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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

The fact that you enjoy someones suicide shows me how barbaric and pathetic india as a nation is. You just prove my point. :)

Anyways, our marines are in good health and secure from the indian terrorist regime. People should realize that Italy is not dealing with a civilized country here. India is a backwarded stoneage regime.

This is what we deal with:






Italy and India, thats culture against barbarism. Modern society against backwardeness, light against darkness.

You know what this picture remembered us in italy?


But i´m not scared in any way, because our president promised and gave his word for their safety:

No one care about your barbaric marines who killed those innocent fishermen for their enjoyment. Hehe and I am not offended by your post because I accept that we are poor and lots of problem here but believe me those Italian marines are gonna rot in same filthy, dirty, 10th world Indian prison and whole world will just see quitely. And defending those barbaric murderers shows how much human you are so better not talk about others.
India is going to send them back to Italy after the trial is over. Is this too hard for you to understand? Even if they are convicted they will complete their sentence in an Italian jail. Why are you going round-and-round in a circle?
Once they are back in italy they will be free.

No one care about your barbaric marines who killed those innocent fishermen for their enjoyment. Hehe and I am not offended by your post because I accept that we are poor and lots of problem here but believe me those Italian marines are gonna rot in same filthy, dirty, 10th world Indian prison and whole world will just see quitely. And defending those barbaric murderers shows how much human you are so better not talk about others.

Our marines killed two pirates who attacked our ship. They are heroes and i would do exactly same as they did in their position. I also hope those pirates had a slow death and suffered. It will teach other pirates a lesson. I saw their corpses. They had no headshots. So its likley their demise took some time. Pirates deserve no mercy.
Once they are back in italy they will be free.
Italy will honour the treaty with India. If it doesn't Italy become the laughing stock in front of the International Community. Even the EU will not support you.
Italy will honour the treaty with India. If it doesn't Italy become the laughing stock in front of the International Community. Even the EU will not support you.
you will see that they will be free within hours :)
you will see that they will be free within hours :)
We will see how Italy will be branded as a nation of compulsive liars, a nation which doesn't honour it's own words. Whole world including the EU will laugh at you, your government, your people.
We will see how Italy will be branded as a nation of compulsive liars, a nation which doesn't honour it's own words. Whole world including the EU will laugh at you, your government, your people.

Who cares? Words are just hot air. And there is no obligation to follow a "promise" we gave a stone age regime.

France did exactly same. In 80th french soldiers blow up a greenpeace ship in New Zealand. One journalist died. New Zealand captured two french soldiers. They were arersted and france promised to keep them in jail. Back in france they were free after one week.

We will do exactly the same.
Once they are back in italy they will be free.

Our marines killed two pirates who attacked our ship. They are heroes and i would do exactly same as they did in their position. I also hope those pirates had a slow death and suffered. It will teach other pirates a lesson. I saw their corpses. They had no headshots. So its likley their demise took some time. Pirates deserve no mercy.
Our agency has charged them with terrorism and that has only one punishment 'Death'. Will be funny how Italy will beg for their life. Hehe
Our agency has charged them with terrorism and that has only one punishment 'Death'. Will be funny how Italy will beg for their life. Hehe

Thats the funny fact since your government already ruled out the death penalty. That means they will go free.

On a sidenote, why do you find enjoyment when someone begs for the life of a loved person? That says much about your character.
Thats the funny fact since your government already ruled out the death penalty. That means they will go free.

On a sidenote, why do you find enjoyment when someone begs for the life of a loved person? That says much about your character.
Govt ruled out and not Supreme court. If Supreme courts gives death punishment, even Govt can't do $hit about it. And regarding govt, its term is gonna be over in next 2 months.
PS: I heard that Italian govt is gonna fall soon as some party removes its support. Hehe
Thats the funny fact since your government already ruled out the death penalty. That means they will go free.

On a sidenote, why do you find enjoyment when someone begs for the life of a loved person? That says much about your character.

They killed. That is the bottom line. The people they killed were fishermen. Unarmed fishermen. They committed the mistake of assuming they are pirates. All of this points to one thing. They made a mistake which led to deaths. For that they will need to pay. And whether you like it or not, let me assure you, IF the SC rules application of SUPA, they will spend at-least 5 years in an Indian jail waiting for higher courts to rule. In case of SUPA, Indo-Italy agreement does not apply.

The SC is supreme. No GoI will dare challenge the SC.
Govt ruled out and not Supreme court. If Supreme courts gives death punishment, even Govt can't do $hit about it. And regarding govt, its term is gonna be over in next 2 months.
PS: I heard that Italian govt is gonna fall soon as some party removes its support. Hehe

Our government falls evry 10 months. Thats democracy and shifting internal power. Something india doesn´t know.
They killed. That is the bottom line. The people they killed were fishermen. Unarmed fishermen. They committed the mistake of assuming they are pirates. All of this points to one thing. They made a mistake which led to deaths. For that they will need to pay. And whether you like it or not, let me assure you, IF the SC rules application of SUPA, they will spend at-least 5 years in an Indian jail waiting for higher courts to rule. In case of SUPA, Indo-Italy agreement does not apply.

The SC is supreme. No GoI will dare challenge the SC.
your surpreme court is kindergarten bullshit. Do they accept paypal or just mastercard?

EU chief says that 'Italian Marine' issue is bilateral and UN can't do anything about it. LOLs
Marines issue bilateral: says UN chief; fury in Italy - Hindustan Times
EU chief? Then you say UN? What you mean?
I would also like to know from indians here, since italy never did any bad to india and always showed sympathy and was the driving force to establish friendly relations between india and the EU, do you find the current situation good?
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