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Jammu Kashmir a disputed territory, not ‘integral part’ of India: Pakistan

Converting LOC in to IB is the only practical solution to Kashmir Issue. :raise:
Kashmir belongs to Srinagar, I read in history books that during mughal times the name of the city Srinagar was actually "Kashmir city" the capital of Kashmir kingdom. It was same like "Mexico city" is the capital of the country mexico. I never understood why the name of "Kashmir city" was changed to "Srinagar" and who did it because there is not a single place in kashmir valley which has ending with "nagar", could it be a conspiracy of Dogras perhaps.
Kashmir belongs to Srinagar, I read in history books that during mughal times the name of the city Srinagar was actually "Kashmir city" the capital of Kashmir kingdom. It was same like "Mexico city" is the capital of the country mexico. I never understood why the name of "Kashmir city" was changed to "Srinagar" and who did it because there is not a single place in kashmir valley whose has ending with "nagar", could it be a conspiracy of Dogras perhaps.

The name in Sanskrit means Blessed City, and it has remained the same for more than a millenia now, far before any Dogra had started to rule there.
Anyways, got any idea of what the name Kashmir itself means? Is that a conspiracy of Dogras too?
The name in Sanskrit means Blessed City, and it has remained the same for more than a millenia now, far before any Dogra had started to rule there.
Anyways, got any idea of what the name Kashmir itself means? Is that a conspiracy of Dogras too?

In neighboring Sinkiang province of china there is a place called "Kashghar", I think Kash in Kashmir has the same root as Kash in Kashghar. Kashghar in pamir was historically the place of east iranic tribes like sakas and hephtalites. Most of the customs of kashmiri villager people resemble with east iranic people living around Kashghar, for example dress code, some musical instruments, kashmiri villager even observe nowroz again an east iranic tradition.
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can anyone please tell me how to quote someone?well i dont know.i m new here.Thanks in advance
I don't understand why Indian media keeps pushing new articles on how Pakistan is claiming Kashmir, or China is claiming "Arunuchal Pradesh". How is this news when it has been the consistent diplomatic position of Pakistan/China for the last half-century?
Same as Indian position has been consistent for last half a century....
The world doesn't share the same View as you my friend... in 47 you were the one who invaded JK, We were the protectors and the current official owner of that Land,, there's nothing you or anyone from Pakistan or JK do about it. You can keep on say it'll be freed and so do your grandsons and after them..... Kashmir will always be Ours...

I suggest you to worry about your own land and the mess you created by supporting these extremists which is now tearing your country. There's something seriously wrong with Pakistan, They always pickup someone else's fight and finally hurt themselves//////// Why??????????????

If you people are real democratic then you must worry about intentions of Kashmiris ... Land in not yours ... This is land of people from Kashmir and majority of Muslims over there ... And this is you who create mess in Pakistan and are supporting to extremist terrorists and Baloch insurgents ... Anyways you will see in your own life that Kashmir will be freed and you wouldn't do anything to save your so called land ................
Yes it is disputed, but then that changes nothing and it hasn't in many years. A dispute that will tick on and on.
sarjenprabhu said: ↑
The world doesn't share the same View as you my friend... in 47 you were the one who invaded JK, We were the protectors and the current official owner of that Land,, there's nothing you or anyone from Pakistan or JK do about it. You can keep on say it'll be freed and so do your grandsons and after them..... Kashmir will always be Ours...
I suggest you to worry about your own land and the mess you created by supporting these extremists which is now tearing your country. There's something seriously wrong with Pakistan, They always pickup someone else's fight and finally hurt themselves//////// Why??????????????
we dont care what the world thinks of this matter.the reality is open to all.according to the partition plan,muslim majority ares(including kashmir) should become a part of pakistan
Same as Indian position has been consistent for last half a century....
your media creates propaganda about pakistan every day and in every field of life.but it is a well known fact that pakistani media dont have such a habbit
In neighboring Sinkiang province of china there is a place called "Kashghar", I think Kash in Kashmir has the same root as Kash in Kashghar. Kashghar in pamir was historically the place of east iranic tribes like sakas and hephtalites. Most of the customs of kashmiri villager people resemble with east iranic people living around Kashghar, for example dress code, some musical instruments, kashmiri villager even observe nowroz again an east iranic tradition.

It doesn't matter what you think. What matters is the actual root of the Word. It comes from Sanskrit Kashyapa+mara...Land of sage Kashyapa. Henceforth, find an analytical source to back your claims instead of backing your gut feeling based on airy-fairy logic.

your media creates propaganda about pakistan every day and in every field of life.but it is a well known fact that pakistani media dont have such a habbit

What does Lal Topi do for a living, again?
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