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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

But Aso is not the only one that sucks

Here is another moronic right wing japanese, the mayor of Osaka, Toru Hashimoto who made this remarks which invited attacks and condemnations from around the world, including japanese custodian, USA


Credit: daniellesabai1.wordpress.com

Toru Hashimoto, Osaka Mayor, Says Forced Prostitution Of Asian Women During World War II Was Necessary


"Toru Hashimoto, the young, brash mayor of Osaka who is co-leader of an emerging conservative political party, also said that U.S. troops currently based in southern Japan should patronize the local sex industry more to help reduce rapes and other assaults.

Hashimoto told reporters on Monday that there wasn't clear evidence that the Japanese military had coerced women to become what are euphemistically called "comfort women" before and during World War II.

"To maintain discipline in the military, it must have been necessary at that time," Hashimoto said. "For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That's clear to anyone."

japan and their government now under their PM Shinzo Abe, there is a growing number of hawkish right wings and morons!
I suggest Vietnamese members read more books and history, or google independent Ryukyu kingdom how to become Okinawa as a part of EMPEROR OF JAPAN. Ur comments is the most useless in PDF. Senkaku belonged to Qing dynasty was taken by Japanese during Qing-Japan War, early the Ryukyu kingdom also taken by Japanese. But local Ryukyuan is not Japanese, u can check Ryukyu history records.

Okinawa is the Japanese name, her original name is Ryukyu. If u to visit Ryukyu(Okinawa), u could find and see Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King in Shuri Castle.



Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King is diplomacy evident for the relationship of two independent countries in the past, so China can not claim Okinawa was part of China.

for counter measures, Japan can claim all Islands in East China Sea belong to them, including Taiwan based on Man Qing - Japan peace agreement signed after First Sino - Japan war 1895 and Japan annexed Republic of Farmosa.
Ur Vietnam is nothing in last WWII just a slave country for Empire Japan, we Chinese got back lost lands including China North-East lands and TaiWan island from Japanese hands,also Chinese got our rightful place in United Nation. We'r the Winner of WWII, we have the Priority in U.N.

U can laugh, but except laugh still nothing in 21th century.
Are you sure!? :rolleyes:
Well Vietnamese chose Japanese as their friend in WWII, but EMPIRE OF JAPAN lost WWII. Vietnamese chose Russian as their firend in the Cold War, but Great S.U crashed. So i just wish China never follow such mistake again, understand how to choose a good and helpful friend country.

LOL... :azn:
LOL, We chose Allies, not EMPIRE OF JAPAN.
In Cold War, we chose SU in 1979, because you shake hand with USA in 1972, it's very clear, it's history.
too sad little m0**ey, your jap master is weaker day by day, and your first master China is regaining its strength, so you better behave nicely, otherwise another 1000 years of subjection will come soon, understand viets?
So sad and tired for me. I still waiting your weak@ss missile and tanks come here, kid. :lol:

if your veitcong propaganda says so then so be it, but you should know they will change that soon, as sooner they will become our lapdog again, or made in China agent orange will be instead of the American ones you lot had few years back,```no wonder viets are all looked kind of runtish mentally and physically``lol

Oh No, you were got so much melamine in your head. Somebody should get him to a doctor, quickly, or he will gone mad, pi$$ to everywhere and kill everybody in here ... :lol:
LOL...are you afraid of Japan? I have the feeling your boats are only good for harassment, for cutting our cables, capturing our fisher boats and demanding rasom like pirates and runing away. :lol:
No, we not afraid of Japan, China never afraid of Japan from Ming Dynasty to ROC, even in 1930s-1940s the weakness & darkness of China recent history Chinese still fought against Japanese.

Compare with Japanese, Chinese be good at showing our mercy and controlling our angry. Anyway if Japan become 2nd Nazi Germany and Japan military forces shoot first, China will first go to f@ck and i think Russia and Korea willing to stay together with us. 1.2billion Chinese ppl and 2million soldiers with us.
Nazi Germany (crimes aside) was a pinnacle of rapid scientific and technological development and several of its inventions and programs remain secret to date. Almost all the modern inventions in use today from consumer goods to militarily gadgets were stolen from Germany. Space programmed was entirely a vision of German scientist Von Braun! The allies could never persecute the Nazi's to maximum extent because they carried with them a technological and informational treasure trove which would otherwise have been lost.

By all measures, Nazi Germany is a subject which needs greater study with balance and objectivity rather than the media propaganda of hate against Hitler.

We must hate the Nazi because killed six million Jews has been the standard tow line since the end of WW2. If Nazi's were indeed such subhumans and backwards, then USSR and USA would not rob their technological secrets like modern day bandits and so many modern accomplishments would not have sweat and labour of German Nazi scientists in them.
Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King is diplomacy evident for the relationship of two independent countries in the past, so China can not claim Okinawa was part of China.

for counter measures, Japan can claim all Islands in East China Sea belong to them, including Taiwan based on Man Qing - Japan peace agreement signed after First Sino - Japan war 1895 and Japan annexed Republic of Farmosa.

China just support Ryukyu(Okinawa) independence !FREE RYUKYU






Lost WWII, the EMPIRE OF JAPAN must give up all oversea colony,islands, occupied lands back to original 4x Japan islands. The Okinawa temporarily handed over to Tokyo management.

To check
《the Potsdam Proclamation 》 by (United States, China, United Kingdom) A statement of terms for the Unconditional Surrender of Japan, July 26, 1945.

(8) The terms of the Cairo declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine.
China just support Ryukyu(Okinawa) independence !FREE RYUKYU

Lost WWII, the EMPIRE OF JAPAN must give up all oversea colony,islands, occupied lands back to original 4x Japan islands. The Okinawa temporarily handed over to Tokyo management.

To check 《the Potsdam Proclamation 》 by (United States, China, United Kingdom) A statement of terms for the Unconditional Surrender of Japan, July 26, 1945.

Base on your logic, Japan and USA can officially support independence of Republic of Farmosa Taiwan KMT, Manchuria, Tibetan, East Turkistan, Inner Mongolian; other than Wo Yue, Nan Yue, Min Yue, Kiang and Xiungno people ....
I suggest Vietnamese members read more books and history, or google independent Ryukyu kingdom how to become Okinawa as a part of EMPEROR OF JAPAN. Ur comments is the most useless in PDF. Senkaku belonged to Qing dynasty was taken by Japanese during Qing-Japan War, early the Ryukyu kingdom also taken by Japanese. But local Ryukyuan is not Japanese, u can check Ryukyu history records.

Okinawa is the Japanese name, her original name is Ryukyu. If u to visit Ryukyu(Okinawa), u could find and see Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King in Shuri Castle.

Okinawa is never a part of China. Many countries paid tributes to China in ancient times. Do you want to claim all of them belong to China? If you want to increase tension with Japan, surely, you can go ahead supporting the independent movement.

Don´t cry foul if Japan pays back by inviting the Dalai Lama.
Base on your logic, Japan and USA can officially support independence of Republic of Farmosa Taiwan KMT, Manchuria, Tibetan, East Turkistan, Inner Mongolian; other than Wo Yue, Nan Yue, Min Yue, Kiang and Xiungno people ....
LOL, why we create U.N after WWII, why America, Russia, China, Britain, France BIG FIVE as the permanent member states ? Coz we win the WWII, the loser of WWII no any rights. If Japan wanna challenge the new world rule after WWII pls prepare for WWIII.

Today world affairs close to last WWII results.
Okinawa is never a part of China. Many countries paid tributes to China in ancient times. Do you want to claim all of them belong to China? If you want to increase tension with Japan, surely, you can go ahead supporting the independent movement.

Don´t cry foul if Japan pays back by inviting the Dalai Lama.
Go ahead, we still support Ryukyu independent. If japanese have balls to admit Tibet as a independent country, just try. If Vietnamese have balls to admit Tibet as a independent country, also welcome to try.
Will American allow Japan or Germany to develop their own nuclear weapons and ICBM ?
NEVER ! Coz the loser of WWII no power and rights to start next WAR. Although between U.S , Russia, China, Britain, France has conflicts each other, at least we all knew never break today world rule or WWIII coming ...
Go ahead, we still support Ryukyu independent. If japanese have balls to admit Tibet as a independent country, just try. If Vietnamese have balls to admit Tibet as a independent country, also welcome to try.
LOL...we are not crazy enough to anger you, but Mr Abe....:smokin:

LOL, why we create U.N after WWII, why America, Russia, China, Britain, France BIG FIVE as the permanent member states ? Coz we win the WWII, the loser of WWII no any rights. If Japan wanna challenge the new world rule after WWII pls prepare for WWIII.

Today world affairs close to last WWII results.

China Maos was rebels in WW II, China KMT is follower, Japan defeated by Soviet and USA. Mao betrayed Soviet, USA used China like follower only.

Islands handed to Japan by USA.
China Maos was rebels in WW II, China KMT is follower, Japan defeated by Soviet and USA. Mao betrayed Soviet, USA used China like follower only.

Islands handed to Japan by USA.
Pls read 1945《the Potsdam Proclamation 》 again.
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