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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

Things that have minor consequences...and can be procured from multiple vendors
France is india ***ch these days..
Anything major will not be allowed unless india allows it..
1990s was different india was in deep in russia pocket and pakistan was sizeable market as compared to india
But india has since grown rapidly and pakistan has moved to the chinese camp

Thus anything which isnt a joint venture but purely a french equipement will not be sold to pakistan
For small arms and other stuff yeah ofcourse they will. But i think we shouldnt buy small stuff from them

The topowl suite has been sold to pakistan recently though? it is equipped on our AH1Z, there will probably be no issues with willingness to supply and to support it down the line. HMD isnt a major component. It is the same way the Russians sell us the engines for the Thunder. The Indians may not like it however they cannot do anything about it.
The topowl suite has been sold to pakistan recently though? it is equipped on our AH1Z, there will probably be no issues with willingness to supply and to support it down the line. HMD isnt a major component. It is the same way the Russians sell us the engines for the Thunder. The Indians may not like it however they cannot do anything about it.
Sourced from USA...(unlikely we will get the ah1z)
Russians sold us rd93 as a surprise move and i believe china had role in it.

I hope i am wrong about this but france will upset india...

For reference france is the only country which actively block resolutions in UN for india not russia(as previously )
Sourced from USA...(unlikely we will get the ah1z)
Russians sold us rd93 as a surprise move and i believe china had role in it.

I hope i am wrong about this but france will upset india...

For reference france is the only country which actively block resolutions in UN for india not russia(as previously )

It is irrelevant whether we get it or not, it shows France's willingness to work with us. Also, the Russians now sell us the RD93 directly. Even then, the CEO of MBDA was in Pakistan for a visit with the Pak Navy, again, willingness from multinational European consortiums to work with us.
Info about Block-3 engine isn't public knowledge. However, it will feature widened intakes hinting a new engine is planned.

I would speculate its the RD-93MA.

Keep in mind that a WS-13 version is a dark horse which might be a surprise to many people.
The short coming in Rd engine is not wet thrust but dry 11000 dry vs western engine 12000-14000 dry range

If dry thrust increases its much better than wet, wet thrust anyway mean fuel gazzling and you are paying a price for it in terms of range and fuel

Lastly assuming , read on one report internal file is also increased in block 3 ?

Even if it’s by 200-500 kg that will be nice fuel fraction will reach close to .30 which is considered great anything below .25 is not optimal

No news yet on the 7th?? Assuming like last few time feb 2020 ceremony ??

seventh operational unit later this year.
Its not as simple as just sticking a higher thrust engine onto the plane.... you have to test, re-test and re-re-test whether the structural integrity of the aircraft is not impacted in anyway due to the higher load from the thrust.

Also higher thrust means the engine will require greater amount of fuel to burn, the combat radius of the jet will diminish if you just add a higher thrust engine without provisioning for greater fuel capacity.
You didn't say "Hi" and also forgot to add your double dashes.
MK is being very unusual these days,
Like extra generous, forgets Hi and i guess his dash key has died, needs a keyboard replacement.
Ohh, and most importantly, he is praising Thunder and siding with it:o::o::o:

And that means or is related to the Block 3?? You know, that English is the language demanded by this forum's owner, so please give a translation or at least a translated summary.
Buddy, just a stupid article from a non defense columnist. It states, Block 3 has taken first flight AS WELL AS inducted officially lol.

It also states that Pakistan will procure 3 more ‘thunders’ in 2020 by june.

While the official figures are around 12/13 (8B+2-3ABlock 3)

What is the problem with current engine :rolleyes::rolleyes:.

You guys have a habit of ordering your own items from menu to a waiter. This is not restaurant, it’s a jet fighter from reputed firms
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