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Jahangir Tareen's new party to be named ‘Istehkam-e-Pakistan’

Again selective post. You forget to take PMLN name as well. How Nawaz was brought in to clean PPP from Punjab.

They are gathering them to cut down PTI votes especially in Punjab. This is ideal situation for PMLN now. PMLN has a thin vote bank but with PTI, all over the place, it should be good enough to win most of the Punjab seats now. Same arrangement is being done in Karachi.

i did mentioned IGI by which Nawaz was brought? i didn't specifically said PMLN but yes PMLN as well
Don't understand PMLN alliance with JKT ...against who ??????????????

Against PTI (under SMQ) and TLP and few other minor parties. The alliance can also be against PPP, I dont believe PPP will do seat adjustment with Pmln+JKT or make an alliance. They also need to make sure it looks like a real election and not an engineered one.

The last party from PDM whom was in power was PmlN so Zardari must be making noise about his turn.

KPK new party is also on the way, under Pervez Khattak with atleast 30MNAS/MPAs.
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In 1990, why didn’t Benazir Bhutto take on the establishment when she was ousted by the boots?

In 1993, why didn’t Nawaz Sharif take on the establishment when he was ousted by the boots?

Both of them sat on the side like cowards and waited for the military to come knocking again to use them.

Imran Khan is now exactly where Bhutto was in 1990 and Nawaz was in 1993. The difference here is that he is taking on the establishment full steam ahead.

That is one glaring difference between IK and those two muppets.

I agree, both knew they will be destroyed by the full force of establishment, similar to what happened to senior Bhutto. They played the waiting game, you cannot win if the people don't stand up for their leader or rights. AL won because the people, East army, police, militias and finally India took their side.

The difference is IK came in politics to make a better Pakistan, he has an ideology which he follows, as IK said, I will not give up even if I am left all alone.

That is a possibility!! You see: The Establishment only now is against Imran. But the Establishment kicked out Nawaz Sharif THREE times from power!! He was imprisoned in a real jail and was deported twice.

Personally, I'd prefer a Technocrat Govt. for the next ten years.

If I was in their position, I would be highly concerned. With Jahangir Tahreen party, Pervez Khattak party, I would be like mere naal koi game to nahi ho rahi. Imagine JT party in the future rules Punjab with PmlQ, PPP, Mqm in Sindh,, Pervez Khattak, Jui, Anp, Ji in Kpk, PPP, Bap, Pmlq, Ji, Jui in Balochistan 😄
Where does it leave PmlN, how will Maryum become the PM 😲
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PMLN and PPP didn't fight too hard when they were overthrown because:
  1. They mostly continued to rule Punjab and Sindh, which allowed their income stream to continue. Zardari has had unbroken rule over Sindhudesh, including Karachi, for 15 years.
  2. They were mega corrupt, so they had to do deals with the generals to avoid jail.
  3. It gave them a chance to go abroad and enjoy the money they made.
  4. People always celebrated when PMLN and PPP were overthrown. No one would come out for them.
  5. They knew their turn will come again if they waited patiently.
  6. Development of Pakistan was the least of their concerns.
None of the above apply to PTI, so it's different this time.
In 1990, why didn’t Benazir Bhutto take on the establishment when she was ousted by the boots?
In 1993, why didn’t Nawaz Sharif take on the establishment when he was ousted by the boots?
Both of them sat on the side like cowards and waited for the military to come knocking again to use them.
Imran Khan is now exactly where Bhutto was in 1990 and Nawaz was in 1993. The difference here is that he is taking on the establishment full steam ahead.
That is one glaring difference between IK and those two muppets.

'Neelo'? That's the name of my sister in Karachi!
In deference to you being a female in this macho man forum, I'd only say that you are wrong: The PPP and the Noon League resisted and they, along with their topmost leadership, paid a heavy price.
Let me know IF and WHEN Imran Khan spends a few days in a **real** jail?? I really hope he does before he is deported.

ان لوگوں کی عقل میں یہ بات کبھی نہیں سمائے گی۔ میں نے ایک پوسٹ کی اور ایک ممبر نے اسکے جواب میں مغلظات بک دیں۔ زرا جواب ملاحظہ فرمائیں
Emotions are high right now, especially in Imran Khan's camp. It is their first taste of such events. But some of us have seen our idols fall before.
But we all mean well for Pakistan. Our paths may be different but the goal is the same. Let's not carry our political rhetoric too far. Always question your beliefs. Always be ready to change your direction in light of new evidence.
ہمارے پاس چھ سے سات لاکھ غیر سیاسی ورکر ہیں - جہانگیر ترین
Ye kaya ho raha hei, my twitter account under attack. Password changed and I am logged out. I was following IK, PTI, and the rest of the leadership. I love fouj

Golden words.
Just a little patience! That was all needed after April 2022. But not only Imran was impatient but he went after the wrong targets despite advice from his close allies.
How can you trust an idiot like Imran to run a country of 220+ million people? Yeah, I'd concede that he is probably financially cleanest and means well and is also a great steward of environmental and charity issues. But a complex country like Pakistan needs a wise politician at the top. Imran was far from wise: He was the dumbest who ever rose that high in power in Pakistan.
As a nation we have to understand to differentiate between someone who is a career politician and someone who is a populist.

My view is populism and populists have always failed and wherever they might be in the world they have always stood to target their opponents and individuals in a way that affects them personally far from policy making which would otherwise benefit a country socially, economically and geopolitically.

Some people may hate the establishment for interfering in matters out of their constitutional jurisdiction. Granted. But a question arises. Did IK benefit or ruin Pakistan? As a citizen of the country, does it appeal to you to support someone maybe slightly financially cleaner, did few acts of charity but is a loose cannon or someone who is more corrupt but is competent to keep the country out of default, can build bridges between countries, bring investor confidence to create jobs and thrive businesses and does policy making which it was elected to do?

If I'm in the position of establishment I weigh what benefits the country the most. I may or may not accept the fact I made blunders creating political projects one after another but at the end of the day I have to move forward and seek stability. At the moment there is a huge political vacuum and it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
زبان سنبھال کے بات کر۔ میں نے اپنی پوسٹ میں کوئی غلط زبان استعمال نہیں کی۔اگر سچ برداشت نہیں ہوتا تو انٹرنیٹ سے دور رہ۔ اگر عقل ٹھکانے آجائے نا تو میری بات کا دلیل سے جواب دے۔
Write in English....this forum is for everyone.

When you support lotas and want pakistans elected government to be over thrown and then you say the elected leader should have waited...you need to be spoken in a manner you can understand. Lota language for lota supporter.
Iqtetaam e Pakistan would be a more appropriate name for this party.
Hamid Mir and Shahid khaqan Abbasi making sense. Think they're trying to fill the vacuum


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