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Japan´s arms build-up

Japan is flexing it's muscles but it can't become a threat for china ever.
China's conventional forces are more than enough for Japan if we don't include Nukes into the equation
I wouldnt say that,if Japan wants Nukes,it shouldnt be a problem(they have the knowhow).
Japan is the only country in the neighbourhood that could be a threat to China.
I wouldnt say that,if Japan wants Nukes,it shouldnt be a problem(they have the knowhow).
Japan is the only country in the neighbourhood that could be a threat to China.
It's easier said than done.
Japan's neighbors like Russia and China, both r senior nuclear-armed nations. We will welcome Japanese to build their own nuclear weapons ? It's a big JOKE !

Even though American agree Japan own the N-bomb, I 100% sure Russian and Chinese won't watch outside. If Japanese insist of building N-bomb, i can believe they r standing on the brink of war from the West and North.
It's easier said than done.
Japan's neighbors like Russia and China, both r senior nuclear-armed nations. We will welcome Japanese to build their own nuclear weapons ? It's a big JOKE !

Even though American agree Japan own the N-bomb, I 100% sure Russia and China won't watch outside.
Read my post again,i said could.
If they want Nukes,they will get Nukes.
And why would Russia want to get involved,wouldnt that be an invitation to the US?
While I applaud your effort to bait me by attacking my declared nationality, at the same time I hope you don't actually believe it. As an American with an IQ above room temperature, I am all too familiar with governments using foreign boogy-men to justify lavish defense spending while the peasants watch.

As far as I am concerned, the Japanese are still the fierce and proud People that took an immense amount of blood and treasure to pacify for over half a century, until proven otherwise. Their youth appear to be more interested in pop culture than measuring manliness, but I can see that changing if things continue down the path they are currently on.

Not baiting you at all and lets not talk about IQ. It has nothing to do with the topic discussed.
I am only speaking based on history and on common sense.

It does not matter how fierce and proud the Japanese are, and it matters little to what China is doing. We are simply minding our own business and being ourselves. China was already a capable and successful civilization long before Japan even made name for themselves.
They even sent people into China to study our culture and take knowledge back into Japan.

We are now competing with the US in the Olympics, is the biggest trade partner with majority of the world, is one of the biggest arms exporter in the world, we've even replaced Japan as the second largest economy. They can be proud and fierce, but it has little to do with the way China progresses.
We are merely getting back to where we are supposed to be on the world stage, and there is little Japan can do to about it.


They are like Sony, a proud brand that is struggling to stay afloat.
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Read my post again,i said could.
If they want Nukes,they will get Nukes.
And why would Russia want to get involved,wouldnt that be an invitation to the US?
Russian and Japanese, they'r rival for the North Asia interests since1904 Russo-Japan War and WWII. Today the Russian still send planes to patrol Japan islands from Vladivostok military base. Include Cold War, S.U is the biggest enemy from the North for Japanese.

Don't forget there's 4x northern islands dispute between Japan and Russia after Red Army took them from Japan as prizes at 1945 WWII. (The Japanese government wanna all four islands back, but Russia only wanna return two, so the dispute still continue to today.)

Recent pic of 2013.12 Russian T-95 patrolling Japan islands, they did that many years.


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There will be 200+ J-20s when Japs have 100 F-35s
There will be 200+ J-20s when Japs have 100 F-35s

Which at this point does not tell us anything. The jury is still out on operational date, capabilities, etc. Not to mention the likelihood that some of the US' 2500 F-35s being based there as well.
So USA is on its path to get what it wanted! Indirect clash with China! All the south east Asia seems ready to jump into it! Taiwan, China, Japan, Vietnam, South & North Korea and Indonesia to name a few!
I don't think America would make that much F-35s.

Also I've been hearing news about F-35 having troubles.

We can make them. And its other countries included. You hear many problems but its resolved.
We can make them. And its other countries included. You hear many problems but its resolved.
Well, I hope so.

The F-35 isn't that bad, but I personally prefer the F-16, which would be replaced by F-35.
Well, I hope so.

The F-35 isn't that bad, but I personally prefer the F-16, which would be replaced by F-35.

The F16 is an awesome fighter and still has legs for many years to come, but don't underestimate the F35.
The F16 is an awesome fighter and still has legs for many years to come
The F-16 is quite useful for both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.

It's a veteran fighter, since it has been used in many wars.

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