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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

As long as if there is nothing official, I rate these rumours esp. from such FB-sites and similar according Twitter-accounts as simpl fan-boy sites, which are popping up like mushrooms from time to time but always without any credibility.

Therefore - at least IMO - we should be very much careful - and shall not post them as facts but as a quote, which means it is an opinion ...
As long as if there is nothing official, I rate these rumours esp. from such FB-sites and similar according Twitter-accounts as simpl fan-boy sites, which are popping up like mushrooms from time to time but always without any credibility.

Therefore - at least IMO - we should be very much careful - and shall not post them as facts but as a quote, which means it is an opinion ...
Hey, he simply copy pasted tweet from Dafeng cao, your buddy
No news. As it stands, the Thales TopOwl-F is the only plausible option we can cleanly get off-the-market. If not the TopOwl-F, we'll wait for a Chinese or Turkish solution.

I don't think the PAF is desperate for WVRAAM cueing, but if so, then the hardware to make a Thales Scorpion-like solution is available through South Africa. It isn't modern, but it would allow for HOBS AAM usage if we really needed it soon.
if its soley a french supplier than forget about it
if its soley a french supplier than forget about it

Well no, the french have a history with pakistan, our subs, aircraft, even the original JF17 was planned to have a french radar and field MBDA Mica missiles. The french are reliable, they even provide parts of the fire control system for the Al-Khaled.

if its soley a french supplier than forget about it

Well no, the french have a history with pakistan, our subs, aircraft, even the original JF17 was planned to have a french radar and field MBDA Mica missiles. The french are reliable, they even provide parts of the fire control system for the Al-Khaled.
While not absolutely a necessity, if the JF-17 Block 3 features a HMD and the Addition of the PL-10E it can mitigate the limits in agility (+8/-3) and still maximize its lethality in the fleeting moments of an engagement. Combat may not remain limited to BVR or Radar based, IR spectrum engagements even at long ranges should be planned for in the coming age of stealth fighters, similar to the MICA two variants; RF and IR. For this reason an IRST should also be considered.

A HMD can also shorten the OODA loop, with increased sensor fusion and Artificial Intelligence.
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Well no, the french have a history with pakistan, our subs, aircraft, even the original JF17 was planned to have a french radar and field MBDA Mica missiles. The french are reliable, they even provide parts of the fire control system for the Al-Khaled.

Well no, the french have a history with pakistan, our subs, aircraft, even the original JF17 was planned to have a french radar and field MBDA Mica missiles. The french are reliable, they even provide parts of the fire control system for the Al-Khaled.
Key word is history...that too before the rafale..oh i hope you remember the thunder
No news. As it stands, the Thales TopOwl-F is the only plausible option we can cleanly get off-the-market. If not the TopOwl-F, we'll wait for a Chinese or Turkish solution.

I don't think the PAF is desperate for WVRAAM cueing, but if so, then the hardware to make a Thales Scorpion-like solution is available through South Africa. It isn't modern, but it would allow for HOBS AAM usage if we really needed it soon.
one question...... Is HMD confirmed?
one question...... Is HMD confirmed?

The JF-17 Block 3 enhancements will involve new avionics, including a helmet-mounted display and a holographic wide-angle head-up display, better electronic warfare systems with integrated self-protection kit, as well as a missile approach and warning system, an increased payload, and more sophisticated weapons like a fifth-generation short-range air-to-air missile. It will be the ultimate JF-17, and with an AESA radar will have the capability to employ longer-range weapons and track multiple aircraft.

The JF-17 Block 3 enhancements will involve new avionics, including a helmet-mounted display and a holographic wide-angle head-up display, better electronic warfare systems with integrated self-protection kit, as well as a missile approach and warning system, an increased payload, and more sophisticated weapons like a fifth-generation short-range air-to-air missile. It will be the ultimate JF-17, and with an AESA radar will have the capability to employ longer-range weapons and track multiple aircraft.


With so many upgrades, what about the engine?
What is the improvements in MA version?
Higher Thrust; ~20,500lb max thrust per Deagel (not sure how reliable that website is)

The engine is one area the JF-17 can keep on improving over the coming years. The goal should be the reach the level of the GE 414-EPE at 24,000 lb with super cruise ability. It will allow the JF-17 to carry heavier loads or even add Conformal fuel tanks with the additional weight compensated for by the higher thrust, therefore opening up more pylons for weapons or EW equipment; Decoy swarm pods, wing tip ESM pods, leading edge of wing ESM sensors as in the PAK-FA (so the plane can stay relevant in the coming decades against 5th Generation Fighters)

The future is controlling the EM spectrum (a stated USAF mission), and a better engine to power all the sensors is a must to stay relevant in Air Power
They still supply us with equiptment? Fcs for al khalid for example. Top owl for ah1z. Etc
Things that have minor consequences...and can be procured from multiple vendors
France is india ***ch these days..
Anything major will not be allowed unless india allows it..
1990s was different india was in deep in russia pocket and pakistan was sizeable market as compared to india
But india has since grown rapidly and pakistan has moved to the chinese camp

Thus anything which isnt a joint venture but purely a french equipement will not be sold to pakistan
For small arms and other stuff yeah ofcourse they will. But i think we shouldnt buy small stuff from them
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