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Jammu Kashmir a disputed territory, not ‘integral part’ of India: Pakistan

I guess you should worry more about your Balooch brothers.
one thing we have with kashmiris that u will never have for balouchistan .. all muslims are brothers bond by religion, we are brothers by religion .. all of the indians keep bringing up baloucistan .. why dont u ask ur government to take that to UN ???if u r so genuinly want to help them .. u bring it up just to justify ur murderers and killing
one thing we have with kashmiris that u will never have for balouchistan .. all muslims are brothers bond by religion, we are brothers by religion .. all of the indians keep bringing up baloucistan .. why dont u ask ur government to take that to UN ???if u r so genuinly want to help them .. u bring it up just to justify ur murderers and killing

Oh !! I see it's always about ummah ka chummah.

Get well soon.

We know how much you care for Kashmiri people.

Sectarian killings in Gilgit Baltistan - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

BBC News - Pakistan Shias killed in Gilgit sectarian attack

Gilgit Baltistan wants end to Pakistani occupation, activist says | Green Left Weekly

KashmirTelegraph: Cries from Azad Kashmir: Heart beats for India?

Now, will you plz stop shedding crocodile's tear.

I blame Nehru for this. Emotional fool wanted Kashmir because he was a Pandit.

as far as Neutral pollsters go, The majority in the valley don't want anything to do with India. But Jammu which is a Hindu majority area and Ladakh the Buddhist areas do not want anything to do with Kashmiri Muslims either.

a viable solution could be splitting the lands on religious grounds. Make Jammu a state, and Ladakh a Union territory or something.

If you ask on the ground Kashmiri Muslims you will get negative opinions about Indians.

And if you ask Jammu Hindus and Ladakh Buddhists, they know that living under an independent Kashmir will mean they will get hounded out of their homelands and pretty much get slaughtered.

The slaughter of Pundits have to do as much with the religious bigotry of Kashmiri 'rebels' as it is to do with Indian security forces incompetence of doing nothing.

Otherwise, a person way down in South or at the Eastern tips of India is cossetted from Kashmir and it's people.

I personally think Kashmir is a waste of time, Money and people.
very mature post and very acceptable solution ..indian should keep jammu and laddkah and hold a refrendum in valley .. it should let it go if they decided to vote against india ..
very mature post and very acceptable solution ..indian should keep jammu and laddkah and hold a refrendum in valley .. it should let it go if they decided to vote against india ..

Opinion is not favorable in valley for obvious reasons :p

But yes, the money saved then can be used to fund infra projects or education drives in states that badly need it and enhance income generation in states that are already growing at a fast rate.
all the links u provided .. they are done by terrorist.....they have killed more sunnis then shia or any other minority .. they are afghan backed terrorist .. we are fighting them and soon we will win ... U can visit ouyr kashmir .. everyone hate india .. they might have some reservation with pakistan .. but no one wants to join them .. when is not the case in Indian occupied kashmir ... they is alot there who want to join us
all the links u provided .. they are done by terrorist.....they have killed more sunnis then shia or any other minority .. they are afghan backed terrorist .. we are fighting them and soon we will win ... U can visit ouyr kashmir .. everyone hate india .. they might have some reservation with pakistan .. but no one wants to join them .. when is not the case in Indian occupied kashmir ... they is alot there who want to join us

Only if begger were to ride horses and pigs were to fly.

Take your time and read this carefully.

Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Between do tell me how many Shia killing terrorist org were banned by Pakistani government.
all the links u provided .. they are done by terrorist.....they have killed more sunnis then shia or any other minority .. they are afghan backed terrorist .. we are fighting them and soon we will win ... U can visit ouyr kashmir .. everyone hate india .. they might have some reservation with pakistan .. but no one wants to join them .. when is not the case in Indian occupied kashmir ... they is alot there who want to join us

I can see how uncomfortable you are on the Kashmir issue. Get this thing fixed in your Brain - Kashmir rahega Hindustan. You are incapable both militarily and economically to make any inroads in Kashmir. But you can cry over it and go to UN for all e care. World doesn't bother about a nation on the brink of a civil war.
u guys for 8 hunder years
Thought they Also ruled you and converted your Fathers.Nevertheless They are Rather some Power hungry Ruling Class Arab Families Rather common Muslim folks they Also a great cause And Pathetic Situation of our Society in Subcontinent and deprived Us to Poverty And Illiterate Society
I can see how uncomfortable you are on the Kashmir issue. Get this thing fixed in your Brain - Kashmir rahega Hindustan. You are incapable both militarily and economically to make any inroads in Kashmir. But you can cry over it and go to UN for all e care. World doesn't bother about a nation on the brink of a civil war.

Pakistan maybe incapable of taking Kashmir from India. In all fairness to @Jzaib I don't believe that he was pushing his chest forward claiming that the Pakistani military plans on annexing Kashmir. His point delved on the wishes or the aspirations of the people of Kashmir. If the people of Kashmir don't want to be part of India, do you still hold the view that India should forcibly occupy Kashmir simply because it has the military might to do so? If that is your view, then do you agree that the colonization of India and other colonies by then Great Britain was justified simply because Britain had the military might to do so ?
Absolutely it is a disputed territory and we will see who will take the whole state in the end.
Pakistan maybe incapable of taking Kashmir from India. In all fairness to @Jzaib I don't believe that he was pushing his chest forward claiming that the Pakistani military plans on annexing Kashmir. His point delved on the wishes or the aspirations of the people of Kashmir. If the people of Kashmir don't want to be part of India, do you still hold the view that India should forcibly occupy Kashmir simply because it has the military might to do so? If that is your view, then do you agree that the colonization of India and other colonies by then Great Britain was justified simply because Britain had the military might to do so ?

Hari Singh signed the agreement for Kashmir to be part of India. Can you tell who attacked first? Pakistanis took away a major chunk of our territory and still push through terrorists across the LoC. Who is responsible for the exodus of Kashmiri Pundits? Who is not allowing them to come back? As far as keeping Kashmir goes, let me tell you we will keep it for strategic reasons. Do you want India to have two hostile countries right on its door. You may take the moral high ground of speaking for Kashmiri people but the fact remains that emotions can't guide our actions especially when it comes to Kashmir. As far as the opinion of Kashmiri people go, apart from some paid Pakistani agents I can't see why anyone would want to join the other side. People like you should stop taking the moral high ground. And do you have any reason to believe why Kashmiris don't want to be part of India?
Hari Singh signed the agreement for Kashmir to be part of India. Can you tell who attacked first? Pakistanis took away a major chunk of our territory and still push through terrorists across the LoC. Who is responsible for the exodus of Kashmiri Pundits? Who is not allowing them to come back? As far as keeping Kashmir goes, let me tell you we will keep it for strategic reasons. Do you want India to have two hostile countries right on its door. You may take the moral high ground of speaking for Kashmiri people but the fact remains that emotions can't guide our actions especially when it comes to Kashmir. As far as the opinion of Kashmiri people go, apart from some paid Pakistani agents I can't see why anyone would want to join the other side. People like you should stop taking the moral high ground. And do you have any reason to believe why Kashmiris don't want to be part of India?

Hold your horses Mr Claws. I firstly never said that the average Kashmiri doesn't want to be part of India. Then again, you can't factually say that they do. That is my point. Nobody knows what the average Kashmiri wants and it seems that nobody cares. Similar to the turn of the last century when Britain had under its claws (excuse the pun) a host of countries including your motherland which it claimed was "better off under colonial rule since the barbarian inhabitants were incapable of self rule". That seemed to have been the acceptable statement of the day until people like MK Gandhi and other freedom fighters started gaining momentum. The Kashmiri Pandits should be resettled in Kashmir. That is beyond dispute. Strategic reasons to India's advantage is not adequate grounds for India to continue ruling Kashmir. If India wants any part of Kashmir, it should acquire that part or parts through the consensus of the majority of the people residing there. Rather have them living in the Union as proud Indian citizens than rebellious people chanting anti-India slogans. If they want independence, so be it. If they want to merge with Pakistan, so be it. If you believe that is a mistake, let it be their mistake. Why be the monster when you can be the angel ?
Hold your horses Mr Claws. I firstly never said that the average Kashmiri doesn't want to be part of India. Then again, you can't factually say that they do. That is my point. Nobody knows what the average Kashmiri wants and it seems that nobody cares. Similar to the turn of the last century when Britain had under its claws (excuse the pun) a host of countries including your motherland which it claimed was "better off under colonial rule since the barbarian inhabitants were incapable of self rule". That seemed to have been the acceptable statement of the day until people like MK Gandhi and other freedom fighters started gaining momentum. The Kashmiri Pandits should be resettled in Kashmir. That is beyond dispute. Strategic reasons to India's advantage is not adequate grounds for India to continue ruling Kashmir. If India wants any part of Kashmir, it should acquire that part or parts through the consensus of the majority of the people residing there. Rather have them living in the Union as proud Indian citizens than rebellious people chanting anti-India slogans. If they want independence, so be it. If they want to merge with Pakistan, so be it. If you believe that is a mistake, let it be their mistake. Why be the monster when you can be the angel ?

I respect your views Sir. I agree that Kashmir should be what Kashmiris want. And that cannot happen until the very people who made up Kashmir continue to live in other states because of fear. Until that happens how can we come to any conclusion as to how many want to be part of India and how many don't. Please also take into account the propaganda and the support some elements enjoy to push forward the Pakistani agenda. Until and unless Kashmir returns to actual demography it once was any talk of solving KASHMIR to will of the Kashmiris is useless. Can I understand why you think strategic grounds are not enough for us to be holding onto Kashmir? In fact I can't find any stronger reason that that for keeping Kashmir. Please don't be fooled by the sweet talk of China. They have an agenda and they work 24/7 to achieve it. Rail link through a territory which is disputed gives you very strong signal about the what the future has in store for us. This is one of the many points that make up for the Strategic reasoning.

Also don't think for once the Army would allow any such kind of thing. Rather we would put our heart and soul into making lives of Kashmiris better but to say we should let Kashmir be independent and again to fell pray to Pakistan is simply wishful thinking.
Pakistan maybe incapable of taking Kashmir from India. In all fairness to @Jzaib I don't believe that he was pushing his chest forward claiming that the Pakistani military plans on annexing Kashmir. His point delved on the wishes or the aspirations of the people of Kashmir. If the people of Kashmir don't want to be part of India, do you still hold the view that India should forcibly occupy Kashmir simply because it has the military might to do so? If that is your view, then do you agree that the colonization of India and other colonies by then Great Britain was justified simply because Britain had the military might to do so ?
i appreciate ur very responsible reply ... our nationalism cloud our judgment at times ... we make stupid comments ..i am not saying it for indians .. Pakistans do it alot as well ... u have have presented my point better then me ... RESPECT

Only if begger were to ride horses and pigs were to fly.

Take your time and read this carefully.

Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Between do tell me how many Shia killing terrorist org were banned by Pakistani government.
as i said before these terrorist have killed everyone ..more sunnis then shias ... tell me if i am wrong ,.. our forces have acted against those who attacked them ... Most of these organiszation has funding from middle east ...iran and saudia waar is expanded all over the asia ..
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