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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

Since when Uncle Sam care about the territorial Integrity of some nation? LOL. What they only care is pivoting China for their own interest :D US is not better than China.

When it affects regional stability, it is an interest for them. The South China Sea is a strategic choke point, over 5 trillion dollars worth of trade traverses through this area. A war in the region, or if any power places limitations to the free navigation of merchant ships; it becomes strategic interest to the United States.
And, pray may I ask @vostok , how will the island dispute be addressed? Speficially, how will this new Russia - China collective find solution amongst the claimants? Please provide your enlightened opinion. I'd like to hear the Russian viewpoint.

I dunno about the Russian view point. But for my own view point, we should consider that Spratly and paracel are empty place before the dispute. No body own them. So they have what they already have (that mean China for Paracel and their Spratly Islands (which is not that many), Vietnam for their 26 islands, Pinoy for their Scarborough Reef, and legalize them.

As long as China want 9 dash line, and Vietnam wants Paracel, the peace won't happen.
@Brainsucker ,

The seas around the Natuna islands, apparently have 46 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable reserves of natural gas. These areas fall within the Chinese - claimed area. Who is to say China cannot send an oil rig into those areas and drill them?

At 46 trillion cubic feet of recoverable reserves, this places the Natuna NG reserves the largest in South East Asia.
When it affects regional stability, it is an interest for them. The South China Sea is a strategic choke point, over 5 trillion dollars worth of trade traverses through this area. A war in the region, or if any power places limitations to the free navigation of merchant ships; it becomes strategic interest to the United States.

LOL, safe that propaganda for yourself. I don't believe it. US only care for themselves and their own interest. Vietnam and Pinoy are only their sacrificial lamb to oppose China. Their only interest is their pivot to China.

@Brainsucker ,

The seas around the Natuna islands, apparently have 46 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of recoverable reserves of natural gas. These areas fall within the Chinese - claimed area. Who is to say China cannot send an oil rig into those areas and drill them?

At 46 trillion cubic feet of recoverable reserves, this places the Natuna NG reserves the largest in South East Asia.

That's why we prepare for it. But we are not greedy and want to take something that not ours.

And now, may I ask you, what do you think about Vietnam claim on Paracel and Spratly? Are they justified too, in the eyes of Japanese?
LOL, safe that propaganda for yourself. I don't believe it. US only care for themselves and their own interest. Vietnam and Pinoy are only their sacrificial lamb to oppose China. Their only interest is their pivot to China.

That's why we prepare for it. But we are not greedy and want to take something that not ours.

“The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.”

-Niccolo Machiavelli

That's why we prepare for it. But we are not greedy and want to take something that not ours.

Put yourself in the shoes of the Vietnamese. What if that oil rig was not in Vietnamese EEZ, but was in around the Natuna Islands. Imagine the Indonesian domestic response and relations with China.

And now, may I ask you, what do you think about Vietnam claim on Paracel and Spratly? Are they justified too, in the eyes of Japanese?

Japan firmly and absolutely is opposed to Chinese claims of territory that are based on old historical claims , while in violation of modern international decorum, namely the UNCLOS, which both China and Japan are signatory of. Japan has already expressed our utmost objections to unilateral actions made by China to the Philippines and Vietnam. This is a national security issue for Japan.
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“The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.”

-Niccolo Machiavelli

Put yourself in the shoes of the Vietnamese. What if that oil rig was not in Vietnamese EEZ, but was in around the Natuna Islands. Imagine the Indonesian domestic response and relations with China.

This is the problem. That oil rig is near Paracel Islands. Now, before we claim about this and that, what is the status of Paracel islands? China is the de facto owner of Paracel islands now. What can you say about that? Japan favor Vietnam in Paracel claim? I don't. And now that oil rig is near Paracel. Much-much near to Paracel than Vietnam's shore. What can you say about that?

I don't understand. You're a Japanese, but you use a western writer to show your country stand in SCS? I think your thinking has more weight on this matter than what the Diplomat thinker. So please tell me your view in this

And don't worry :) I consider this as discussion. I respect you and like to discussion partner :), you're smart, and not a troll. I hope you like me as a discussion partner too :)
I don't understand. You're a Japanese, but you use a western writer to show your country stand in SCS? I think your thinking has more weight on this matter than what the Diplomat thinker. So please tell me your view in this

The western writer effectively summarizes Japan's view. I personally against their violation of UNCLOS. I personally believe that China has the potential to be a major power in the region, it has the potential to earn the cooperation of other powers such as Japan and South Korea.

In fact, if China implemented policies that respected established international laws, it could have earned the support of many countries in south east asia, which have now shown greater interest for American intervention.

A decade ago, relations with Japan and China was warmer than it is now. A decade ago, many Japanese in my generation believed in Japanese and Chinese brotherhood and possibility of greater relations. Now, it is quite chill.

In 2004, China had great relationship with the Philippines, with Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and even in Japan. They had the time frame to cooperate and establish SOP with these countries. China should have concluded a binding Code of Conduct with ASEAN member states regarding the south china sea. This would have formented greater strategic links with them.

Now, it is too late. The United States will take advantage of the current situation.
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And, pray may I ask @vostok , how will the island dispute be addressed? Speficially, how will this new Russia - China collective find solution amongst the claimants? Please provide your enlightened opinion. I'd like to hear the Russian viewpoint.
I do not know, I'm not a diplomat of international affairs. If I decided - I would create a Sino-Vietnamese concern for oil and gas, but who gets what % - it would be negotiable. The islands themselves and the sea, I would declare a shared area - so the problem was solved in Norwegian-Russian territorial dispute.
The western writer effectively summarizes Japan's view. I personally against their violation of UNCLOS. I personally believe that China has the potential to be a major power in the region, it has the potential to earn the cooperation of other powers such as Japan and South Korea.

In fact, if China implemented policies that respected established international laws, it could have earned the support of many countries in south east asia, which have now shown greater interest for American intervention.

A decade ago, relations with Japan and China was warmer than it is now. A decade ago, many Japanese in my generation believed in Japanese and Chinese brotherhood and possibility of greater relations. Now, it is quite chill.

To tell the truth, I don't agree with China 9 dash line too. Not because they crossed my country ZEE, but because that is too greedy. My personal political view is this. China should withdraw their 9 dash line claim, and stay on their de facto islands in Spratly and Paracel. But, it is also aim to other claimants (Pinoy, Vietnam, and Malaysia) that they should stick to what they owned until now. And not get more for themsleves.

In my personal point of view, all claimants are greedy. So, I don't want to get trapped into their political ambition to get more for themselves. Hopefully you can see this too. Peace can only be achieved if everyone stick to what they have already and not get more for themselves. Because my personal political view dictate that everyone should stay on their de facto islands, and not get more for themselves, I consider Paracel belong to China. And because 981 is located near Parace, then you know what is the answer. so you now can see my point of view of this matter. It's not because I support China in this. But because I favor on the status quo.

Btw, about Philiphine scarborough Shoal? (is it right? the name?) I think that China should return it to Pinoy. I don't think that China won't do this. Historically, China did cede some of their disputed territory in favor for peace. Just look at what they did with Russia and Bhutan (is it right, Bhutan?). They even gave half of the Korean sacred mountain to North Korea. And (if the rumor true), they return some Vietnamese land that they've taken from the Viet in their Sino- Vietnam war. So I think that what China want is just bullying Pinoy.

And for this oil rig 981, do you believe that it actually drill? I believe that it is more of a stratagem than actually a mere violating Vietnam ZEE.

Btw, I love Japanese Ramen :D
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Future confrontation in the world will be between Russia / China and the United States. The world will return to a multipolar system of relations. You can not go to the side of United States , eager to undivided power over the world, this is wrong. Especially, they still lose.
When Russia clear the trouble in Crime and can help VN again, VN will happy to join with Russia bro.

But now, we must join with US before China bow down and beg for US's support again like in 1979. China join with Russia just bcz they can not receive help from US-JP any more, not bcz China 'love ' Russia and praise Putin is 'the only leader' like they praised Mr. Stalin.
To tell the truth, I don't agree with China 9 dash line too. Not because they crossed my country ZEE, but because that is too greedy. My personal political view is this. China should withdraw their 9 dash line claim, and stay on their de facto islands in Spratly and Paracel. But, it is also aim to other claimants (Pinoy, Vietnam, and Malaysia) that they should stick to what they owned until now. And not get more for themsleves.

In my personal point of view, all claimants are greedy. So, I don't want to get trapped into their political ambition to get more for themselves. Hopefully you can see this too. Peace can only be achieved if everyone stick to what they have already and not get more for themselves. Because my personal political view dictate that everyone should stay on their de facto islands, and not get more for themselves, I consider Paracel belong to China. And because 981 is located near Parace, then you know what is the answer. so you now can see my point of view of this matter. It's not because I support China in this. But because I favor on the status quo.

Btw, about Philiphine scarborough Shoal? (is it right? the name?) I think that China should return it to Pinoy. I don't think that China won't do this. Historically, China did cede some of their disputed territory in favor for peace. Just look at what they did with Russia and Bhutan (is it right, Bhutan?). They even gave half of the Korean sacred mountain to North Korea. And (if the rumor true), they return some Vietnamese land that they've taken from the Viet in their Sino- Vietnam war. So I think that what China want is just bullying Pinoy.

And for this oil rig 981, do you believe that it actually drill? I believe that it is more of a stratagem than actually a mere violating Vietnam ZEE.

Btw, I love Japanese Ramen :D
Bro , just dont waste time on hoping China will return the lost islands to VN and Phil, just support VN and Phil when war happen. As long as we get enough support, we will teach that big bad bullier a hard lesson again after 1979.

Many VNese r getting mad and itching for a war with China , but we must wait untill we get enough support, we dont want any negotiation now.
Bro , just dont waste time on hoping China will return the lost islands to VN and Phil, just support VN and Phil when war happen. As long as we get enough support, we will teach that big bad bullier a hard lesson again after 1979.

Many VNese r getting mad and itching for a war with China , but we must wait untill we get enough support, we dont want any negotiation now.

I must admit, the Chinese are utilizing the same tactic of the Japanese Empire in regards to dealing with foreign powers prior to the onset of the the 2nd World War: the use of military intimidation if bilateral talks don't go according to plan. The current strategy of the Chinese military leadership is akin to that of Imperial Japan some 70 years ago. This is not good.

When Russia clear the trouble in Crime and can help VN again, VN will happy to join with Russia bro.

But now, we must join with US before China bow down and beg for US's support again like in 1979. China join with Russia just bcz they can not receive help from US-JP any more, not bcz China 'love ' Russia and praise Putin is 'the only leader' like they praised Mr. Stalin.

This is a perfect time for the Vietnamese Leadership to truly reconsider its strategic relationship with the Russian Federation.
I must admit, the Chinese are utilizing the same tactic of the Japanese Empire in regards to dealing with foreign powers prior to the onset of the the 2nd World War: the use of military intimidation if bilateral talks don't go according to plan. The current strategy of the Chinese military leadership is akin to that of Imperial Japan some 70 years ago. This is not good.
Yeap, and we all know how it would end.
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