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Japan No Longer an Export Powerhouse

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Then why japan still unable to send human into space? and why cant they send rover to moon yet?

Japan is member in supporting the ISS. They send astronauts into space, they build a segment of the ISS. Its called partnership. Something you propably never heared about. Japan simply doesn't need to send a rover on the moon and they send astronauts into space. There is always one japanese in the ISS. The chinese spacestation is a joke compared to the ISS. The japanese module Kibo on ISS alone is bigger.
All those late comers ,along with S.Korea and Taiwan, took away a great share of Japan's share of exports and turned Japan into a net import country.

The chinese spacestation is a joke compared to the ISS. The japanese module Kibo on ISS alone is bigger.

Ha.ok,we love this joke and will keep playing that.
USSR and N.Korea don't have very strong economy base, they put almost everything they had in military therefore bankrupted them.China,on the other hand,developed the economy first and only put a very very small percentage of GDP in military.that's why China's economic growth is sustainable while theirs were not.
Aha, first time hear USSR has not a strong economy base:( But no problem, since you guys have realized the reason now. What China did on military is based on Chinese economy, technology, or other needs. We talk about USA, which is also a big country that can be campared. Absolutly, the US military force is the strongest army at the moment now, but the most direct impression for Chinese people on USA isnt her army force but McDonald's, KFC, Hollywood, your "call of duty" and "battlefield" video games even you need to have a nice English language level if Chinese want to enter the University in China at the monent! Really funny that Chinese Confucicus Institute even thinks"Ok, we have had so much foreigners who wants to learn Chinese language now" Funny! This is the POWER! The Power that everyone idenfify and respect, not always show your stupid military muscle! Even the muscle isn't so strong actually.
In the end ,everything boils down to who has more money to support their industry. economy should always go first.

US is very strong and will stay that strong for the foreseeable future,the country is vast and rich in resources.but Japan isn't,Japan lacks resources and land to grow food,the country has to do trade to get what it needs.so export is almost like lifeline for Japan.
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Japan is member in supporting the ISS. They send astronauts into space, they build a segment of the ISS. Its called partnership. Something you propably never heared about. Japan simply doesn't need to send a rover on the moon and they send astronauts into space.

LOL. You need to read and find fact first before bursting stupidity and ignorance dude ..

Japan is in race with China in space technology, including in sending man to moon.
Before Japan is able to send man to moon, they need to be able to send man into space first.

Japanese Lunar Exploration Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You talk to much :lol:

There is always one japanese in the ISS. The chinese spacestation is a joke compared to the ISS. The japanese module Kibo on ISS alone is bigger.

Are u saying that the whole ISS members are much more advanced than China in space technology, just because your assuming that ISS is much better than Tiangong?

Dude, did Japan send the Kibo module by themself?
And how much bigger is Kibo compared to chinese space station?

Please enlighten me ..
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LOL. You need to read and find fact first before bursting stupidity and ignorance dude ..

Japan is in race with China in space technology, including in sending man to moon.
Before Japan is able to send man to moon, they need to be able to send man into space first.

Japanese Lunar Exploration Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You talk to much :lol:

Are u saying that the whole ISS members are much more advanced than China in space technology, just because your assuming that ISS is much better than Tiangong?

Dude, did Japan send the Kibo module by themself?
And how much bigger is Kibo compared to chinese space station?

Please enlighten me ..

Considering the fact that each japanese supply module is bigger than Tiangong it is a simple fact, that JAXA is more advanced than China. Japan can launch humans into,space. Ther is simply no need for it because cooperation. Thats something you dont understand. Do you honestly believe any industrial nation would struggle to send humans into space? If so, you have no clue what you talk about
It's Japan who has territorial
Considering the fact that each japanese supply module is bigger than Tiangong it is a simple fact, that JAXA is more advanced than China. Japan can launch humans into,space. Ther is simply no need for it because cooperation. Thats something you dont understand. Do you honestly believe any industrial nation would struggle to send humans into space? If so, you have no clue what you talk about

Haha,that's really silly,are you saying that Italy has no trouble sending a man to the space? Joke of year comes so early in 2014.

the very old cliche of preschool kids.,ha,of course we can do it, I just don't feel like doing it. lol...
Japanese Lunar Exploration Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Considering the fact that each japanese supply module is bigger than Tiangong it is a simple fact, that JAXA is more advanced than China. Japan can launch humans into,space. Ther is simply no need for it because cooperation. Thats something you dont understand. Do you honestly believe any industrial nation would struggle to send humans into space? If so, you have no clue what you talk about

Dude, did you read the wiki that i gave to you? did you find fact first before speaking?

And what fact you have broght so far?? I can only see you are 100% playing with empty assumption.

Where is the fact that Kibo is much bigger than Tiangong?
Where is the fact that Japan send Kibo to ISS?
Where is the fact that Japan can send human into space?

You failed when you were assuming Japan is not interested in sending rover and human to moon, as I have given infront of you face how Japan has been desperately trying to send human to moon, but loose to China.

Your claims are totally empty but also contradictive to facts.

@ Markus,

Please stop playing with assumption, we are not interested with that.

Japan can send space craft to asteroid, doesnt mean that Japan is more advanced than China, USA, or the whole world.

Sending thing to asteroid doesnt bring much advantage to human compared to sending man to moon.
Japan need to play this game to raise her profile because she is not successfull yet in the sending man into space and rover to moon.

Nobody say that Japan is more advanced than China except fool like you.
Please show me if there, I challenge you.
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ha ha ha ....you are nothing but a poor jealous, butthurt soul..
Instead of always bragging, work for the poor of your country, that will help them.
This thread id about china and Japan. Focus on that.:lol::lol:

How am i jealous? What he said about China applies to India as well. But you seem to be the only Indian that approves his views. Your countrymen would disagree with your short sighted China hatred. :)
Didn't you say China doesn't know the concept of cooperation with other countries? Well your post shows ESA and China can work perfectly together. Contradicting yourself aren't you?

We did not work together, we helped china. cooperation would mean we gain something too...but we just gave support. What is our reward for that?
why? its simply reality. Here in europe we see a few rich chinese who come for vacations but behave like the last farmer...China has incredible poverty and low living standards. Its ruled from a corrupt elite. It sends a rover to the moon while people starve there. How can i respect a country that is not able to provide the basic living standards we consider normal in europe? Sorry but with all respect but even mongolia is more developed than china. At least their society is equal in standard. China shows shanghai and honkong and hides the 99% of the country.
That is the exact reason why China will disintegrate. There is equality. Only 5% of population is middle class and the remaining at dirt poor, country savages, with no education or whatsoever. Anyway, the whole china neighborhood is set against them. They are pissing off to many people outside and inside their country. Central government is weak and combined with dropping of their poor piss living standard even more will bust China wide open, fragmenting it into multiple smaller states.

100% agree. But let them sing their song. Btw i also wish freedom for uighurs.
Thanks bro..

I expect Japan to play a huge role in this
China Behind Half of Worldwide Luxury Consumption
US$ 102 Billion were spent on luxury goods in China in the year 2013, making it the main driver behind the growth of the luxury market in the world. This interest and thirst for luxury items is also expected to witness growth in the year to come. The Chinese market is projecting this development throughout fashion cities all over the world. Paris, Tokyo, Rome and New York were the main shopping destinations chosen by the Chineseluxury client. This has also motivated many Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in acquiring prominent brands in the luxury segment to satisfy this increasing demand.
China Behind Half of Worldwide Luxury Consumption | Fashionbi 247


How am i jealous? What he said about China applies to India as well. But you seem to be the only Indian that approves his views. Your countrymen would disagree with your short sighted China hatred.
nobody hates china in India..Nor do I.
If china and India Co-operates world will be in their feet.
yes both nation have same problem, Indian don't boast and cover it up where as chinese do.:tup:
That is the exact reason why China will disintegrate. There is equality. Only 5% of population is middle class and the remaining at dirt poor, country savages, with no education or whatsoever. Anyway, the whole china neighborhood is set against them. They are pissing off to many people outside and inside their country. Central government is weak and combined with dropping of their poor piss living standard even more will bust China wide open, fragmenting it into multiple smaller states.

Thanks bro

chinas regime is aware of that inner weakness. Why you think they start that chaos with japan? They want lead inner conflicts outside. Strong chinese leaders like Mao had good relations with Japan. China is boiling inside in gigantic conflicts. 95 % of people live in extreme poverty. 4% are middle class and demand participation...and the corrupt elite loses control.
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