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Japan´s arms build-up


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Today several German newspapers report on Japan´s arms build-up, in an obvious move to counter China. I just post one article here from the "Welt".

Milliardenausgaben : Drohnen, Zerstörer, U-Boote – Japan rüstet auf - Nachrichten Politik - Ausland - DIE WELT


Here is it:

Over the next five years, the military spending will increase by 2.6 percent, totalling 170bn euros ($233bn). The plan calls for the purchase of early warning aircrafts, troop transports, 3 drones, 28 U.S. stealth bombers of the type F-35, 5 submarines, 2 Aegis destroyers and 52 amphibious vehicles.

I just noticed Xinhua reports a higher number: $240bn

Commentary: "Abe-military" on stage, region on alert - Xinhua | English.news.cn
"24.7 trillion yen (240 billion U.S. dollars) of military spending in 2014-2019, a 5-percent increase over the five years ending March 2014."
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I can say, this move has been predicted before since Abe taking his seat for the second time. Not too surprising enough, but still their Navy had capacity to contain PLA Navy and we must respect those power.
Japan are going to bet on militarism and nationalism to get away from the several decades of recession, just like what they did in the WW2.
One thing is sure, the Japanese have money. Sadly, we Vietnam do not have such capacity and hence can hardly afford some toys like Aegis destroyers.
One thing is sure, the Japanese have money. Sadly, we Vietnam do not have such capacity and hence can hardly afford some toys like Aegis destroyers.

They had technology and good human resources too, they are a very capable nation even the Sovyet in their hey day got a respect for Japan Maritime Self Defense Forces
They had technology and good human resources too, they are a very capable nation even the Sovyet in their hey day got a respect for Japan Maritime Self Defense Forces
You know I blame our forefathers for missing the historic chance to become a second Japan today.

In the 18 and 19 century Vietnam could easily enlarge territory by annexing our weak neighbors. Moreover instead of following Japanese and Western model, we followed the Chinese. :hitwall:
You know I blame our forefathers for missing the historic chance to become a second Japan today.

In the 18 and 19 century Vietnam could easily enlarge territory by annexing our weak neighbors. Moreover instead of following Japanese and Western model, we followed the Chinese. :hitwall:
It's history and nature of this world.
Japanese and we have opportunity, but we're not enough conditions to change like them (history, culture, time, geographic ...)
Thailand and others ASEAN's member are exmples for that.
Armed build up by Japan is a must.Pacificism as policy by Japan has encouraged the Chinese to bully its neighbour.What a rascal like state-no morals in international diplomacy.Japan after 2nd World War through its rapid economic rise and subsequently in the 1970's through its investments in South East Asia helped raise the standard of living many nation states.Japan helped China through transfer of technology in areas like High Speed Rail and Ship Building and electrical and electronic fields.China's lust for power as a UNIPOLAR rather than as a MULTI-POLAR POWER should be checked
You know I blame our forefathers for missing the historic chance to become a second Japan today.

In the 18 and 19 century Vietnam could easily enlarge territory by annexing our weak neighbors. Moreover instead of following Japanese and Western model, we followed the Chinese. :hitwall:
Don't blame your ancestors. You still have chance. You can follow Japan from today.

Do you think you would become a second Japan by "follow"? You think things are that easy? just "follow"? One interesting thing is: Vietnamese here always like to describe China as an invader. But they never have a tiny bit of shame when talking about annexing their weak neighbors. To some extent, they are even proud of being historical invaders. Has anyone ever seen a Chinese here boasting about annexing other countries? No. But for Vietnamese, it's like a daily work.
Armed build up by Japan is a must.Pacificism as policy by Japan has encouraged the Chinese to bully its neighbour.What a rascal like state-no morals in international diplomacy.Japan after 2nd World War through its rapid economic rise and subsequently in the 1970's through its investments in South East Asia helped raise the standard of living many nation states.Japan helped China through transfer of technology in areas like High Speed Rail and Ship Building and electrical and electronic fields.China's lust for power as a UNIPOLAR rather than as a MULTI-POLAR POWER should be checked

I don't think both country has any desire for future expansionism like what happened in the past. China on the other hand, although their sometimes trying to push their goals towards her neighbors, but what China did is a defensive measure in nature. It is the same with current Japan, pacifism is what the young Japan society thinking every time and they don't have any desire to venture far off from their homeland just like in the past. But with current recent string happened in East China Sea and South China Sea, taking more cautiously measures is a must for any country to survive.
Armed build up by Japan is a must.Pacificism as policy by Japan has encouraged the Chinese to bully its neighbour.What a rascal like state-no morals in international diplomacy.Japan after 2nd World War through its rapid economic rise and subsequently in the 1970's through its investments in South East Asia helped raise the standard of living many nation states.Japan helped China through transfer of technology in areas like High Speed Rail and Ship Building and electrical and electronic fields.China's lust for power as a UNIPOLAR rather than as a MULTI-POLAR POWER should be checked
Japanese companies did the same things with China as German,French, American and other companies did. The did not "help China", but "make money from China". As the saying goes "There is no free lunch". We have a policy for foreign companies who want to entering China, which is" technologies exchange our market". This is a very common and fair policy adopted by many other developing counties. Should we feel thankful for Japanese or other foreign companies. No need to.
Japan should find a reasonable solution that we can both accept instead of this.

The difference between China and Japan isn't equipments or military, it's size.

China will reach 20 Trillion GDP in 10-12 years while Japan will be at 8, if they are lucky.

Japan can only challenge China in that one small window in the entire history of the world. When they industrialized and we didn't do as well.

Now that China is firmly on the path to becoming an economic power, Japan can't really do anything.

What are they going to do when our spending in one year will equal to 5 of theirs in 10 years.

It's already about three.
I was recently at a conference where a Korean scholar presented a fascinating paper on “what actually happened in Japan” during the period of the Đông Du Movement. What this scholar found in his examination of Japanese writings was that the Đông Du Movement was very poorly organized, many of the students were very young (even elementary school age), some of them failed to get admitted to schools, they fought with each other, they didn’t interact with Japanese, and they didn’t learn much of anything at all.

This scholar’s conclusion was thus that the Đông Du Movement was essentially a failure (if the goal was to learn “modern” knowledge), as most of the students appear to have learned very little during their time in Japan.
:no: :omghaha:
Japan should find a reasonable solution that we can both accept instead of this.
Yes. 石原慎太郎(the Tokoy mayor, I don't know how to spell his name in English) and Abe are the biggest traitors of Japan itself. Japan can not trust US,who treats Japan as an ATM and weapon market. Japan will always be a tragedy as long as he live under the shadow of US. There is only one way for Japan to redeem himself from his destiny. Which is cooperating with China, who unlike US treats Japan as an equal partner. Several former Japanese PMs did attempt to do so. Yen and RMB exchange plan and Sino-Japan free trade system were about on the road. When the trend is becoming brighter for Japan's future. 石原慎太郎 suddenly urged Japan government to nationalize Diaoyu Island. This move totally pushes Japan aside from China. And Japan again has to walk into the shadow of US and maintain its vassal country status.
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