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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

This....from a pathetic country that served the Nazi past and running around with Nazi uniforms nowaday is calling others as Nazi's lovers:omghaha:

china nazi - Google Search
Let me tell u what's WWII cosplay, kid. And do u really read u provided pix before, i knew some pix with Nazy uniform from Japan cosplay and 1st pic is the 'White-Nazi' right-wing organization
from Mongolia, only one pic from last Chinese wedding with SS uniform.

So i think u just a Vietnamese troller with low education.









I'm appalled by Indians and Vietnamese adoration of Hitler. Do these guys think they are in PDF or Stormfront. I can guarantee that Indians and Vietnamese would not be welcome in Stormfront. As matter in fact, if Vietnamese or Indians attended a lynching party in the 1920s, guess what will happen.
are you nuts? who of us adores Hitler and his mass murdering gang?
Can you tell me who supported the genocide in Cambodia?
Ur Vietnam is nothing in last WWII just a slave country for Empire Japan, we Chinese got back lost lands including China North-East lands and TaiWan island from Japanese hands,also Chinese got our rightful place in United Nation. We'r the Winner of WWII, we have the Priority in U.N.

U can laugh, but except laugh still nothing in 21th century.
ha ha ha...what a pathetic country, China. You are the one who invaded, attacked and continues intimidate Vietnam since we founded an indepedent nation. Even during the first and second Indochina wars, your goal was to keep Vietnam weak and devided.

At least, Imperial Japan supported the re-unification of Vietnam.
The Chinese are the most worshippers of Nazi from PDF to Stormfront yet you never criticize them one post; always picking on the Indian, I wonder why?:lol: Give me a break yo, go to Taiwan and see how Chinese adore the Nazi over there.

Give the rest us here a break, not just the Indian when stating the truth about the Nazis. Every non-German can see that the Nazi put Germany on the world map the same thing as Genghis Khan put Mongolia on the map.

Since I'm not in Stormfront, how should I ever be able to criticise members in that forum? Are you stupdi? Show me a thread in this forum where I participate and don't criticise a member regardless of his/her nationality if that person sympathises with Nazi ideology! Do it!

Now it gets funny, A Viet teaching a German about German history. There was another Vietnamese who wrote broken German and tried to teach me German. :lol:

Excuse me, Bismarck put us on the world map. Hitler put us to shame.
ha ha ha...what a pathetic country, China. You are the one who invaded, attacked and continues intimidate Vietnam since we founded an indepedent nation. Even during the first and second Indochina wars, your goal was to keep Vietnam weak and devided.

At least, Imperial Japan supported the re-unification of Vietnam.
Well Vietnamese chose Japanese as their friend in WWII, but EMPIRE OF JAPAN lost WWII. Vietnamese chose Russian as their firend in the Cold War, but Great S.U crashed. So i just wish China never follow such mistake again, understand how to choose a good and helpful friend country.

LOL... :azn:
Well Vietnamese chose Japanese as their friend in WWII, but EMPIRE OF JAPAN lost WWII. Vietnamese chose Russian as their firend in the Cold War, but Great S.U crashed. So i just wish China never follow such mistake again, understand how to choose a good and helpful friend country.

LOL... :azn:
As once a British diplomate said: "we don´t have permanent friends, just permanent interests". In East Asia, only Japan is capable to challenge Chinese hegemony. Why should we hesitate to make friend with them?

Mr Abe said recently he wants to fullfil the mission. Do you understand what he has in mind?
History sees great powers rising and falling. That applies to everyone, including Imperial Japan, Soviet Union, and Imperial China.
As once a British diplomate said: "we don´t have permanent friends, just permanent interests". In East Asia, only Japan is capable to challenge Chinese hegemony. Why should we hesitate to make friend with them?

Mr Abe said recently he wants to fullfil the mission. Do you understand what he has in mind?
History sees great powers rising and falling. That applies to everyone, including Imperial Japan, Soviet Union, and Imperial China.
Before fullfil his mission, he need to meet China, Russia and Korea. Today is not one hundred years ago, today Japan is not the EMPIRE OF JAPAN, today the World changed.
Before fullfil his mission, he need to meet China, Russia and Korea. Today is not one hundred years ago, today Japan is not the EMPIRE OF JAPAN, today the World changed.

When EMPEROR OF CHINA claim Senkaku and Okinawa, there is time for EMPEROR OF JAPAN should appear again and he meet China first.
When EMPEROR OF CHINA claim Senkaku and Okinawa, there is time for EMPEROR OF JAPAN should appear again and he meet China first.
I suggest Vietnamese members read more books and history, or google independent Ryukyu kingdom how to become Okinawa as a part of EMPEROR OF JAPAN. Ur comments is the most useless in PDF. Senkaku belonged to Qing dynasty was taken by Japanese during Qing-Japan War, early the Ryukyu kingdom also taken by Japanese. But local Ryukyuan is not Japanese, u can check Ryukyu history records.

Okinawa is the Japanese name, her original name is Ryukyu. If u to visit Ryukyu(Okinawa), u could find and see Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King in Shuri Castle.

People in this forum can't even express their opinions without being grossly misinterpreted starting an unnecessary flame war

where the hell did me or any Indian or Vietnamese ever endorsed racist policy of nazis I just said that Nazis did really a great job in upliftnment of their country from the terrible state it was in when they came to power
What's wrong in that?

See, he didn't say he condoned the massacre of Jews.

I for once, while condemn the killing of innocent Jews but appreciate the way Adolf Hitler transformed Germany into a superpower in just 4-5 years.

From a country that was begging for coal in its own territory from French troops, Germany went ahead to conquer not only its own land but also everything else around them.

In 12 years, the Third Reich made more inventions than what India has done in last 65 years.

There are good and bad sides of everything.

The bad side was that Hitler went crazy and tried to exterminate an entire community through heartless ways which is very wrong.

But the good side is that he was the finest administrator known for his country, who proved his love for his country by making it into a superpower (although he went overboard attacking everyone altogether, which is against wrong).
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