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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Are these same planes or is there any difference?

It has indeed flown, but PAF wants to keep it under the table.

Two under wing hard points are a welcome addition.

How do you know there are additional Pylons? All i can think of is the centerbody pylon will be free as it wont need to carry a SPJ Pod as it will have one intergrated as part of the avionics package of the plane, therefore allowing it to utilize all 7 pylons instead of 6 pylons+ one being taken up by SPJ
Even china let the world know first flight of J-20... What was so special in JF-17 block 3?? Why so secrecy??
The only reason why it makes sense to me for Chinese to keep the jet under wraps, for this long - is cos the engine on the new jet has been replaced with another Russian one. But the supply for these has not been secured yet. This was the issue, when JF-17 was first unveiled too.

It makes sense to avoid Indian pressure on Russia, until the supply chain and a fixed amount of engines has been secured first.
The only reason why it makes sense to me for Chinese to keep the jet under wraps, for this long - is cos the engine on the new jet has been replaced with another Russian one. But the supply for these has not been secured yet. This was the issue, when JF-17 was first unveiled too.

It makes sense to avoid Indian pressure on Russia, until the supply chain and a fixed amount of engines has been secured first.

Definitely the keeping away from eyes is to do with India relations. Somehow if India saw it they will do something. Something that Pakistan doesn't want. I think could be with their other deals and Tejas project timeline.
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