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Japan Times : Another view of China’s strategy

Did you ask yourself why did Japan have to invade China?

You Chinese are a curse to East Asia. You don't care about unity. You can go to hell.

Little Wa pirates from little Japan have always harboured delusions of one day occupying the mainland because their tiny islands are constantly under the threat of being torn apart by the forces of mother nature. Through out their history they come accross and land in little Korea but its always the Chinese that throws them back.

BTW, without Chinese cultural enlightenment the tiny Wa pirate munchkins were nothing but hairy midgets who subsisted on acorns and fermented fish.
You mean the Qing dynasty? That is why Qing being overthrown.

But whatever how bad the situation of China at the late period of Qing dynasty. They did huge contribution at the early and middle period. They did very well defending almost all China territory from colonialism until Qing collapse.

After the Opium Wars, things changed in East Asia.

One needs to judge Japan's actions within the context of that period. Out of all that happened, Japan came out as the only victim.

Today, East Asians are considered above the Africans because of Japan's leading role in the resistance against colonialism. Otherwise, all the East Asians would still be treated worst than how a Nigerian is treated. This is reality.

Japan's sacrifices stooped East Asia from being another Africa.

You mean the Qing dynasty? That is why Qing being overthrown.

But whatever how bad the situation of China at the late period of Qing dynasty. They did huge contribution at the early and middle period. They did very well defending almost all China territory from colonialism until Qing collapse.

After the Opium Wars, things changed in East Asia.

One needs to judge Japan's actions within the context of that period. Out of all that happened, Japan came out as the only victim.

Today, East Asians are considered above the Africans because of Japan's leading role in the resistance against colonialism. Otherwise, all the East Asians would still be treated worst than how a Nigerian is treated. This is reality.

Japan's sacrifices stooped East Asia from being another Africa.
Japan's sacrifices stooped East Asia from being another Africa.

Why are you going off topic?

Your commie govt brainwashed you, it instilled hatred and fear for the Japanese into your minds. You are not logical. Do you think war is just like playing in a Peking Opera?

Wars involve interests, sacrifices, blood, life or death... Japan sacrificed itself to save entire East Asia. It will written be in golden color in the history of mankind.

Blatant disregard of the atrocities that the japanese has committed
They imperial japanese are war criminals
You should be ashamed of yourself praising the mass murderers, torturers, rapists and arsonists!

Case reported!
After the Opium Wars, things changed in East Asia.

One needs to judge Japan's actions within the context of that period. Out of all that happened, Japan came out as the only victim.

Today, East Asians are considered above the Africans because of Japan's leading role in the resistance against colonialism. Otherwise, all the East Asians would still be treated worst than how a Nigerian is treated. This is reality.

The problem was in the bureaucratic. It's like the root of a tree, when the root is sick, the entire tree will be broken. When the government culture is broken, it will affect the entire country.

Actually Qing dynasty was not suppose to be the loser side in Opium War. A lot of very selfish officials at the time.

East Asian before 19th century was very respected people at the time. The collapse of the Qing and the rise of Eurocentric movement in Europe, make Chinese people bad. Japan just gained good reputation at early 20th century.

Well, Europeans at the time look down to any non-European, including Indians too. For Chinese, they had a big hatred, because we were not colonized.

Japan's sacrifices stooped East Asia from being another Africa.

Actually, a lot of Taiwanese thought that too. But the reality is like the story of National Taiwan University, a university built by Imperial Japan. Japanese gift to Taiwanese...but the reality, it was a university for Japanese only and some little pro-Japan Taiwanese elites.

In the economy, it believed that Japan contributed a lot to Taiwan and Taiwanese people. Like Taiwanese economy success during Japan period. But in reality, Imperial Japan didn't support them, even discriminate them against Japanese businessmen. It was their own hardworking won over the discrimination.

Yeah, there are a lot of ignorant people in Taiwan. So does many of them have a lot of ignorance toward mainland China.
Indians praising Japanese in World War 2 as Saviors lol. Man I've seen low but Indians take it too a whole new level. May their crap infested country forever stay in the stone age looking at their superiors with hate and bitterness.

Maybe when Japs take over India and kill a few million they'll willing give them all their women as gifts. I mean its a golden age when a enlightened country uplifts a more poor than Africa India. Saviors I would call them

Indian, not Indians. Rest of us disagree with him.
Forgive them, they have nothing to be proud of from their own country.

But they are proud of being able to speak a foreign language called English and brag about a foreign game they love called Cricket.

HAHA... next time it's a good reason for China to help Maoist in India.

The British back then helped India a lot or else she would be nothing today and yet Indians keep complaining about British Imperialism.
I really do not think the so-called prolonged stay will collapse Mao. If Mao has the ability to kick the way more stronger U.S.-led U.N. force back to 38th line, he could handle india easily.

He just did not want to create such a divisive break-up among the third world since his main enemy is the first world.

Said the leader of a country that couldn't even move out of a tiny island. :rolleyes:

Oh BTW, do use your mind on why he was trying to instigate Mao.

If Mao had held supply lines through Arunachal then, his newly won revolutionary army would have been pushed to the brink by the terrible terrain here then. Chiang just wanted the PLA to bleed enough for them to fall weak and withdraw and while PLA retreated, Nationalists would have attempted to take over.

Opportunity, opportunity.

If you think Mao was being noble by 'giving away', he saved his own regime from collapsing as a result of prolonged stay in AP.

Giving away? Shek won't have lasted even half the battle with that tiny Taiwanese military without US backing.
Japan sided with Russia and all the other western coutries in the Eight Nation Alliance against China during the Boxer Rebellion. And China's armies did not just include Han people. Two Muslim Generals, Ma Fuxiang and Ma Fulu commanded soldiers against the Eight Nation Alliance army and fought them at Langfang and in Beijing. Ma Fulu died whil fighting at Beijing.

The Japanese had fantasies that they would be "welcomed" by ethnic and religious minorities like Muslims when they invaded China.

The Japanese found out the hard way that nobody forgot the role they played in the Boxer Rebellion. Ma Fulu's son Ma Hongbin led anti Japanese offensives in Suiyuan and crushed their forces. Ma Bufang sent General Ma Biao with Salar, Hui and Dongxiang Muslims to rip the Japanese to shreds in central China.

The Japanese also found out the hard way in Mindanao that the Moro Muslims didn't believe in their east asian unity BS. The Moros fought against the Spanish and the Americans so the Japanese BS of "driving the white man out of asia" didn't work with them, they killed thousands of Japanese during the war and the Moro insurgent leader Datu Gumbay Piang was of Chinese descent.

The same Muslims who fought against Japan also fought for China against the Soviet Union and the Soviet backed Uyghur rebels under Ehmetjan Qasim in the Ili Rebellion. Ma Bufang sent Hui and Salar Muslims to fight the Soviet, White Russian and Uyghur forces in Xinjiang.
The problem was in the bureaucratic. It's like the root of a tree, when the root is sick, the entire tree will be broken. When the government culture is broken, it will affect the entire country.

Actually Qing dynasty was not suppose to be the loser side in Opium War. A lot of very selfish officials at the time.

East Asian before 19th century was very respected people at the time. The collapse of the Qing and the rise of Eurocentric movement in Europe, make Chinese people bad. Japan just gained good reputation at early 20th century.

Well, Europeans at the time look down to any non-European, including Indians too. For Chinese, they had a big hatred, because we were not colonized.

Actually, a lot of Taiwanese thought that too. But the reality is like the story of National Taiwan University, a university built by Imperial Japan. Japanese gift to Taiwanese...but the reality, it was a university for Japanese only and some little pro-Japan Taiwanese elites.

In the economy, it believed that Japan contributed a lot to Taiwan and Taiwanese people. Like Taiwanese economy success during Japan period. But in reality, Imperial Japan didn't support them, even discriminate them against Japanese businessmen. It was their own hardworking won over the discrimination.

Yeah, there are a lot of ignorant people in Taiwan. So does many of them have a lot of ignorance toward mainland China.

The problem is lots of Chinese are ignorant, they don't have access to free information and they hardly venture into information in languages other than Chinese and may be English. Even in English, there are authentic academic research materials and there are bull$hit propaganda by different nations.

Chinese don't even know their history because they don't want to know anything beyond the earliest records that Chinese ancestors wrote and anything that was not written in Chinese. They should know what their ancestors recorded about their origin but they should also try to know what others say about their origin.

I am not saying China's history is not the oldest. I would rather say that China's history is older than what their own ancestors could assume and what is presently held by many of us. They don't even know they had a king, called by the Aryans as Dhautamulaka in Sanskrit as mentioned in the Mahabharata, in Southern Asia in the Gangetic valley.

On topic,

Chinese lost the wars because they had been stuck in backwardness, superstition and corruption. China was simply a stagnant society because for Chinese it was like the world starts in China and ends in China. As a result Chinese had no ambition for expansion or going beyond its territory because it was perceived that China had enough food to eat and enough means to secure it. China did have enough food sources but didn't have enough means to protect the sources.

When you don't have ambition, you are doomed. Anything that loses mobility and dynamism soon meets its end. China's fate had been written long ago.

Japan was even more backward in comparison with China. It was virtually a closed society. Even today, the North Koreans may have access to knowledge of outside world due to internet, Japan neither allowed any Japanese to go outside Japan nor did they allow any foreigner to come in.

@Wholegrain, @ephone, @tanlixiang28776, @shuttler, @cnleio, @+4vsgorillas-Apebane, @darkhero, @HongWu, @Snowden, @szft517, and other Chinese members.
@hk299792458, @ChineseTiger1986, @Type 052D, @cirr,

(You all are asked to read this post carefully)

At least for one moment I support the European colonization which led to the two world wars because those proved to be turning points in the history of mankind and particularly East Asia. They laid the foundation for the globalization of today's modern world. East Asia would have still remained in dark ages if it had not gone through the wars which actually opened the eyes of both Japan and China to the outside world. Wars opened the doors to modernity.

Japanese behaved with cruelty in China. But Chinese don't want to understand that Japanese had been living in a closed backward society for long. Japanese did not have the experiences in dealing with Chinese and other East Asians like those of the Europeans who had long been practicing and experimenting with colonialism in foreign lands. Japanese were idiots that they posed for camera while the Europeans used them as cannon fodders. But in reality Europeans committed worse crimes than what the Japanese are accused of. In other words, Japanese were not matured and smart enough.

Japanese were forced to commit crimes in China and in front of the camera by the Europeans. Now you will ask how were they forced? May be you don't know that... Japan too was subjected to gunboat diplomacy just like China and forced to become a semi American colony just after the Opium Wars.


Many Chinese haven't heard the name of Kaigai Shinwa. It was the first Japanese knowledge book of the world outside Japan. It reflects how Japanese viewed the world and how they perceived the Chinese. The Opium Wars were epic wars of bloodshed and atrocity for the Japanese who first time heard about steam engine ships. For the Japanese, at that time, technology starts and ends with a bamboo.

But lets see what Kaigai Shinwa had to say about the Opium Wars. Lets see the preface.


In the preface, you will watch how the Japanese perceived the Chinese and how they perceived the foreign invaders. They saw Chinese as their own while cursed the foreigners as barbarians and demons. You can also see how they felt insecure fearing that the foreign invaders would now turn to Japan.

Ever since the early-17th century, Japan’s samurai leaders had enforced a strict policy known as sakoku, or “closed country.” Foreigners were not allowed in, nor were Japanese permitted to leave and then return. In practice, however, the closed-country policy was not watertight. It leaked in various ways—and one of the most significant of these exceptions to strict seclusion was a window to the outside world established at the port city of Nagasaki in the southernmost island of Kyushu.

Tightly regulated trade was permitted at Nagasaki, restricted almost entirely to the Dutch and the Chinese. This is an engaging story in itself. What is important here is that this window allowed more than just trade goods to enter and leave Japan. It also opened the country to knowledge of the world beyond its borders, in the form of Chinese writings and Dutch books and reports.

Because of the seclusion policy, there were no Japanese observers in China to witness the Opium War firsthand. It was the Nagasaki window that brought Japan knowledge of this conflict—and, with this, knowledge of the “black ships.” Until Commodore Perry made his first show of force in Edo Bay in 1853, the Japanese had never seen a steam powered warship.

They had read about them in connection with the war next door in the early 1840s, however—and had even drawn their own pictures of them, as well as of the huge multi-cannon men-of-war that made the British navy so formidable.


It is indeed wonderful that a nation which had no knowledge of steam powered modern ships made the largest and strongest navy in the world within a century. Those who had their their machines limited to bamboos only can now be regarded the most high tech society. Only Japanese can do that.

Kaigai Shinwa also contains the map of the world, which the drawn for the first time in Japan.


A few illustrations from Kaigai Shinwa would help us to see how the Japanese depicted the foreign invaders in China.


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Indian are really scumhag to defend Japan atrocity in WW2.
The problem is lots of Chinese are ignorant, they don't have access to free information and they hardly venture into information in languages other than Chinese and may be English. Even in English, there are authentic academic research materials and there are bull$hit propaganda by different nations.

Chinese don't even know their history because they don't want to know anything beyond the earliest records that Chinese ancestors wrote and anything that was not written in Chinese. They should know what their ancestors recorded about their origin but they should also try to know what others say about their origin.

I am not saying China's history is not the oldest. I would rather say that China's history is older than what their own ancestors could assume and what is presently held by many of us. They don't even know they had a king, called by the Aryans as Dhautamulaka in Sanskrit as mentioned in the Mahabharata, in Southern Asia in the Gangetic valley.

On topic,

Chinese lost the wars because they had been stuck in backwardness, superstition and corruption. China was simply a stagnant society because for Chinese it was like the world starts in China and ends in China. As a result Chinese had no ambition for expansion or going beyond its territory because it was perceived that China had enough food to eat and enough means to secure it. China did have enough food sources but didn't have enough means to protect the sources.

When you don't have ambition, you are doomed. Anything that loses mobility and dynamism soon meets its end. China's fate had been written long ago.

Japan was even more backward in comparison with China. It was virtually a closed society. Even today, the North Koreans may have access to knowledge of outside world due to internet, Japan neither allowed any Japanese to go outside Japan nor did they allow any foreigner to come in.

@Wholegrain, @ephone, @tanlixiang28776, @shuttler, @cnleio, @+4vsgorillas-Apebane, @darkhero, @HongWu, @Snowden, @szft517, and other Chinese members.
@hk299792458, @ChineseTiger1986, @Type 052D, @cirr,

(You all are asked to read this post carefully)

At least for one moment I support the European colonization which led to the two world wars because those proved to be turning points in the history of mankind and particularly East Asia. They laid the foundation for the globalization of today's modern world. East Asia would have still remained in dark ages if it had not gone through the wars which actually opened the eyes of both Japan and China to the outside world. Wars opened the doors to modernity.

Japanese behaved with cruelty in China. But Chinese don't want to understand that Japanese had been living in a closed backward society for long. Japanese did not have the experiences in dealing with Chinese and other East Asians like those of the Europeans who had long been practicing and experimenting with colonialism in foreign lands. Japanese were idiots that they posed for camera while the Europeans used them as cannon fodders. But in reality Europeans committed worse crimes than what the Japanese are accused of. In other words, Japanese were not matured and smart enough.

Japanese were forced to commit crimes in China and in front of the camera by the Europeans. Now you will ask how were they forced? May be you don't know that... Japan too was subjected to gunboat diplomacy just like China and forced to become a semi American colony just after the Opium Wars.


Many Chinese haven't heard the name of Kaigai Shinwa. It was the first Japanese knowledge book of the world outside Japan. It reflects how Japanese viewed the world and how they perceived the Chinese. The Opium Wars were epic wars of bloodshed and atrocity for the Japanese who first time heard about steam engine ships. For the Japanese, at that time, technology starts and ends with a bamboo.

But lets see what Kaigai Shinwa had to say about the Opium Wars. Lets see the preface.


In the preface, you will watch how the Japanese perceived the Chinese and how they perceived the foreign invaders. They saw Chinese as their own while cursed the foreigners as barbarians and demons. You can also see how they felt insecure fearing that the foreign invaders would now turn to Japan.

Ever since the early-17th century, Japan’s samurai leaders had enforced a strict policy known as sakoku, or “closed country.” Foreigners were not allowed in, nor were Japanese permitted to leave and then return. In practice, however, the closed-country policy was not watertight. It leaked in various ways—and one of the most significant of these exceptions to strict seclusion was a window to the outside world established at the port city of Nagasaki in the southernmost island of Kyushu.

Tightly regulated trade was permitted at Nagasaki, restricted almost entirely to the Dutch and the Chinese. This is an engaging story in itself. What is important here is that this window allowed more than just trade goods to enter and leave Japan. It also opened the country to knowledge of the world beyond its borders, in the form of Chinese writings and Dutch books and reports.

Because of the seclusion policy, there were no Japanese observers in China to witness the Opium War firsthand. It was the Nagasaki window that brought Japan knowledge of this conflict—and, with this, knowledge of the “black ships.” Until Commodore Perry made his first show of force in Edo Bay in 1853, the Japanese had never seen a steam powered warship.

They had read about them in connection with the war next door in the early 1840s, however—and had even drawn their own pictures of them, as well as of the huge multi-cannon men-of-war that made the British navy so formidable.


It is indeed wonderful that a nation which had no knowledge of steam powered modern ships made the largest and strongest navy in the world within a century. Those who had their their machines limited to bamboos only can now be regarded the most high tech society. Only Japanese can do that.

Kaigai Shinwa also contains the map of the world, which the drawn for the first time in Japan.


A few illustrations from Kaigai Shinwa would help us to see how the Japanese depicted the foreign invaders in China.



When China crushed the French on Taiwan and inflicted a humiliating defeat on the French at Bang bo, starting the disastrous French retreat from Lang Son in the Sino French war, the French Jules Ferry government collapsed due to the military disaster. Japan's response was to threaten to invade China in support of France if China didn't give in to France's demand that Vietnam become a French colony.

In the Boxer Rebellion, Japan sided with the western Eight Nation Alliance imperialists. Even though China's military defeated and humiliated them in the Seymour Expedition, inflicted heavy casualties at Taku Forts and put up fierce resistance and inflicted heavy casualties on the Alliance at the Battle of Tientsin, Yangcun and Beicang, the Japanese continue to aid the western imperialists in their war against China. The Japanesse Chancellor Sugiyama Akira was brutally dismembered by Chinese troops in retaliation for their support of the imperialists raping and mass murder.

Japan sided with the western imperialists consistently against China and Chinese of all religions. Several Muslim Generals like Zuo Baogui fought Japan in the First Sino Japanese War and Ma Fulu and Ma Fuxiang fought the Eight Nation Alliance in the Boxer Rebellion. So the claims of Japanese supporting minorities is bull****.

Do you know you originated from Hobbits aka Homo Florensiensis and that you have a long way to go before you evolve into a fully modern Homo Sapien from an archaic one? The clue is any mirror that you can buy from the nearby shop.

Plenty of White males left their marks upon the Indian female population. The only Indians who can claim to be blue eyed blonde haired aryans LOL.

Anglo-Indian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Indian are really scumhag to defend Japan atrocity in WW2.

This Indian (Enemy :lol:) defend Japan atroicity with mouth but American defend Japan atrocity with military support. China's weakness was arrogant, we didn't know how to take advantage of other's weakness nor how to make alliance to defend our interest in the pass...and the outcome was so obvious, let other gang up against us.

If China today don't know how to make alliance and still believe that we can single out against US-Japan alliance or Ameircan coalition built up in Asia...than we will be defeated as same way as the pass. I think it's about time for China take side and to pick up some "common interest" partners.

I remember you said Chinese should conduct genes project to improve Chinese's intelligence and capabilities.

So, let the elephant fvck your whole family and improve India supa pawa's trolling capability. Remember, stop quoting me any more. Nobody waste time reading your ****.

Did I say anything wrong? The readers can see themselves how you reply. A genetic engineering would be in China's interests, at least the future generation Chinese will be able to engage others in a logical debate. So it was a friendly suggestion.

I quoted you because I wanted you to know the fact and not the CCP propaganda.

But you proved to be a semi literate. Most of you suffer from down syndrome and most of you cant process analysis in your brains. Your condition is serious, believe me.
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