So if it is a question of capabilities why dont we increase the number/blocks of JFT?
This question alone is what I cannot answer satisfactorily and to be frank an open answer MAY point to some weakness/ restriction in JFT which is forcing PAF towards the J10.
Either way I suspect we will not get an answer and still be having this debate throughout 2022-23.
So how do we get latest F16s? You gave one suggestion, that is begging, but what if begging doeant work? Should our COAS and PM cry on live TV and hold feet of biden? Or should we hold feet of modi? How low are u ready to fall for F16s? And what if they sell u F16 but not all armaments and withhold parts? Just want to see how deep ur delusion is.
By the way taiwan will have b70s in good numbers and chinese are not worried, what does that tell u abt chinese fighter jets?

There are two variants of F-16V used by Taiwan -- the first of which merely updated radar/avionics on existing F-16 block 15 and the second are brand new airframes with upgraded engines. The latter has yet o be delivered to Taiwan. By Taiwanese media's own admission their F-16Vs have been bested in close range combat by J-11BS (radar lock and all), but that is to be expected since thrust to weight is much lower with older engines.

But I digress. Let's get back to topic.
Lastly we know that China time and time again has exported its top notch equipment (post decade) to pakistan. J20 is late 2010s technology at this point (most of it). Just my 2 cents :)

Sir, it takes decades for any technology to mature and become reliable. JF-17 too has taken its time, J-10 did the same. If China would be selling their top-notch technology the year that was made, that may be high on the scale of newness but would be low on the scale of trust and reliability. It is actually not bad that things mature before we procure.
There was no chance even if it was wired for it. Not enough volume available for either of these weapons. Under wing only.
Raad 2 is made for under wing carriage on Thunder.
They won't have charged the design so drastically if that wasn't the purpose.
Yes you did ... or now do you even want to lie?

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If I take strictly sentence by sentence they are already WRONG in both cases:

- J-10C has maintenance issues = from where do you get this? Nothing says this even not when related to the WS-10B engines
- They recently landed the jet in the water ... = plain wrong since it was a J-10AS with a different engine and different generation.

But if you put them together it at least assumes you would like to connect both since otherwise your post makes no sense at all:

- but that's even more wrong and the added part "China uses firewall to ..." is alos irrelevant since thsi crash was reported in the media.

So don't try to portray us more stupid than your claim was, simply admit you were proven wrong and stop insulting others as "fan boys" or being "hired you for marketing". Otherise we could also claim your were "hired you for spreading lies and fake news!" This at least would be correct since proven.

And now shut up with your lies.

you are pathetic liar caught with your pants down. Anybody real Pakistanis listening to your comment regards to J-10C or JF-17 need to get their head check or simply stop flying Pakistan flag.
yes i did. i have problem with my memory but i never made fun of your jet. Actually all i want from airforce is to select best. Now you gave me negative rating. This shows how bad it feels to you. You guys don't want anything against your machines but China has lost many jets of different types. I know you are doing marketing but everyone has the right to express themselves. Negative rating means more cry. hahaha. Yes i said j-10c. it's a mistake but i never said anything about engines or other stuff.

No, it only shows that you are a liar and even after proving that you were wrong, you were no saying "I'm sorry, I was wrong" but instead you started another round of stupid comments in the Y-20 section (@Beast can tell a story too). So after being warned and still not stopping with the BS, I gave you a negative rating.

So, maybe you learn for the next time to be a man and stand for what you've done and posted and in the end all that mess only shows, you have no spine. Get mature, learn and then come back.

you are pathetic liar caught with your pants down. Anybody real Pakistanis listening to your comment regards to J-10C or JF-17 need to get their head check or simply stop flying Pakistan flag.

I am not a liar. I forget it. Memory problem. i do accept j-10c mistake but i have said nothing on engines.
No, it only shows that you are a liar and even after proving that you were wrong, you were no saying "I'm sorry, I was wrong" but instead you started another round of stupid comments in the Y-20 section (@Beast can tell a story too). So after being warned and still not stopping with the BS, I gave you a negative rating.

So, maybe you learn for the next time to be a man and stand for what you've done and posted!
I take medicines. I don't remember everything but i have made a mistake and openly accepting it. Still Pakistan has right to select best jet. We are talking about Jet for PAF. I don't like maintenance record of j-10. Ok i said j-10. it's also medium weight. we need heavy weight.
Aren't you that same guy he was saying he wants to give his sisters and mother away to indian hindus?........... :disagree:
Raad 2 is made for under wing carriage on Thunder.
They won't have charged the design so drastically if that wasn't the purpose.
The post replied to was referring to the belly hardpoint
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