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Japan No Longer an Export Powerhouse

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I somehow search the names of Italy with head of M:
* Maffeo 马费奥
* Marcello 马尔切洛
* Marco 马尔科
* Marino 马里诺
* Mario 马里奥
* Massimo 马西莫
* Matteo 马泰奥
* Maurizio 毛里齐奥
* Michele 米凯莱
* Michelangelo 米凯兰杰洛
* Muzio 穆齐奥
An Italian called Marcus?awkward
Other people's success is not yours. Beggars of the EU. By the way, ask your linguistic teacher what state mean.
By the way, your avatar do not like an Italian, but looks like a race of India

LOL, Italy - even EU has nothing in term of space technology to be proud, so they need to claim more powerful country's success.

I ask again, since the chinese fan boys could not provide anything substantial yet, How can China cooperate with us in a way that we gain something from it?
The only thing they offer the world is cheap labor. Everything else is either a bad copy or just flat our stolen. They think they can cheat their way to the end of times. Everybody is already pissed off at these paper tiger aliens thinking they can get away with everything.
Yeap you are right about him. Thats why I told him to find fact before talk.

I understand that china is so humble that her strenght is underrated.

However, Markus's bad behaviour that he always bring his own assumption and refused fact finding is intolerrable.

I just want to say ,no matter what others mocking at us,we should always stay humble ,that's why we could changed so fast in the past years.

If someone laugh at us just because his country is richer than china ,It‘s OK, he can keep his superiority,but we should never be like him,And I don't like some chinese members here mocking at indians in the same way.We should never behave like that because that will make us arrogant and chased by other countries

Remember,It's work can make you success not talk
Last edited:
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Italian economic collapse

Millions of poverty-stricken Italians unable to afford heat, meat amid economic crisis
As a severe recession and unprecedented unemployment sweeps Italy, millions of people are struggling to make ends meet. The number of those receiving food assistance has doubled in the past two years, according to a government report.


Millions of Italians live in poverty... how many people all together in tiny Italy anyway
Ok, can you tell me why Europeans think China is stronger than US,Ha,you are so special

Same reason germany is most popular country in the world.

We don´t like USA. I think even less about USA than China. The sad truth is, that europe is the center of humanity and culture. All other regions are barbaric. Some more (China)...some less (USA). Unfortunately not evry society reached our cultural level yet. Humanism, art and science.

To be serious, i can´t imagine a honest partnership with China. China knows no human rights,. Individual life is worthless in China. China never had a Renaissance or enlightment. I expect nothing positive from your people. I don´t see a trustful relationship with China and i say that in all honesty.

We have a good relationship with Japan. They are a partner in the ISS and we trust them. I don´t think we could trust China. Loyality and friendship are unknown in the chinese culture. Thats why i think so bad about it.

Show me a single thing where you did something good for us.
haha,what Turkey offered to the world? roast turkeys? only good for Thnaksgiving maybe
I´m not obsessed. You nationalistic clowns are entertaining. I see mass poverty in China and you think you are someone. Sorry but i can´t help but laughing.
This Beijing clown said it would be good if Europe and US moves production out of China... Haha.. What are those huge lower class in China going to eat? They will eat each other.

Millions of Italians live in poverty... how many people all together in tiny Italy anyway

you show one poor gypsy women (with rich italians in the background). Our poor live in social houses, get food and money. Yours simply die. Btw the women on the picture makes roughly 500 € with that per day. Its an industry.
The only thing they offer the world is cheap labor. Everything else is either a bad copy or just flat our stolen. They think they can cheat their way to the end of times. Everybody is already pissed off at these paper tiger aliens thinking they can get away with everything.
China has the fastest super computer and train. From whom China should copy? Mars?
Leave us alone, We don't like to have a partnership with ISS either,they are now warming up and approaching us for possible cooperation,cause they know that in the near Chinese station will be the only one up there for sometime,we will refuse their requests.
China has the fastest super computer and train. From whom China should copy? Mars?
Japan can make faster computer tomorrow if they want to. They just don't have use for it so they won't waste money on it. Our Japanese brothers dwarfs you on every field.
This Beijing clown said it would be good if Europe and US moves production out of China... Haha.. What are those huge lower class in China going to eat? They will eat each other.
Why don't they move out? Are we begging them to stay? No. They stay because they are not as stupid as you are.
Same reason germany is most popular country in the world.

We don´t like USA. I think even less about USA than China. The sad truth is, that europe is the center of humanity and culture. All other regions are barbaric. Some more (China)...some less (USA). Unfortunately not evry society reached our cultural level yet. Humanism, art and science.

To be serious, i can´t imagine a honest partnership with China. China knows no human rights,. Individual life is worthless in China. China never had a Renaissance or enlightment. I expect nothing positive from your people. I don´t see a trustful relationship with China and i say that in all honesty.

We have a good relationship with Japan. They are a partner in the ISS and we trust them. I don´t think we could trust China. Loyality and friendship are unknown in the chinese culture. Thats why i think so bad about it.

Show me a single thing where you did something good for us.
Yeah,we understand, just as I said,Triple Entente
Oh, German do not support fascist again. So only Italy and Japan left, maybe adding Turkey?
Even America abuse Abe, maybe you guys can get some support from Italian Mafia, Turkey supported terrorist,and Japanese Kaze,how terrible:cheesy:
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