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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

china nazi - Google Search

LOL, what a bunch of idiotic clowns:omghaha:

Who are these guies ??? And what are they doing ???
Any decent info will be welcomed. @Chinese-Dragon
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Japanese want to learn from Nazi Germany, let them be so that we can do the same thing like the Ally did to The Third Reich after WW2 to them.
I have not idea. But its definitely not support Hitler like many Indians or Vietnamese in here. That is for sure.

You have no idea till you decide to open your mouth sewer. Your comprehension skills always come form your rear side.
If you don't understand it STFU.

And why not quote the "many" indians who are supporting Hitler ??? And i really hope you know what many means wanabe Americanoooo
Hold your tongue, Chinese kid, don't need to barking like a dog, I'm asking about it because I feel curious ... :coffee:

Do nothing !
A nonsense pic no Hitler no "卐" no Nazi symbol, nobody knew what they saying and no any introduction. They just did as the same as he did ... U know sh!t about Nazi specially when Chinese against axis of evil (Nazi and EMPIRE OF JAPAN) in WWII, ur guys did nothing in last World War and no any records in last human history.


《Cairo Declaration》 by Governments of United States, China and United Kingdom

《Potsdam Declaration》 on July 26, 1945 by Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, and Chiang Kai-Shek which outlined the terms of surrender for Japan as agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference.

《Charter Of the United Nations》 by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, United States and by a majority of the other signatory states.

Chinese fought against Nazi, any country which plan to follow Nazi will be enemy for China.
here is the correct "Hitlergruß" for someone who wants to copy


Der Hitlergruß im Volksgerichtshof mit Präsident Roland Freisler (M) vor dem Hakenkreuz
Do nothing !
A nonsense pic no Hitler no "卐" no Nazi symbol, nobody knew what they saying and no any introduction. They just did as the same as he did ... U know sh!t about Nazi specially when Chinese against axis of evil (Nazi and EMPIRE OF JAPAN) in WWII, ur guys did nothing in last World War and no any records in last human history.

Chinese fought against Nazi, any country which plan to follow Nazi will be enemy for China.
LOL, I see, you are "angry bird" now, cnleio :lol:
I said that I asking about that pic, because I feel curious, ok :coffee:
And the kid response with his shjt:
have those people in the pic started a war of world scale? have they initiated a genocide on any people on earth? you unscrupulous vietcongs are pathetic seeing a pic to start a name calling campaign of libel on Chinese of "Nazi this Nazi that"!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...-govt-learn-nazi-germany-8.html#ixzz2aoFh7Z7f
So He got my response as his deserved, ok :coffee:
I did not step in "Chinese nazi shjt war" or something like that, my response give to any post is related with Vietnam or for my personal interest ...
All this kind of discussion is useless. They have their position and interests, we have ours. We cannot stop them from doing what we don't want. If negotiation doesn't work, war comes. That's why big countries have large military forces and small countries kneel down before their master.
Nazi Germany (crimes aside) was a pinnacle of rapid scientific and technological development and several of its inventions and programs remain secret to date. Almost all the modern inventions in use today from consumer goods to militarily gadgets were stolen from Germany. Space programmed was entirely a vision of German scientist Von Braun! The allies could never persecute the Nazi's to maximum extent because they carried with them a technological and informational treasure trove which would otherwise have been lost.

By all measures, Nazi Germany is a subject which needs greater study with balance and objectivity rather than the media propaganda of hate against Hitler.

We must hate the Nazi because killed six million Jews has been the standard tow line since the end of WW2. If Nazi's were indeed such subhumans and backwards, then USSR and USA would not rob their technological secrets like modern day bandits and so many modern accomplishments would not have sweat and labour of German Nazi scientists in them.

The Nazis were only 12 years in power, all those great scientists were either educated and formed in the Kaiserreich or in the Weimar Republic. Take a look at the list of Nobel laureats pre-1933. We dominated by far in all scientific fields already. If anything, it was Hitler with his racist ideology who caused a brain drain in our nation. People who were either jewish (e.g. Einstein) or ideologically at odd with Nazis (Thomas Mann) emigrated to the US.

So give me a break with Hitler making Germany strong and what not!

Spare me your hypocrisy. Every non-German can see that Germany's industrial and military technologies broke through during the Nazi-era; there is nothing to be ashame about that. Yet, when an Indian member gave u that in-your-face fact, you scream at them for being a Nazi's lover. You don't do that same to the Chinese because what? You have problems with the Indian or because the Chinese served the Nazi in the past and now running wild with Nazi uniforms and salutes? How funny can it get for a Germany to criticize others about "morality".

Bismarck put you guys together on the map, Hitler put you guys on the map..world map.

See above post and stop teaching a me my country's history, it only makes you look retarded!
you have drawn a weird conclusion. As German you may know the Viets are the most successful immigrant group. The days East Germans rasicts laughed at us are long over. Nowadays you are more concerned by muslim minorities such as Turks and Arabs.

LOL, stop embarrassing yourself! Viets are the most successful immigrants? Well, although Jews were not in a sense "immigrants" in Germany, I advice you to take a look at the list of German Nobel Laureats with jewish background and tell me how many Viets immigrants have made it to the list for Germany.

In case you forgot, despite the tremendous success of the Jewish minority, it was exactly that success that made them the main target of Nazi ideology, so what makes you think that those neo-Nazis would spare you once Germany reverts back to Nazi ideology, since and your fellow Viets seem to have little problems with Japan emulating that said ideology?
Götterdämmerung;4591526 said:
The Nazis were only 12 years in power, all those great scientists were either educated and formed in the Kaiserreich or in the Weimar Republic. Take a look at the list of Nobel laureats pre-1933. We dominated by far in all scientific fields already. If anything, it was Hitler with his racist ideology who caused a brain drain in our nation. People who were either jewish (e.g. Einstein) or ideologically at odd with Nazis (Thomas Mann) emigrated to the US.

So give me a break with Hitler making Germany strong and what not!

See above post and stop teaching a me my country's history, it only makes you look retarded!

The Wiemar Republic, in my opinion, is a professor planting a tree with full of apples.
As for Nazi Germany, is a mad man cut down the tree, made steels as weapons from the wood and use them to punch his neighbor and grabbed their resources.
I have not idea. But its definitely not support Hitler like many Indians or Vietnamese in here. That is for sure.
Chinese = a bunch of idiotic cheap clowns who wannabe Nazi

See me Aryan, yo? :omghaha:

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