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Japan No Longer an Export Powerhouse

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That is true. Chinese men only get to date Chinese shemales. While the latter also dates outside the race. Apparently they don't prefer Chinese men either according to statistics that was posted here. Which doesn't surprise me. I know Korean and Japanese and they have foreign girl friends so this is not Asian thing but more Chinese thing. Maybe it has to do with Chinese all looking the same. I can imagine it can feel awkard doing it with somebody who looks like your family member. I don't have Asian fetish but I would consider dating Japanese. Some Japanese girls can look very hot because they come from noble blood.

According to economist China is going to hit great crises as growth slows and slows down and eventually will stop. So I wouldn't bet your money on that horse haha. Only women who will just do it for the money are prostitutes anyway.
Don't pretend you knowing Chinese girls. I personally asked many Chinese girls about "would they mind marring foreign guys". The answer for most of them is no. Culture difference is a big problem.
BTW, tell you guys if you so like Chinese GDP. A huge amount of GDP comes from
how much is a HSR ticket from Shanghai to Beijing?

Germany as example, Frankfurt and Cologne is about 200km away, both cities are connected by HSR and airports. So 200-300km distance is ok for HSR as well as airport. the main point is they should earn their own costs, otherwise it is a nightmare for the public finance.
Tell you the truth, I've never experienced high speed in China, because I am afraid that. Lighting can make the train stop in journey and the air-condition all stopp! It isnt the first time Such things happen. I take the air from Shanghai to Beijing, or common train which called (动车). Someone told me the "动车" is disappeared now after the high speed is open. I bought the seat ticket on 动车, cost about 1.4-1.5million VND and the journey from Shanghai to Beijing is 1200km

How big is Japan and Korea? smaller than an average Chinese province,can you really call that travel..
Your should tell them the difference between different places, for example, your own experiences. Data do be boring.

HSR Beijing-- Zhengzhou , 700 Km . 310 Yuan . around 50 USD
BTW, tell you guys if you so like Chinese GDP. A huge amount of GDP comes from

Tell you the truth, I've never experienced high speed in China, because I am afraid that. Lighting can make the train stop in journey and the air-condition all stopp! It isnt the first time Such things happen. I take the air from Shanghai to Beijing, or common train which called (动车). Someone told me the "动车" is disappeared now after the high speed is open. I bought the seat ticket on 动车, cost about 1.4-1.5million VND and the journey from Shanghai to Beijing is 1200km

The CRH in my opinion is a remarkable engineering feat.
how much is a HSR ticket from Shanghai to Beijing?

Germany as example, Frankfurt and Cologne is about 200km away, both cities are connected by HSR and airports. So 200-300km distance is ok for HSR as well as airport. the main point is they should earn their own costs, otherwise it is a nightmare for the public finance.

a single HSR trip from Frankfurt to Cologne costs 71 Euro ($95).
Shangahi to Beijing cost around 67 Euro or 1300++km. I think its cheap.
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how much is a HSR ticket from Shanghai to Beijing?

Germany as example, Frankfurt and Cologne is about 200km away, both cities are connected by HSR and airports. So 200-300km distance is ok for HSR as well as airport. the main point is they should earn their own costs, otherwise it is a nightmare for the public finance.

a single HSR trip from Frankfurt to Cologne costs 71 Euro ($95).
D train (D316 for example):1st class seat 648 rmb,2nd class seat 408 rmb,9 hour 44 minuntes
G train (G104 ):business seat 1748,1st class 933,2nd class 553,5 hour 32 minutes
the beijing-shanghai length is 1318 kms
Hi Atawolf, you seems to hate Chinese and I saw you propagating Pan Turkism elsewhere. I think your Azerbaijan brothers in Iran will hammer you first way before China man handle you guys.

Iranian Azerbaijani your own brothers in every ways, decide to side with Persian than Pan Turkism. I know China control of Xinjiang offends you.

That is true. Chinese men only get to date Chinese shemales. .
sure, we can, in reality Japan economy bases mostly on japanese foreign investments, in China and elsewhere. the portion of total economic outputs in japan is declining.
Chinese economy (GDP) bases mostly on Chinese base installation constructs and real estate, while base installation constructs in Europé always have a nice quality although the work time is much longer, for example, the German workers need 3 months to build a bridge, while Chinese need only 3 weeks. But the German bridge can be used 100 yrs, and Chinese one, maybe 3 yrs needs a repair. The high speed train or other things are the same stories. From the repair and rebuild again, The huge amount of GDP come out, but is that meanful? Chinese foreign trade is in a chao situation now. We all know, now is a age of global integration, we can choose all what we need with the help of internet from every country, the western companies always ask Chinese factories to a lower price since they want to have a more competitive strength in local market, but China has lost the superiority on the cheap labor force, as we know, more people will open their factories in South East Asia, not China, because the same job, Chinese workers ask more wage, more holiday and more......since goods price in China is increasing every year but the Chinese Money is being depreciate every year!(I buy a bottle of nice Norwegian milk only cost about 28000 VND, but a bottle of poisonous Chinese milk cost me about 70000VND), and no need to Think about the car and house's price and quality. Same Suzuki Alto in Europé, Airbag is a standard, but not in China. So if China contiune enjoying her low-level labor force and stupid real estate for such rubbish GDP, but not give a big hand to those innovation middle and small campanies and making own Chinese people have a good life, I cannot find future.

D train (D316 for example):1st class seat 648 rmb,2nd class seat 408 rmb,9 hour 44 minuntes
G train (G104 ):business seat 1748,1st class 933,2nd class 553,5 hour 32 minutes
the beijing-shanghai length is 1318 kms
What's G and D
Hi Atawolf, you seems to hate Chinese and I saw you propagating Pan Turkism elsewhere. I think your Azerbaijan brothers in Iran will hammer you first way before China man handle you guys.

Iranian Azerbaijani your own brothers in every ways, decide to side with Persian than Pan Turkism. I know China control of Xinjiang offends you.

Did you not know that he is bitter after being turned down by Chinese girl ?

Getting back to Japan, remember it is still hosting US occupation troops. Since 1945 USA has been using Japanese disciplined/regimented workforce, innovations and well laid out infrustructure for own production/profit. The lever for Japanese economic index is held by Washington DC. USA wants Japan to weaken so that it will accept USA's recipe to militarize/re-arm. There is no other nation in Asia which can be built-up to checkmate China.
Getting back to Japan, remember it is still hosting US occupation troops. Since 1945 USA has been using Japanese disciplined/regimented workforce, innovations and well laid out infrustructure for own production/profit. The lever for Japanese economic index is held by Washington DC. USA wants Japan to weaken so that it will accept USA's recipe to militarize/re-arm. There is no other nation in Asia which can be built-up to checkmate China.
I can agree you to some extend, but if Chinese cannot realize their stupid on some things and really do some "real things" they will probably be replaced. BTW, cheap labor can be found everywhere, but Sony only one.
600RMB for those who normal people earns 2000 to 3000RMB is not a big price? Thinking about their rent and paid in Daily Life!
every Shangahi to Beijing (Beijing to Shanghai) high speed train is full all the time,so you tell me..
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