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Japan approves 5 years more funding for U.S. military presence as China, Russia and North Korea threats loom large

Think the Japanese would develop nukes if the situation is critical enough to persuade the populace even when nuclear weapons are unpopular because of WW2?
You have no clue,right? Japanese have always want nuclear weapon for at least decades. Don't be fooled by those peace parades which are only for TV show. The core of japanese society is always nationalists group like LDP. It's your country US is keeping them from devoloping their own nuclear weapon otherwise they would drive your military bases out of their country.
Again China is against N.Korea having nuclear weapons and small countries going nuclear will bring disasters to themselves, but N.Korea listens to no one but themselves, Korean war should be a Korean nation's unification war, a civil war that all foreign powers should stay out of it. US also fought a civil war , you can't claim who invaded who.
The American Civil War was obviously the South who attacked Fort Sumter. For the Korean War, we know who invaded first. Don't ignore that.
The American Civil War was obviously the South who attacked Fort Sumter. For the Korean War, we know who invaded first. Don't ignore that.
So US civil was the south attacking the north and foreign powers should intervene to punish the south?
You have no clue,right? Japanese have always want nuclear weapon for at least decades. Don't be fooled by those peace parades which are only for TV show. The core of japanese society is always nationalists group like LDP. It's your country US is keeping them from devoloping their own nuclear weapon otherwise they would drive your military bases out of their country.
Really? And the title of this thread where Japan agrees to pay for U.S. military presence. Don't even need nukes to get the U.S. out.

So US civil was the south attacking the north and foreign powers should intervene to punish the south?
LOL! You should look at Great Britain providing weapons and ships to the South. Its pretty much like the Soviet Union and China supplying planes and military equipment even Soviet pilots.
Really? And the title of this thread where Japan agrees to pay for U.S. military presence. Don't even need nukes to get the U.S. out.

LOL! You should look at Great Britain providing weapons and ships to the South. Its pretty much like the Soviet Union and China supplying planes and military equipment even Soviet pilots.
You know why you have so many military bases in Europe but not in France? You really thinks japanese would need your protection if they really have a choice? You are naiive..
Cause France didn't want U.S. there. Do you know why there are bases in Great Britain?
Lol,if your country is as smart as you, then US should declare Japan would not be punished and sanctioned if they start to devolop their own nuclear weapon,that will save your country a lot of money by providing nuclear protection and you could still keep your military bases in japan.
US helped israel to devolop their nuclear weapons right? You could try that on japan too.
Lol,if your country is as smart as you, then US should declare Japan would not be punished and sanctioned if they start to devolop their own nuclear weapon,that will save your country a lot of money by providing nuclear protection and you could still keep your military bases in japan.
US helped israel to devolop their nuclear weapons right? You could try that on japan too.
We didn't help Israel develop nukes. They spied and stole the info to make it. Thats like saying the U.S. helped the Russians make their own nuclear weapons.
Japan is a dying nation. it's been a US colony since WW2 and it's economy which gave it's citizenry some illusion of autonomy is in stagnation for three decades.

Japan will slip before SK and other second tier asian nations in terms of power and influence in the coming decades.

We didn't help Israel develop nukes. They spied and stole the info to make it. Thats like saying the U.S. helped the Russians make their own nuclear weapons.
Pray tell why none of the local "collaborators" were ever prosecuted for funding and actually pulling off the series of thefts that aided Israeli nuclear program? Cause USGA was looking the other way...
Japan is a dying nation. it's been a US colony since WW2 and it's economy which gave it's citizenry some illusion of autonomy is in stagnation for three decades.

Japan will slip before SK and other second tier asian nations in terms of power and influence in the coming decades.

Pray tell why none of the local "collaborators" were ever prosecuted for funding and actually pulling off the series of thefts that aided Israeli nuclear program? Cause USGA was looking the other way...
:crazy: Don't know how you got the dying nation part. I mean is South Korea also dying because you think its a U.S. colony? How about Great Britain with U.S. bases there or Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.
:crazy: Don't know how you got the dying nation part. I mean is South Korea also dying because you think its a U.S. colony? How about Great Britain with U.S. bases there or Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.
Check the latest demographic data in Japan, being a US colony doesn't exclusively qualify it to be one.
:crazy: Don't know how you got the dying nation part.
China had no suzerain over Japan,Japan paid tribute between 600-838bc but that's for trade access to Chinese market,China had no administrative control on Japanese empress.
Both China & Japan wasn't unified back in Sui era, the big empire in china was in a contest against Goguryeo and there's Bekjae ,Shilla in north east asia.

Before Japan became more centralized under the central ruler ,various clans acted with a certain degree of independence,some clans had send tribute to china for trade access and got inferred titles to boost their standing, but the Japanese empire had no need for Chinese decree and the Japanese emperess made it clear from the letter send by Ono no Imoko, a Japanese politician and diplomat in the late 6th and early 7th century, during the Asuka period,appointed by Empress Suiko as an official envoy to the Sui court in 607 (Imperial embassies to China),delivered the famous letter from Japan's Prince Shōtoku which began "The Son of Heaven where the sun rises [Japan], to the Son of Heaven where the sun sets [China], may good health be with you."
A vassal living under Chinese suzerain would never write like that. Japan being a vassal of China is absolutely wrong ,Japan along wit Baekjae fought even against Tang-Shilla .
China -Japan had a Master -Student relationship , but saying Japan was a vassal is historically wrong.
During the Yayoi period in Japanese history, many countries on the archipelago did pay tribute to the Central Plains Dynasty. According to general understanding, these countries can of course be called the vassal states of the Han and Wei states. The famous ones are the Japanese slave country and the Yamatai kingdom (the Na Japanese king and the pro-Wei Japanese king). In the next stage of the Kofun era, according to Chinese history books, there were tributes from the 'Wa Five Kings', and these Japanese Kings were also canonized as 'General Andong' or 'Wa King', which shows that they were long-term and stable vassals.

Don't change the concept, whether Japan is a vassal of China itself is very vague. We are discussing whether Japan was once a vassal of China, rather than the two questions of "Can a part of Japan as a vassal of China represent Japan" and "Can a part of China as a suzerain of Japan represent China".
If you strongly object to Japan being a vassal of China, how do you explain the origin of the King of Na gold seal? What do you think of the Fukuoka Museum's interpretation of the history of this golden seal?
Of course, I don't think Japan was once an undisputed Chinese vassal state like Vietnam and Korea.

I'm not a professional historian, and many terms may be inaccurate, but I still think your point is open to question.
Then Russia better not wait for Japan to build it then. Never know what Uncle Sam would do in the future. South Korea's ballistic missiles restrictions were lifted, different presidents different agendas and policies.

Doubt China likes U.S. presence cause of future war between U.S. and China, whether you think it will contain Japan's desire to invade China again.
US had been 'present' for the past 70 years, so? As much as China hates US meddling in Taiwan, we are more afraid of a militarized Japan, US presence keeps that in check.
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