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Japan and China’s Dispute Goes Nuclear

Japan build nukes don't concern me at all but when Japan followed US order to sanction other nations for building nukes, Japan should bind to the agreement not to build nukes themselve.

I gave you answers for that man. every country on this planet are hypocrites.. you can't just say Japanese. Even China is., you both supported NK's Nuke,missile program and stood against it.
I gave you answers for that man. every country on this planet are hypocrites.. you can't just say Japanese. Even China is., you both supported NK's Nuke,missile program and stood against it.

I said all nations can have nukes since other like US, China, Frence, India, Pakistan, Israel all possess Nukes, what give the nuclear power nations to punish other for obtaining nukes as a nuclear deterrence.
I said all nations can have nukes since other like US, China, Frence, India, Pakistan, Israel all possess Nukes, what give the nuclear power nations to punish other for obtaining nukes as a nuclear deterrence.

Ofcourse if you want to rule you won't let others to grow past you...Do you sit and watch if Vietnam to get a nuke?? why are you worried if Japs get a nuke or not?? It's the power that made US as a big Devil. Not just US if any country such China, India or Russia be on the top sooner or later they all go Devil

Should every country have the right to possess nuclear weapons? | Debate.org
We support Japan's right to protect their sovereignty from rogue aggressors. The Japanese are a historically peaceful people with a nearly impeccable human's rights standard, and as such, they do not pose any threat whatsoever to the international community.
Yeah, So very PEACEFUL, according to which HISTORY by the way?
What the hell? So they really did commit atrocities? Wow... these aren't even killing, that 2nd link said the man committed vivisections

You can stop brainwashing other people, historically Japan was not a peaceful country, WW2 proves their expansionism and there are plenty of proofs of developing bio weapons for mass destruction. Using fleas inside bombs the japs spead plague inside China and wanted to do the same to the US as well. You should ask WW2 survivors and those Westerners POW about their infamous human rights records, surely they would tell you to be ashamed of yourself for spreading lies.
You can stop brainwashing other people, historically Japan was not a peaceful country, WW2 proves their expansionism and there are plenty of proofs of developing bio weapons for mass destruction. Using fleas inside bombs the japs spead plague inside China and wanted to do the same to the US as well. You should ask WW2 survivors and those Westerners POW about their infamous human rights records, surely they would tell you to be ashamed of yourself for spreading lies.

And yet china is doing the very same thing right now
Japan and China’s bitter PR campaign has now entered the nuclear realm.


By Zachary Keck
March 18, 2014


Japan and China appear to be trading nuclear barbs with one another.

For some weeks now, China has been raising concerns about the amount of enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium Japan currently stockpiles. “We continue to urge the Japanese government to take a responsible attitude and explain itself to international community,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said at the end of last month.

The following week, the same spokesperson asked: “Has Japan kept an excessive amount of sensitive nuclear material that is beyond its actual needs? Does one need so much sensitive nuclear material for peaceful use? Should one keep excessive weapons-grade nuclear material?” He added: “More importantly, does Japan have higher-enriched and weapons-grade uranium, and how much does it have? What are those used for? How can Japan ensure a balance between the demand and supply of nuclear materials? These are the real concerns and questions of the international community.”

Japan has one of the most advanced civilian nuclear programs of any country without nuclear weapons.According to NBC News, Tokyo has 9 tons of plutonium stockpiled in different places throughout Japan, while 35 tons of Japanese plutonium is stockpiled in different countries in Europe. Only about 5 to 10 kilograms is needed to produce a nuclear weapon. Japan also has an additional 1.2 tons of enriched uranium. It is also building a fast-breeder plutonium reactor in Rokkasho that will produce 8 tons of plutonium annually.

Many experts believe that Japan could produce nuclear weapons within 6 months of deciding to do so, and some believe that Tokyo is pursuing a “nuclear hedging” strategy. Japan has done little to mollify these concerns. In fact, it has often encouraged them, with a Japanese official recently saying off the record that “Japan already has the technical capability [to build a nuclear bomb], and has had it since the 1980s.

Having a “bomb in the basement” largely suits Japan’s interests in its competition with China. By indulging Beijing’s concerns that Japan may build nuclear weapons, Tokyo is hoping to deter China from racketing up bilateral tensions too heavily. At the same, Tokyo is hoping to use its nuclear hedge strategy as leverage over the U.S. to ensure that Washington stays engaged in region.

Still, Japan has to walk a fine line in pursuing this strategy as no other issue—with the possible exception of revisionist history—unites Northeast Asia against Japan more than its possible nuclear weapons ambitions. Besides China, both North and South Korea also have grave concerns about Japan going nuclear. Similarly, pushing its nuclear hedge strategy too far could upset the U.S. to the point where it becomes less willing to back Japan on other issues.

Besides China’s desire to raise concerns about Japan’s possible nuclear ambitions, new reports suggest that Tokyo is seeking to use Beijing’s nuclear arsenal to pressure it. According to Kyodo News Agency, a draft statement for the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative meeting next month may call on China to join U.S.-Russian arms control talks. The meeting is being held in Hiroshima, and Kyodo suggests that Japan is the driving force behind the effort to urge China to engage in multilateral arms reduction negotiations.

To this point, China has refused to enter into nuclear reduction talks with the U.S. and Russia, insisting instead that Washington and Moscow make further reductions to their arsenals before it will commit to its own cuts. In some ways, this seems entirely justifiable given that Russia and the U.S. still control about 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapon stockpiles. However, in the face of China’s growing conventional military power, Russia has stated that it will no longer agree to more nuclear weapons cuts unless they are done in a multilateral forum.

For Japan’s purposes, including China in the draft statement is probably more of a public relations stunt, in the same vein as China’s decision to raise concerns about Japan’s longstanding civilian nuclear program. Thus, the bitter public relations war between China and Japan seems to be going nuclear, so to speak.

Japan and China’s Dispute Goes Nuclear | The Diplomat

China tries to behave like a world power but nobody take it seriously. Now even Vietnam, Philippines and Taiwan has refused to take china seriously.
Looks more like trolling to me

Exactly, why all the fear of China threat theories? Didn't you say Taiwan should get nukes?

You are right but issue here is not threat. I said china tries to behave like world power.
You are right but issue here is not threat. I said china tries to behave like world power.
Sorry Indian, but nobody takes you serious. These countries takes China so seriously they are sh!tting in their pants. We even had to laugh at you idiots for even suggesting TW getting nukes which the US won't even allow as the Americans had slapped the Taiwanese in their faces a few times.
Sorry Indian, but nobody takes you serious. These countries takes China so seriously they are sh!tting in their pants. We even had to laugh at you idiots for even suggesting TW getting nukes which the US won't even allow as the Americans had slapped the Taiwanese in their faces a few times.
give your countrymen some of your overpowered stimpacks and maybe these countries will take you seriously
Japan nuke China ?! LOL... well i knew they nuke Fukushima, and still threated by local nuclear radiation.

The Japan island is so small and lack strategic safety areas, several big cities get nucked will destroy their whole race. So that Japan nuke China == WWII Japanese 'Kamikaze' suicide attack.

The Japan did not have any nuclear bombs yet. Someguy claimed Japanese have ability to make the nuclear bomb, it's NOOB for ur nations to think possiblely building nuke without nuclear weapons test. Last century U.S/Russia/China/Britain/France we exploded thousands of ground/air nuclear weapons test to verify & update our nuclear bomb's power, these real nuclear datas only collected by real nuke explode. After thousands of real explode, it's the only way to start supercomputer nuclear simulation by those collected real explode datas.

Not experienced real nuke explode test, Japan at most make a dirty bomb not nuke or American gift a nuclear bomb/data to Japan, but i think American won't coz arm a nuclear Japan also a new threat to U.S, don't forget American also nuked Japan in WWII.

If really occured that Japan nuke China, yes of course China no doubt will nuke back and there's no any restriction & limitation to use Nuclear Weapons as a normal attack. When Pandora's box opened, welcome human come into WWIII Nuclear War. For a nuclear power, there's no difference to throw one nuke or 100x nukes out.
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