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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany

Will American allow Japan or Germany to develop their own nuclear weapons and ICBM ?
NEVER ! Coz the loser of WWII no power and rights to start next WAR. Although between U.S , Russia, China, Britain, France has conflicts each other, at least we all knew never break today world rule or WWIII coming ...

Because USA and European countries know the day German and Japan have nuclear weapon is the day that we get WWIII
Because USA and European countries know the day German and Japan have nuclear weapon is the day that we get WWIII
Correct ! I mean at least U.S, Russia, China, Britain, France try our best to keep today world rule of PEACE Time(relative PEACE). And we can see today it's very hard for any country to destroy U.S , Russia, China coz they own big lands and huge ppl but nuclear weapons could easy killing millions of ppl at one moment.

So if any country start War and quickly become nuke War, then WWIII coming i absolutely believe it will be more bloody and deadly than WWII.

Without restrictions, I believe the Japanese has enough power to develop their own nuclear weapons(Germany also can), and i no doubt Japanese will use it in tomorrow War without hesitation.
Japan was reported in December 1995 to have 4.7 tons of plutonium, enough for around 700 nuclear warheads, and it has three-stage solid fuel rockets, similar in design to the U.S. LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM.

Earlier, Shinzo Abe had said that Japan's constitution did not necessarily ban possession of nuclear weapons, so long as they were kept at a minimum and were tactical weapons, and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda had expressed a similar view.[27]

(source wiki)
Pls read 1945《the Potsdam Proclamation 》 again.

Not to be so cunning kid, Japan can choice good date for them, like 1895 peace agreement with Man Qing to reconsider the hístory with China,

If China continue such provocative actions on sea against Japan all China's neighbors, its right time to Japan to change his laws and regulations to permit Japan launches his attack first and develop nuke for defense.
Chinese king sent gifts to Ryukyu King is diplomacy evident for the relationship of two independent countries in the past, so China can not claim Okinawa was part of China.

for counter measures, Japan can claim all Islands in East China Sea belong to them, including Taiwan based on Man Qing - Japan peace agreement signed after First Sino - Japan war 1895 and Japan annexed Republic of Farmosa.

By your logic, than China can claim Vietnam. As China was in control of Vietnam a thousand of years ago.

So this would be your logic if apply against Vietnam, not mine.
Not to be so cunning kid, Japan can choice good date for them, like 1895 peace agreement with Man Qing to reconsider the hístory with China,

If China continue such provocative actions on sea against Japan all China's neighbors, its right time to Japan to change his laws and regulations to permit Japan launches his attack first and develop nuke for defense.
The stupid commet i ever read before. All Japan's neighbors dislike Japan due to they did in WWII and attitudes to WWII, maybe only Vietname in Asia welcome the armed Japan. Russian like Japan? Korean like Japan? Chinese like Japan? Malaysian like the armed Japan? Indonesian like the armed Japan? Singaporean like the armed Japan ? American like the armed Japan ?

its right time to Japan to change his laws and regulations to permit Japan launches his attack first and develop nuke for defense.
HAHA ... This Nazi Japan country might get other nukes from Russia and China, even U.S won't let it happen. Does American forget Pearl Harbour ? Doese Japanese forget Nuked twice by American in WWII ?

If Japan and America not forget their pains in WWII, so no way to allow Japanese develop nuke. At least China and Russia won't stay outside.
Götterdämmerung;4586724 said:
Since I'm not in Stormfront, how should I ever be able to criticise members in that forum? Are you stupdi? Show me a thread in this forum where I participate and don't criticise a member regardless of his/her nationality if that person sympathises with Nazi ideology! Do it!

Now it gets funny, A Viet teaching a German about German history. There was another Vietnamese who wrote broken German and tried to teach me German. :lol:

Excuse me, Bismarck put us on the world map. Hitler put us to shame.
Spare me your hypocrisy. Every non-German can see that Germany's industrial and military technologies broke through during the Nazi-era; there is nothing to be ashame about that. Yet, when an Indian member gave u that in-your-face fact, you scream at them for being a Nazi's lover. You don't do that same to the Chinese because what? You have problems with the Indian or because the Chinese served the Nazi in the past and now running wild with Nazi uniforms and salutes? How funny can it get for a Germany to criticize others about "morality".

Bismarck put you guys together on the map, Hitler put you guys on the map..world map.
What's wrong in that?

See, he didn't say he condoned the massacre of Jews.

I for once, while condemn the killing of innocent Jews but appreciate the way Adolf Hitler transformed Germany into a superpower in just 4-5 years.

From a country that was begging for coal in its own territory from French troops, Germany went ahead to conquer not only its own land but also everything else around them.

In 12 years, the Third Reich made more inventions than what India has done in last 65 years.

There are good and bad sides of everything.

The bad side was that Hitler went crazy and tried to exterminate an entire community through heartless ways which is very wrong.

But the good side is that he was the finest administrator known for his country, who proved his love for his country by making it into a superpower (although he went overboard attacking everyone altogether, which is against wrong).

This kind of comment would be popular in Stormfront. But you would be rejected as their member for being a Chini looking Indian.

Spare me your hypocrisy. Every non-German can see that Germany's industrial and military technologies broke through during the Nazi-era; there is nothing to be ashame about that. Yet, when an Indian member gave u that in-your-face fact, you scream at them for being a Nazi's lover. You don't do that same to the Chinese because what? You have problems with the Indian or because the Chinese served the Nazi in the past and now running wild with Nazi uniforms and salutes? How funny can it get for a Germany to criticize others about "morality".

Bismarck put you guys together on the map, Hitler put you guys on the map..world map.

Why do your Vietcong adore Hitler so much. I don't get why so many Indians and Vietnamese praise him in this forum and talk about his achievement when he did a lot worse things. Also, Hilter made Germany smaller and lost the traditional German land in East Prussia. Bismark united the German states.
Spare me your hypocrisy. Every non-German can see that Germany's industrial and military technologies broke through during the Nazi-era; there is nothing to be ashame about that. Yet, when an Indian member gave u that in-your-face fact, you scream at them for being a Nazi's lover. You don't do that same to the Chinese because what? You have problems with the Indian or because the Chinese served the Nazi in the past and now running wild with Nazi uniforms and salutes? How funny can it get for a Germany to criticize others about "morality".

Bismarck put you guys together on the map, Hitler put you guys on the map..world map.

Tell that to the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Since you seem to live in the US, tell that to your political representative as well. You might have a Jewish friend, neighbour or colleague, tell them how great Hitler was and what great services he did to Germany and to them.
Why do your Vietcong adore Hitler so much. I don't get why so many Indians and Vietnamese praise him in this forum and talk about his achievement when he did a lot worse things. Also, Hilter made Germany smaller and lost the traditional German land in East Prussia. Bismark united the German states.
Have you got problem to understand cleartext english, you dumb a@s Taiwanese? Read again! who adores the German genocide? nobody of us.
The stupid commet i ever read before. All Japan's neighbors dislike Japan due to they did in WWII and attitudes to WWII, maybe only Vietname in Asia welcome the armed Japan. Russian like Japan? Korean like Japan? Chinese like Japan? Malaysian like the armed Japan? Indonesian like the armed Japan? Singaporean like the armed Japan ? American like the armed Japan ?
The Philippines welcomes rearming of Japan. Vietnam does not say it in public, but no one of us is against the idea of a strong Japan to stop greedy China.
Philippines backs rearming of Japan - FT.com

HAHA ... This Nazi Japan country might get other nukes from Russia and China, even U.S won't let it happen. Does American forget Pearl Harbour ? Doese Japanese forget Nuked twice by American in WWII ?

If Japan and America not forget their pains in WWII, so no way to allow Japanese develop nuke. At least China and Russia won't stay outside.
This time is different, dude. Germany was a foe, now a ally in the US-led NATO.
The Philippines welcomes rearming of Japan. Vietnam does not say it in public, but no one of us is against the idea of a strong Japan to stop greedy China.
Philippines backs rearming of Japan - FT.com
Okay Japanese get Vietnam and Philippines as helpers, Good Luck for them :azn:

This time is different, dude. Germany was a foe, now a ally in the US-led NATO.
Im talking Japan.
Well ally in the US-led organization is not as the same as developing their own nuclear weapons.In the future who's the BOSS, American or the country which owning enough nukes & ICBMs in his hands ?

I just say the nuclear weapons & ICBMs could break curret world rule even end the advantages of U.S.A by third country. American never let it happen.
Have you got problem to understand cleartext english, you dumb a@s Taiwanese? Read again! who adores the German genocide? nobody of us.

Read post #79. And I'm not talking about genocide. Its the talk of Hitler's achievement that make it similar to Stormfront contributors.
This time is different, dude. Germany was a foe, now a ally in the US-led NATO.

Since we are allies, it shouldn't be a problem to go back to Nazi, ideology, ay? You as a Viet (or Vietji as East German racists call you guys) should be the first to get kicked out in our pure blooded Germany, right?
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