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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

5-6 years ago, @Tempest II shared a picture from Russian engine manufacturer of RD-93 which stated RD-93 MA will come in 2019 for FC-1 jet. If what kursed is mentioning, then most probably it would be RD-93 MA. So RD-93 MA would most probably be the plug and play for Block-3



Read the comments under quwa article hehehehe
Pakistan is going to get 36 Latest F-16 Jets & Upgrade Old F-16s
please dont post it here as itis irrelevant.. it is bogus news and thread was closed on it. thank you.

Your guess is as good or bad as mine. Somehow I don't think PAF will be going for a Chinese engine, if there is an engine change. But that is my opinion.
i concur, there was news earlier that upgraded RM-93MA was specifically being put together for jf-17 requirement. Would take a russian engine over chinese anytime; they have a long way to catchup still.
Pakistan is going to get 36 Latest F-16 Jets & Upgrade Old F-16s
Man, if you're quoting something you read here a few hours back, let me the first one to disappoint you by letting you know that that article is from 2006.

If there were a official F-16 deal in the fold, Pervez Musharaf, Chief Justice, IK, Malaysia, Turkey - would all take a backseat to that Breaking News.
@aliyusuf @JohnWick
Well, what I was told exactly a month back was that PAC is sticking with the Russian RD-93.

Although, they had thrown me off with a number of quires I had.

Example: One Engineer quoted as the First Test Flight within 02 Month. They did live up to that. But another Engineer said i'd take a Year (Sept/Oct 2020).

There was also that the JF-17 would not have a EW (Electronic Warfare) version.

So, as a number of guys have said, I suppose we all have to wait & see.

This on Developing Pakistan's facebook page

Pakistan had bought a $5.1 billion Military Sales Package from the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) in 2006, however, the deal didn’t go through completely due to the 2005 Earthquake, however, it is now going through with Pakistan set to get 36 F-16C/D Block 50/52 with modern APG-68(V)9 radars.

The package for new F-16s includes:

7 spare F100-PW-229 EEP engines
7 spare APG-68(V)9 radar sets
36 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
36 AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS radios with HAVE QUICK I/II
36 Conformal Fuel Tanks
36 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals
36 GPS and Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Systems
36 APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems
36 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites: ALQ-211 AIDEW without Digital Radio Frequency Memory (picked); or AN/ALQ-184 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-131 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-187 Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suites without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-178 Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suites without DRFM.
1 Unit Level Trainer

You new at this?

I thought that someone who created an account back in 2010 would've picked up on the Block 52. That was the dead give away.
@aliyusuf @JohnWick
Well, what I was told exactly a month back was that PAC is sticking with the Russian RD-93.

Although, they had thrown me off with a number of quires I had.

Example: One Engineer quoted as the First Test Flight within 02 Month. They did live up to that. But another Engineer said i'd take a Year (Sept/Oct 2020).

There was also that the JF-17 would not have a EW (Electronic Warfare) version.

So, as a number of guys have said, I suppose we all have to wait & see.


You new at this?

I thought that someone who created an account back in 2010 would've picked up on the Block 52. That was the dead give away.
ooh i see
@araz bro, can you answer this query?
From purely public sources we know block 3 work started around the same time block 2 came out. Assuming block 2 came out in '14 work to final structural designing and sealing of design took till the last ACM announced in his speech just before retirement. So roughly 4 years from start of work to completion and sealing of design plus 2 years to first prototype.
No one will be able to give you the money spent during the process as such info is never in public domain. I dont think anyone can give you an answer short of the accountant working out the costs and they sure wont talk.
One can say from pure speculation that the cost of block 3 would be around 35 million as compared to 25 million for block 2. Most of this increase would be for new hardware/software. Even if one multiplies the 10 million cost increase over 50 platforms, I would assume roughly 80,-85% of the cost to be newer hardware and 10-15% would be developmental. So a very wild guess would be between 50 to 75 million$. However as I said this is a wild speculation on my part and the costs could swing wildly both ways.
The problem is that with so many unknowns you can only shoot in the dark with a figure.

I am denying the fact the of any engine for Block-III but my emphasis was that no country will ever conduct a maiden flight or tests with uncertain or yet not decided Engine at all. In other words, if RD-93MA is selected then it means, there is no chance of failure of contract at all rather it is a done deal.
Absolutely. There is no reason to change engines and PAF will not do so. You just cannot take that huge a risk. Its like me wanting to put my Lexus's hybrid engine into my wife's old Honda Stream. WHY!!!!!!.

From purely public sources we know block 3 work started around the same time block 2 came out. Assuming block 2 came out in '14 work to final structural designing and sealing of design took till the last ACM announced in his speech just before retirement. So roughly 4 years from start of work to completion and sealing of design plus 2 years to first prototype.
No one will be able to give you the money spent during the process as such info is never in public domain. I dont think anyone can give you an answer short of the accountant working out the costs and they sure wont talk.
One can say from pure speculation that the cost of block 3 would be around 35 million as compared to 25 million for block 2. Most of this increase would be for new hardware/software. Even if one multiplies the 10 million cost increase over 50 platforms, I would assume roughly 80,-85% of the cost to be newer hardware and 10-15% would be developmental. So a very wild guess would be between 50 to 75 million$. However as I said this is a wild speculation on my part and the costs could swing wildly both ways.
The problem is that with so many unknowns you can only shoot in the dark with a figure.

Thank you, brother....

See the quoted text, bro @Indos
Is there any Pakistani here who knows how long JF 17 Block 3 have been developed until this day and also its development cost so far ?


I had answered that question years ago.

once one aircraft goes into service, the work has already started or will start on the next Blk.

the changes / upgrades will be made according to the flight results of the aircraft in service.

it is a total ongoing process and no stopping to it.

there will be a team that is already working on blk 4 parameters and design.
Why? This is a CATiC project. Why would they announce LSTs.

It has indeed flown, but PAF wants to keep it under the table.

CATIC as a matter of routine do'nt. This was the case with block1, announcement came months later.
There is no official nor non official Conformation ???? Correct I mean of maiden flight of block 3
Translated from Chinese to English...


As an excellent light fighter, the Phenom is based on the basic model and continuously updated technology. It has launched the Phenom Block II, two-seater Phenom and oil-receiving Phenom. The good news has recently come. Ⅲ has achieved mass production. The brand-new airborne radar is KLJ-7A active phased array radar, which makes Jilong's air-to-air detection distance up to 170 kilometers and the sea-to-sea detection distance to 200 ~ 220 kilometers, which is sufficient for the Indian Air Force. The threat will be the key to the success of the Pakistan Air Force. .


Compared with the F-16 fighter aircraft, Pakistan has established a production line of the Jiulong fighter aircraft. Even if there is damage in combat, it can be quickly replenished and repaired without the need to look at the United States and be restrained by it. From this perspective, the United States ban may not be a good thing. It can test the combat power of the Dragon Dragon fighters and increase their deployment to avoid being hit by a US card at a critical moment.
This may not matter in the long scheme of things. However, coming to the point ... I had a conversation with an officer who has in the past worked on JF17 project. I came out with the impression that a test flight did take place around the same time the news came out. I did not explicitly ask them about specifics because the setting did not allow for it and I did not want to be unnecessarily pokey in a matter of national security.

Edit: I am the cautious kind of patriot who would be ecstatic with the news but would exercise caution before anything else! I may come back to share exactly what led me to this assertion that a test flight took place once things are clearer. If it leads to more frustration, I am sorry. For now, this may just be another dot to connect with other dots for everyone eagerly awaiting the official word, just like me. Bless you all!
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