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Japan approves 5 years more funding for U.S. military presence as China, Russia and North Korea threats loom large

SLBMs and road mobile TELs solve the problem for Japan.
Nuclearization of Japan can only raise the chance of the country's total annihilation, increasing the chance of Russia and N. Korea using nuclear attacks on Japan, and US is highly unlikely to allow Japan to do it, Japan won't risk being left alone all to itself, so this scenario is highly unlikely.
Japan needs a partner ally. France is in the EU so it has Germany and other EU countries as top power. For Japan, that choice is either Russia, China, or the US. Pretty easy choice to keep it with the US.
Having an ally doesn't neccesarily need to have their military bases in your country. Having foreign military bases is considered as an insult to national sovereignity in most of countries. In fact,japan looks more like a satellite country of USA. You have no choice after WWII.
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In a joint opinion poll conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun and the South Korean newspaper Hankook Ilbo, 88% of Japanese and 72% of South Korean respondents said the increasing military pressure China is putting on its neighbors is a threat to their countries.

Japanese and South Korean respondents expressed a strong sense of caution against China in the survey, which was conducted in Japan and South Korea on May 21-23.

On the U.S. policy of increasing pressure on China over diplomatic, security and human rights issues, 59% of Japanese and 64% of South Koreans said their country should side with the United States.

Meanwhile, 68% of respondents in both countries said Japan-South Korea relations should be improved to counter China and North Korea.
59% of Japanese and 64% of South Koreans said their country should side with the United States.
Just 59% ? I thought it would be much higher. it seems not every Japanese is happy with 70 years US occupation.
Taipei – A new survey on Friday showed that 60% of Taiwanese consider Japan their favorite foreign country, the highest number since such surveys began in 2009.

According to the survey conducted by an investigative agency commissioned by Tokyo’s de facto embassy in Taipei, Japan was by far the most favored country among Taiwanese, with China ranking second with 5% and the United States third with 4%.

Japan also topped the list of countries or regions with which respondents believe Taiwan should develop a close relationship in the future with 46%, up 9 percentage points from the previous survey in 2018 to hit a record high.

In the same question, the US was chosen by 24%, up 9 points, and China by 15%, down 16 points, amid tense relations across the Straits.

The US overtook China as the country respondents considered most influential to Taiwan, with a record 58% choosing the US, up from 33% in 2018, compared to 25% choosing China , a sharp decrease from 45% in the previous survey.

A total of 13% chose Japan.

A record 70% of respondents said Taiwan-Japan relations are strong, while 77% said they felt an affinity for Japan, up from 70% in 2018.

The survey was conducted among a random sample of 1,068 Taiwanese adults aged 20 to 80 by phone or online from January 5 to 20.
You should save your crumbling economy firstly,otherwise you have no money to compete with PLAN.we build nearly 200k tonnages of navy warships, which equals to building entire japanese navy in every 3 years now.
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Having an ally doesn't neccesary need to have their military bases in your country. Having foreign military bases is considered as an insult to national sovereignity in most of countries. In fact,japan looks more like a satellite country of USA. You have no choice after WWII.

Well yes of course, the US bases were not welcomed and were forced in following Japan's total defeat. Japan of course has a choice. Both Japan and US work hard to keep relations good with in the background the reality that in an anarchy world, any power will strive to be ok top. So a new equilibrium is reached and consensus on keeping that at peace. US is at top.

You should firstly save your crumbling economy firstly,otherwise you have no money to compete with PLAN.we build 200k tonnages of navy warships, which equals to building entire japanese navy in every 3 years now.
Only 16.7% of South Koreans feel friendly toward Japanese and 20.2% of Japanese do so toward South Koreans, a survey showed Tuesday, underscoring the soured relations between the two neighboring countries.


This is interesting;

Moreover, a survey conducted by Japan’s independent think tank Genron NPO revealed that, while the Japanese public has decidedly negative feelings towards China, even in the age of COVID-19 more than six in every ten Japanese believe that relations between Japan and China are important.

Immigration is not a fix but a band-aid. The only fix is higher fertility rate.
And how would you get the population to have more babies? Stipends? Bonus? Benefits?

US had been 'present' for the past 70 years, so? As much as China hates US meddling in Taiwan, we are more afraid of a militarized Japan, US presence keeps that in check.
Ok sure. Considering the U.S. has encouraged Japan to take more responsibilities in military matters.
Think the Japanese would develop nukes if the situation is critical enough to persuade the populace even when nuclear weapons are unpopular because of WW2?
they won't get a chance to. Chinese satellites are watching them 24/7. Every step of the way will be publicized to build a casus belli. And when they're sufficiently far along, refuse to surrender, but still far from a device, sufficient evidence will be built to justify a disarming first strike.
they won't get a chance to. Chinese satellites are watching them 24/7. Every step of the way will be publicized to build a casus belli. And when they're sufficiently far along, refuse to surrender, but still far from a device, sufficient evidence will be built to justify a disarming first strike.
So China is going to pre-emptive nuclear strike?
So China is going to pre-emptive nuclear strike?
no, China has a NFU policy.

but I imagine that if such intelligence was leaked to North Korea, they may take some drastic action. and of course, Russia does not have NFU policy.
no, China has a NFU policy.

but I imagine that if such intelligence was leaked to North Korea, they may take some drastic action. and of course, Russia does not have NFU policy.
Hmm...so North Korea would launch nukes at Japan...
who knows what they'll do. North Korea's crazy, remember? just keep in mind that China is always watching.
North Korea's crazy but not dumb. Kim Jong is not going to destroy his throne and rule. The U.S. is also watching.
North Korea's crazy but not dumb. Kim Jong is not going to destroy his throne and rule. The U.S. is also watching.
good, so US will help enforce the NPT, a treaty that forms the bedrock of deterrence, right?
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