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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

Apparently Hitler got the Nazi symbol from a Hindu symbol? Can anyone confirm this?
Chinese = a bunch of idiotic cheap clowns who wannabe Nazi

See me Aryan, yo? :omghaha:


:) Obviously he is cosplayer...if you look at the background carefully
:) Obviously he is cosplayer...if you look at the background carefully
Try to wear that to an American wedding or walk like that on the streets of the U.S . Cosplay or not, you don't wear stuff like that
All this kind of discussion is useless. They have their position and interests, we have ours. We cannot stop them from doing what we don't want. If negotiation doesn't work, war comes. That's why big countries have large military forces and small countries kneel down before their master.

you want to kneel down before the big one !? Ok, you can do it, I can see, but your words not match the history.
Götterdämmerung;4591549 said:
LOL, stop embarrassing yourself! Viets are the most successful immigrants? Well, although Jews were not in a sense "immigrants" in Germany, I advice you to take a look at the list of German Nobel Laureats with jewish background and tell me how many Viets immigrants have made it to the list for Germany.
...says German press such as the state media Deutsche Welle (oder steht im dem berühmt berücksichtigtem Buch "Deutschland schafft sich ab" von Thilo Sarrazin). We never compare with the Jews, but rather with other immigrant groups, the Turks, Arabs, other Asian groups, etc...The Jews are the chosen people, no one comes close.

Weißt du, daß der Anteil der Vietnamesen, die das Gymnasium besuchen, sogar höher die der Deutschen ist. Wir gelten als die Preussen Asiens aufgrund unserer Disziplin und Ordnungsliebe. :partay:

Deutschland: Die schlauen Vietnamesen | Europa Aktuell - YouTube
Götterdämmerung;4591549 said:
In case you forgot, despite the tremendous success of the Jewish minority, it was exactly that success that made them the main target of Nazi ideology, so what makes you think that those neo-Nazis would spare you once Germany reverts back to Nazi ideology, since and your fellow Viets seem to have little problems with Japan emulating that said ideology?
every country has a good and a bad side. Germany had a dark side in her history, but it is long over. I think we should not over-react just because a politican says something silly.
you want to kneel down before the big one !? Ok, you can do it, I can see, but your words not match the history.

Maybe you should improve your reading. Is there any sentence in my post ever implying what you said?
Do you see who was in the picture? That was Wang Jingwei, the puppet traitor of China who defected to the japs. You use traitors of China to represent China stance during WWII???

During WWII, Chiang's KMT and Mao's CCP were two fronts that represented China, not Wang Jingwei's puppet organization. After WWII, all of those related to Wang Jingwei were either executed or jailed for long long time....

Just like other war criminals who were executed or jailed after WWII


Sino-German cooperation played a great role in Chinese history of the early and mid-20th century.


Sino-German cooperation until 1941 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Losers no need to be laughed and criticized by no winners.
Nazi uniform really outstanding and Wang Jingwei representing Kuomingtang as we can see in that photo.
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