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Japan approves 5 years more funding for U.S. military presence as China, Russia and North Korea threats loom large

The reality is that Japan isn’t going to do anything to provoke Russia. It’s already settled on it’s gradual decline and sinking irrelevance and it will be happy to just be left alone. And that is precisely why they will reach an agreement with China when the time comes in the coming decades.
Sure, whatever agreement that's going to be.
Eventually when China's power becomes overwhelming. Japan will return to being a vassal state of China again, like it was in past centuries.
Japan was never a vassal of China.
The empress Suiko of Japan started sending missions to China by 600BC to learn technique for governance ,China's emperor Yangdi,after unifying substantial part of China for the first time in centuries, wanted formal relationship with nearby states after coming to power.

Empress Suiko had passed a memorial to the emperor of China which mentions "The child of heaven where the sun rises addresses the child of heaven where the sun sets"-that's not how vassals talk ,empressess Suiko seeked respect for japan and wanted the emperors from both nation to be treated as equal.

Japan used to send tributes to japan from 600 till 838 bc, it was a mean for trade concessions by China,after the decline of Tang ,China's appeal to the Japanese had declined and Japan stopped sending tributes by 838 bc.Japanese had adapted what they learned from China according to Japanese needs & taste by then .
Though Japan had again send tribute to China in 1403 for trade benefit ,but stopped that in a century.

China repeating the mistake of disrespecting Japan.
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Mind you own business Indian, try to be judge on Sino-Jap relations and try to tell what China should do with regard to Jap ? Take a hike to kiss up to the Japs. The Japs don't deserve the respect of China.
Mind your own business ,don't tell me what to say like ,your unhinged suboptimal intellect talk doesn't deserve any serious response.
Eventually when China's power becomes overwhelming. Japan will return to being a vassal state of China again, like it was in past centuries.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have recently hinted that the Japanese constitution does NOT prevents Japan from going nuclear. This is significant statement.

Times are changing and Japanese nationalism is not to be underestimated.
Mind your own business ,don't tell me what to say like ,your unhinged suboptimal intellect talk doesn't deserve any serious response.
You filthy Indian, Chinese matters none of your business. Stop being self appointed teacher to Chinese, go concern about and build more the urgent toilets in your country ! You people have no sense of shame, do you ?
You filthy Indian, Chinese matters none of your business. Stop being self appointed teacher to Chinese, go concern about and build more the urgent toilets in your country ! You people have no sense of shame, do you ?
I refuted the Chinese claim that Japan was a vassal of China, what part of it is so hard to understand for your suboptimal brain ?
It's not smart for a small country to go nuclear, big countries like Russia and China can withstand several rounds of nuclear attacks but tiny countries like Japan and Korea can vanished from the face of the earth in a matter of minutes if not seconds if being nuclearly bombed.
Just shut your filthy mouth Indian, stop telling the Chinese what they should do to Jap.
Only your mom would care for your tantrum manchild.
I keep pointing out chinese lunatic lies , regarding Japan. None of your business.
Only your mom would care for your tantrum manchild.
I keep pointing out chinese lunatic lies , regarding Japan. None of your business.
Talk about lies, No one are better at lies than you filthy Indians in the world as human know it, you shameless low lives can deny all the time that you got beaten badly in 1962 war and the Galwan clash in 2020 and claim that you won the wars. Your whole nation are mentally deranged, lives on lies and should take drugs for that.
Japan was never a vassal of China.
The empress Suiko of Japan started sending missions to China by 600BC to learn technique for governance ,China's emperor Yangdi,after unifying substantial part of China for the first time in centuries, wanted formal relationship with nearby states after coming to power.

Empress Suiko had passed a memorial to the emperor of China which mentions "The child of heaven where the sun rises addresses the child of heaven where the sun sets"-that's not how vassals talk ,empressess Suiko seeked respect for japan and wanted the emperors from both nation to be treated as equal.

Japan used to send tributes to japan from 600 till 838 bc, it was a mean for trade concessions by China,after the decline of Tang ,China's appeal to the Japanese had declined and Japan stopped sending tributes by 838 bc.Japanese had adapted what they learned from China according to Japanese needs & taste by then .
Though Japan had again send tribute to China in 1403 for trade benefit ,but stopped that in a century.

China repeating the mistake of disrespecting Japan.
You are an avid historical revisionist of Japanese history. Japan was a vassal and a tributary state. There is no point discussing this as the historical proof is undeniable.
You are an avid historical revisionist of Japanese history. Japan was a vassal and a tributary state. There is no point discussing this as the historical proof is undeniable.
A vassal and paying tribute paying state isn't the same,you apparently don't know even the distinction between them,your logic is "Japan paid tribute so it was a vassal state".

What part of anything I said is revision rather than an exact reiteration of well-documented history?

There's no historical proof Japan was a vassal.Did Japan paid tribute yes,between 600-838 bc,than later in 14th century for trade grants.
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the new korean leader is very pro US and japan. i predict he'll create many unnecessary troubles and fucked up their economy and forced to step down before his term ends.

Wars are unpredictable.

A few months ago all eyes were on the India-China clash, EU-Russia Romance and death of NATO.

But Russia-Ukraine war changed all that in a matter of days.

Few months ago, If someone would have said Greece, Turkiye, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, Indian, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, China would all be on the same side, it would have been the biggest joke of the century. But that is exactly what has happened.

South Koreans hate Japan more than North Korea or China.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have recently hinted that the Japanese constitution does NOT prevents Japan from going nuclear. This is significant statement.

Times are changing and Japanese nationalism is not to be underestimated.
It's not their constitution prevents them from going nuclear,it's United States stopping them. And if US still want to have military bases in japan then I see no reason why US would change their policy.

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