You know nothing about but come here, yeah, as you said, the GDP of China maybe will overtake USA, but actually, Chinese GDP has overtaken Sweden and Germany. So do you Think campared with them, China is a better country? No, China now even cannot build a proper stabile engine to their airfighters, tanks, warships or even normal vehiles! Of course Chinese government do claim a purpose that they must change the way on developing, not rely on those cheap labour force or real estate, but many years passed, have you seen a Chinese brand becoming famous in the World and can campared with those brands come from developed countries? No! But for Japanese, they did! Dont tell me USA helps Japan so much, because Japan do be a very hard-working country, and the most important, Japanese can be involved in a certain area that they like and give some surprise to the World, while China, they havent any patient and what they think is ok, now I am a poor guy, so how can I become a millionaire right tomorrow? This is the quite big difference between China and Japan. BTW, if you travel to Japan, you will find Japanese people's level on life is much much much higher than Chinese people.