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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Hi Guys
As we keep on hearing that B-III will inherit some characteristics from J-20 are there any meager chances that B-III will have under belly weapons store apart from stealth coating?
Interesting, maybe Pakistan will get A-Darter. Either that or its for the NAF JF-17s maybe?


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On the positive side, Denel did say it is pursuing a number of opportunities around the world, including:

A-Darter missile integration on a South Asian air force’s JF-17 fighter fleet
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Interesting, maybe Pakistan will get A-Darter. Either that or its for the NAF JF-17s maybe?

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On the positive side, Denel did say it is pursuing a number of opportunities around the world, including:

A-Darter missile integration on a South Asian air force’s JF-17 fighter fleet
Long over due imo
if this is true then block 3 is truly a new airplane
rd93 ma will allow for 20% more endurance due to its thrust and fuel effiency
Also with more composites the Block III should be lighter, if not offset by the new upgrades, and therefore should have an even greater net benefit in TWR.
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Hi Guys
As we keep on hearing that B-III will inherit some characteristics from J-20 are there any meager chances that B-III will have under belly weapons store apart from stealth coating?

Please don't give indigestion to poor B3 by loading stores under belly as well. What will be next on your wish list, pilot have to carry few PL-15 on his shoulders too?
What’s the range of this missile ? I read by wiki 22km and on other pages just 10km .
Not just range, its sensors, and features are many years ahead of any IR guided missiles in service with PAF IIRC. This will be a huge advancement for JF-17 in WVR for sure if true, and Pakistan may get local production as well ideally considering Brazil reportedly scrapped serial production plans.

The range is likely 20km though at least according to many different sources.

The seeker's large look-angles and the airframe's agility enable high off-bore sight helmetdesignated firings. Long-range intercepts beyond IR detection range are also possible with the lock-on after launch capability of the A-Darter.
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A-Darter is a fantastic weapon, but we can expect Indians to have Python 5 and ASRAAM so this helps us maintain parity, does not give is an overwhelming advantage in WVR sphere. It is a shame it has not been integrated into F-16 yet, as it is a generation ahead of AIM-9L/M
Hi what are the chances of integrating RD93MA onto block 1 and 2s and Bravo's? Is there any plan to replace the engines with MA once they've completed their life cycle?
Also is it confirm that the there's a "20%" thrust increase? Or is this 20% is just speculation?
20% is based upon documents i read from engine manfacturer website
Stating that rd93 and all future versions will be based upon the Rd33 MK version which has thrust of 57kn
Or 15% higher then rd93
So my guess is between 15% dry thrust (49 to 57) increase and around 15% after burn increase(83 to 94)

However FADEC also bringing in improve efficiency and fuel consumption that will add to endurance

Rd33MK is still 15 yrs old engine
Long over due imo
I hope we somehow transfer whoever's left working on AAMs to AvRID. If it takes a 7-figure salary in USD wired to an account of their choice, I'd take it. That said, it seems the PAF has more latitude with HOBS AAM than BVR AAM because it's working on the HMD/S as a joint-venture with China. I think we'll have the 'access codes' (not sure if that's how optronics deployment works) for it and can integrate it to whatever want (unlike radars).
I hope we somehow transfer whoever's left working on AAMs to AvRID. If it takes a 7-figure salary in USD wired to an account of their choice, I'd take it. That said, it seems the PAF has more latitude with HOBS AAM than BVR AAM because it's working on the HMD/S as a joint-venture with China. I think we'll have the 'access codes' (not sure if that's how optronics deployment works) for it and can integrate it to whatever want (unlike radars).

Yes, I am sure making a WVR missile "talk" to a MDS is easier then a Radar/BVR integration in terms of computing. I am no expert though. Certainly it has not been a major problem for Israeli, European and US companies. It is also a hell of a lot easier for us to get the South Africans and Chinese to work and trust each other on this project than it say would be with Italy and China or UK and China
Do we need it considering LD10 does the same job. I understand the utility of different missiles for the purposes of satisfying client requirement but is there a comparison of the two which suggests one is better than the other


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