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Japan approves 5 years more funding for U.S. military presence as China, Russia and North Korea threats loom large

Sure and if a nuclear Japan shoots back, then Russia would be depopulated.
Japan would be destroyed before even getting nukes. Besides, papa Sam would sanction Japan to dust if they dare develop nukes.

It's not their constitution prevents them from going nuclear,it's United States stopping them. And if US still want to have military bases in japan then I see no reason why US would change their policy.
China actually likes US presence in Japan to contain those crazies. China would not likely invade Japan but Japan would most likely invade China, historically proven mate.
Japan was never a vassal of China.
The empress Suiko of Japan started sending missions to China by 600BC to learn technique for governance ,China's emperor Yangdi,after unifying substantial part of China for the first time in centuries, wanted formal relationship with nearby states after coming to power.

Empress Suiko had passed a memorial to the emperor of China which mentions "The child of heaven where the sun rises addresses the child of heaven where the sun sets"-that's not how vassals talk ,empressess Suiko seeked respect for japan and wanted the emperors from both nation to be treated as equal.

Japan used to send tributes to japan from 600 till 838 bc, it was a mean for trade concessions by China,after the decline of Tang ,China's appeal to the Japanese had declined and Japan stopped sending tributes by 838 bc.Japanese had adapted what they learned from China according to Japanese needs & taste by then .
Though Japan had again send tribute to China in 1403 for trade benefit ,but stopped that in a century.

China repeating the mistake of disrespecting Japan.
The so-called "vassal state" is a very complex historical concept. Historically, Japan was actually on the fuzzy line of the vassal of the Chinese Empire.

Relatively speaking, Japan's significance to the Chinese Empire is extremely limited. It is clear that the Chinese Empire never needed Japan as a vassal to buffer the powerful political forces from the eastern sea area. This fundamentally determines that the Chinese Empire's efforts to win over Japan are extremely limited, let alone the establishment of administrative management. . Therefore, Japan has long been isolated from the vassal structure of the Chinese Empire.

Of course, during Japan's long-term learning from China, there was a tributary relationship. Although the tributary state and the suzerain state are maintained through the tributary relationship, the existence of the tributary relationship does not necessarily mean the suzerain and the vassal. As early as the Han Dynasty, the countries of Japan, which had not yet been unified, sent envoys to the Central Plains Dynasty. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after the Han Empire destroyed Korea, the prefectures and counties were established, and the Japanese had more than 30 small countries communicating with the Han. All countries are called kingdoms, and they have been inherited from generation to generation.

All in all, in the history of Sino-Japanese relations, there have been times when a certain Japanese regime paid tribute to the Chinese Empire and was canonized, but on the whole, Japan has little strategic significance to the Chinese Empire (very lucky for Japan), saying that It is not appropriate for it to be a vassal state. Of course, this does not affect the objective fact that Japan has long been politically inferior to the Chinese Empire and has learned from China.
Eventually when China's power becomes overwhelming. Japan will return to being a vassal state of China again, like it was in past centuries.
That's how it works its nothing out of the ordinary, given the sheer size of China and its growing economy it will become virtually impossible to escape the gravity of a black hole.
Japan would be destroyed before even getting nukes. Besides, papa Sam would sanction Japan to dust if they dare develop nukes.

China actually likes US presence in Japan to contain those crazies. China would not likely invade Japan but Japan would most likely invade China, historically proven mate.
Then Russia better not wait for Japan to build it then. Never know what Uncle Sam would do in the future. South Korea's ballistic missiles restrictions were lifted, different presidents different agendas and policies.

Doubt China likes U.S. presence cause of future war between U.S. and China, whether you think it will contain Japan's desire to invade China again.
Old Japan nation looked up to Tang Dynasty. They learned some technology, governance, and religions. When Tang fell, Japan focused more on itself and minded little about China since there was nothing much new to learn.
The so-called "vassal state" is a very complex historical concept. Historically, Japan was actually on the fuzzy line of the vassal of the Chinese Empire.

Relatively speaking, Japan's significance to the Chinese Empire is extremely limited. It is clear that the Chinese Empire never needed Japan as a vassal to buffer the powerful political forces from the eastern sea area. This fundamentally determines that the Chinese Empire's efforts to win over Japan are extremely limited, let alone the establishment of administrative management. . Therefore, Japan has long been isolated from the vassal structure of the Chinese Empire.

Of course, during Japan's long-term learning from China, there was a tributary relationship. Although the tributary state and the suzerain state are maintained through the tributary relationship, the existence of the tributary relationship does not necessarily mean the suzerain and the vassal. As early as the Han Dynasty, the countries of Japan, which had not yet been unified, sent envoys to the Central Plains Dynasty. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after the Han Empire destroyed Korea, the prefectures and counties were established, and the Japanese had more than 30 small countries communicating with the Han. All countries are called kingdoms, and they have been inherited from generation to generation.

All in all, in the history of Sino-Japanese relations, there have been times when a certain Japanese regime paid tribute to the Chinese Empire and was canonized, but on the whole, Japan has little strategic significance to the Chinese Empire (very lucky for Japan), saying that It is not appropriate for it to be a vassal state. Of course, this does not affect the objective fact that Japan has long been politically inferior to the Chinese Empire and has learned from China.
China had no suzerain over Japan,Japan paid tribute between 600-838bc but that's for trade access to Chinese market,China had no administrative control on Japanese empress.
Both China & Japan wasn't unified back in Sui era, the big empire in china was in a contest against Goguryeo and there's Bekjae ,Shilla in north east asia.

Before Japan became more centralized under the central ruler ,various clans acted with a certain degree of independence,some clans had send tribute to china for trade access and got inferred titles to boost their standing, but the Japanese empire had no need for Chinese decree and the Japanese emperess made it clear from the letter send by Ono no Imoko, a Japanese politician and diplomat in the late 6th and early 7th century, during the Asuka period,appointed by Empress Suiko as an official envoy to the Sui court in 607 (Imperial embassies to China),delivered the famous letter from Japan's Prince Shōtoku which began "The Son of Heaven where the sun rises [Japan], to the Son of Heaven where the sun sets [China], may good health be with you."
A vassal living under Chinese suzerain would never write like that. Japan being a vassal of China is absolutely wrong ,Japan along wit Baekjae fought even against Tang-Shilla .
China -Japan had a Master -Student relationship , but saying Japan was a vassal is historically wrong.
It's not smart for a small country to go nuclear, big countries like Russia and China can withstand several rounds of nuclear attacks but tiny countries like Japan and Korea can vanished from the face of the earth in a matter of minutes if not seconds if being nuclearly bombed.
Really and yet you can use North Korea as an example of any deterrence of possible invasion of North Korea which isn't going to happen anyways since North Korea was the one invading South. Don't you posters always brag just a couple of nukes can destroy a country?
You know it can be changed but that still depends on the Japanese. Just like the debate on Article 9.
Even without change, there was the reinterpretation of it in 2014. Following that, all sorts of new defense laws have been passed. Strict Japan-only defense got swapped out with "collective Self-Defense". The JSDF can legally and quickly come to the aid of friendly nations. And they are already integrating with the militaries of friendly nations.
Really and yet you can use North Korea as an example of any deterrence of possible invasion of North Korea which isn't going to happen anyways since North Korea was the one invading South. Don't you posters always brag just a couple of nukes can destroy a country?
Do you know that China is also against North Korea for having nuclear weapons and China always promotes a non nuclear Korean peninsula? I guess this is news to you. Korean war started as a Korean's nation unification war, it's a civil war that both US and China should stay out of it, China would've joined the war if US didn't join first and push its troops all the war to the Chinese border.
Even without change, there was the reinterpretation of it in 2014. Following that, all sorts of new defense laws have been passed. Strict Japan-only defense got swapped out with "collective Self-Defense". The JSDF can legally and quickly come to the aid of friendly nations. And they are already integrating with the militaries of friendly nations.
Think the Japanese would develop nukes if the situation is critical enough to persuade the populace even when nuclear weapons are unpopular because of WW2?
The JSDF can legally and quickly come to the aid of friendly nations. And they are already integrating with the militaries of friendly nations.
Japan has no "friendly" nations in its neighborhood, the only "friendly" nation is on the other side of the Pacific ocean.
Do you know that China is also against North Korea for having nuclear weapons and China always promotes a non nuclear Korean peninsula? I guess this is news to you. Korean war started as a Korean's nation unification war, it's a civil war that both US and China should stay out of it, China would've joined the war if US didn't join first and push its troops all the war to the Chinese border.
No I'm aware of China is against North Korea having nuke. But this is about a small country that have nukes which as you view is not something they want on the Peninsula. North Korea invaded South with China's approval which is a fact. You just don't want to be directly involved until U.S. was pretty much near China's borders when things didn't go well for North Korea.

Japan has no "friendly" nations in its neighborhood, the only "friendly" nation is on the other side of the Pacific ocean.
Friendly nations or not, you don't want to get into a war with Japan. It gives the perception of China as the aggressor depending on the situation especially maritime rights or territories. You already have problems with Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.
Think the Japanese would develop nukes if the situation is critical enough to persuade the populace even when nuclear weapons are unpopular because of WW2?
The Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 added to anti-nuclear resentment. All nuclear reactors were turned off. Only a few, 6 or so, are back in operation. But yes, I do think interest in obtaining a nuclear arsenal is not an impossibility.
No I'm aware of China is against North Korea having nuke. But this is about a small country that have nukes which as you view is not something they want on the Peninsula. North Korea invaded South with China's approval which is a fact. You just don't want to be directly involved until U.S. was pretty much near China's borders when things didn't go well for North Korea.
Again China is against N.Korea having nuclear weapons and small countries going nuclear will bring disasters to themselves, but N.Korea listens to no one but themselves, Korean war should be a Korean nation's unification war, a civil war that all foreign powers should stay out of it. US also fought a civil war , you can't claim who invaded who.
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