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Japan No Longer an Export Powerhouse

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No, they are not. Nobody in europe says: uhhhhh did you see the new lenovo!!?!

They are cheap products, nobody even remembers their name. They are actually a low segment brand like medion.

Lenovo is a leading brand in UK corporate firms.

It is the world's largest personal computer brand currently.

You are too naive and just a foreigner! Huawei has nearly no market share in China, since every Chinese people, if they had some Money, they will buy iphone or Galaxy. Lenovo has two different faces in China and USA. In USA, they bought IBM and matintain a high quality, but in China, to Chinese people, it is the same "made in China", BTW, they even dare not to change "Thinkpad" this brand. So why? If you want to campare with GDP, ok you win, but China neednt the fuvking GDP number! What China people needs is a good Life! And open your Eyes to China and see how Chinese people live! many of Them even cannot afford the house, merry! But the Chinese Money is becoming depraciate every year! I dont care the GDP! Stupid theroy! Even CCP now are realizing that GDP is a piece of sh1t!

Most people in the UK also cannot afford to buy their own homes now, so what are you trying to say?
and GDP per capita wise,Japan in not on the world top ten either


producing cars and comeras are not as high tech as launching space shuttles and landing on the moon.
Lenovo is a leading brand in UK corporate firms.

It is the world's largest personal computer brand currently.
Yeah, Chinese brand do have a very high quality in other countries, espicalliy
Lenovo is a leading brand in UK corporate firms.

It is the world's largest personal computer brand currently.

Most people in the UK also cannot afford to buy their own homes now, so what are you trying to say?
Has UK government some help or support to those homeless? In China, yes, the government said they have, but the most help will be taken by their CCP officers themselves! Nor normal Chinese people! Chinese house price is so high that you foreigners even cannot imagine! A guy in a normal city in China, if he sell out his house now and move to GB, he can probably buy one of the most expensive house in GB, so you can see there many Chinese buying houses in GB like buying cabbages! Unfortunately, guys in GB are not required to have a house Before merry, but in China, Before you merry, you must have a house, a car, or there is nearly no girl will stay with you.

Lenovo is a leading brand in UK corporate firms.
Yeah, Chinese Products are very high in GB, I know, and not only in GB, but in whold developed areas, they do very good in quality! But how about in China herself? Chinese just need a "face" in developed countries, but never Think about their people self!
Why the west buys less and less Japanese products?

and GDP per capita wise,Japan in not on the world top ten either


producing cars and comeras are not as high tech as launching space shuttles and landing on the moon.
Go and check normal Japanese people's Life. That is exact example! Dont show the data! Not this, not GDP
Yeah, Chinese Products are very high in GB, I know, and not only in GB, but in whold developed areas, they do very good in quality! But how about in China herself? Chinese just need a "face" in developed countries, but never Think about their people self!

If you want quality then you need to pay for it.

People in developing countries are not able to afford high quality goods and so the Chinese target lower quality, lower priced goods at those markets.

No economic sense for the Chinese to offer highly priced, high quality goods to developing countries as then hardly anyone would be able to afford to buy them.
Japan got help from the west since 1950s, that's all its success about. western technology and western market for its products.China during the same time isolated herself from the outside world,Japan has decades long head start.but still, China can sent men and women to the space and land a rover on the moon,but Japan can't ,that's super high tech.
japan landed a spacecraft on an asteroid and brought samples back. thas much more advanced than anything china has.
China now do have a lot of problem. If you guys like to hear good Words, fo
If you want quality then you need to pay for it.

People in developing countries are not able to afford high quality goods and so the Chinese target lower quality, lower priced goods at those markets.

No economic sense for the Chinese to offer highly priced, high quality goods to developing countries as then hardly anyone would be able to afford to buy them.
When Japan was a developing country, her quality Always like such situation, even now is the same. 1st class Products for Japanese local people, 2nd class Products for europé countries and USA. 3rd...I dont know.
Japan's economy used to performe pretty well,especially in the 1980s and early 1990s,but now is going down fast,now Japan is a net import country and its manufacturing strength is being replaced by other countries.
Actually China, Korea, HongKong,Macau, Taiwan,Singapore..almost all east Asian states are performing pretty well ,Japan now is the worst performing economy in E.Asia.

OP is a report talking about Japan's change from an export country to an import country. we don't have to drag everything in this thread.

Producing something that sells,otherwise you go out of business

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I think it is a no-brainer that Chinese carriers will jump on buying Chinese planes and stop buying EU and US planes (like the early Aeroflot days). However I think other countries will have a wait-and-see attitude. If the quality is shown they will jump aboard...if bad things happen then they'll avoid it.

Sony quality is still there. But is a matter of Sony fails to innovate more and fail to keep the production cost down.

A samsung smart TV is probably 90% quality of Sony TV but Sony TV is double the price of a Samsung. I will not simply pay double the price just for the sake of that 10% increase in quality.
If your price tag is prohibitively high,you will been soon out of business.that happened to US manufacturers before. High wage is not always a good thing,that makes it impossible to cut down the cost.
japan landed a spacecraft on an asteroid and brought samples back. thas much more advanced than anything china has.

Then why japan still unable to send human into space? and why cant they send rover to moon yet?
Then why japan still unable to send human into space? and why cant they send rover to moon yet?
Then why USSR became a piece of sh1t? Even they can send people into space. Then why North Korea is still a piece of sh1t even they have abilty to puduct nuke and put Seoul into fire within 20 minutes? Since everyone is afraid of USSR and North Korea, have you found people willing immigrant to USSR or Kim's country? Or you go there first?
USSR and N.Korea don't have very strong economy base, they put almost everything they had in military therefore bankrupted them.China,on the other hand,developed the economy first and only put a very very small percentage of GDP in military.that's why China's economic growth is sustainable while theirs were not.

Chinese cities like Hongkong and Macau's growth is also strong and robust,they are now among the top 10 in the world per capita wise. and Hongkong ranks the number 1 world financial center.


Hong Kong named top financial center for second year

Hong Kong named top financial center for second year| Reuters
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