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Italy warns India of European response to marines trial

Mate, you must understand that in India friends are friends. If you stand by us when we were in need then we will stand by you and do our best to help you whenever you are in desperate need. But should not expect us to be friendly with you when you have killed some of our countrymen and are throwing unnecessary warning just for the sake of old friendship.

We did always help india when it needed help and even when it did not need help...it was italy that encouraged closer relations with EU, that pushed free trade with india further and that supports an indian seat in the UN security council. I don´t think indians know this or maybe they do know but don´t care.

Italy is reason for this.Your leaders and other politicians loud mouth create all this problems.We know marines do their job, to protect ship.Mistake may happen.But two innocent men died here and their family become orphan .But if your leaders handle this with care things will not spiral out like this.Remember France and US apologise India in both shooting mistake in Africa and USS Rappanhock case respectively even if it is not necessary.
That is the spirit.Your leaders and media justification creates all this problems.Seems your country misunderstand India's power and reach.What you leaders think when they said marines need not to came to India during bail period in Italy.Italy creates their own self trap.And India take its revenge starting NIA investigation

I said we did mistakes too. I know that...
eu also afraid of pakistan,india.china.russia uniting against common enemy

There is an indian movie dialouge
We brothers fight each other but dont alow any one other touch one of us

You see us as enemy? wow i was under the impressions we are brothers too...guess i was wrong
Another of the messed up foreign policy of the government.

Every neighbor was made hostile and now on path of into making others courting rule of law as if the bigwigs are getting punished for whatever they do in the country , be it crores of scams , political murder or even careless murders as in case of salman hit and run case.

The Italians have paid hefty compensation to the victims family and they have not got a slightest of intention to carry on the case and punish the marines for the event happened in open ocean which is very unfortunate.

This case could have been settled amicably without much controversy much earlier.

Now it looks seriously messed up.

You are not serious, are you? There is no provision of blood money in India. And fyi it was the Supreme court which didn't allow the charges to be dropped after Italy tried to disregard the judicial system by paying blood money. The SC did the right thing. It would have set a very wrong precedent. It would have cleared the path for every Westerner committing crime in India to get away by paying money. India's relations with Italy is not more significant than the law of the land. Do you think if the role was reversed Italy would just let the Indians go after accepting money? No self respecting nation would do that. It's a shame that you could suggest that.
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You are not serious, are you? There is no provision of blood money in India. And fyi it was the Supreme court which didn't allow the charges to be dropped after Italy tried to disregard the judicial system by playing blood money. The SC did the right thing. It would have set a very wrong precedent.

And now?
We did give them compensation.

So tomorrow I can go to Italy, shoot a couple of them dead, give the family some compensation and come back home?

You are not serious, are you? There is no provision of blood money in India. And fyi it was the Supreme court which didn't allow the charges to be dropped after Italy tried to disregard the judicial system by paying blood money. The SC did the right thing. It would have set a very wrong precedent. It would have cleared the path for every Westerner committing crime in India to get away by paying money. India's relations with Italy is not more significant than the law of the land. Do you think if the role was reversed Italy would just let the Indians go after accepting money? No self respecting nation would do that. It's a shame that you could suggest that.

Call it a conspiracy theory, but it sometimes does feel like that Sonia Gandhi and Congress is deliberately dragging the issue to show the people of India that she is not "an Italian agent".
Call it a conspiracy theory, but it sometimes does feel like that Sonia Gandhi and Congress is deliberately dragging the issue to show the people of India that she is not "an Italian agent".

They definitely delayed the case by failing to charge the marines on time, they took months to decide under what law they would be tried. So nothing can be ruled out.
They definitely delayed the case by failing to charge the marines on time, they took months to decide under what law they would be tried. So nothing can be ruled out.

And you think this is fair to our marines and their families? Be honest please...
We did always help india when it needed help and even when it did not need help...it was italy that encouraged closer relations with EU, that pushed free trade with india further and that supports an indian seat in the UN security council. I don´t think indians know this or maybe they do know but don´t care.
But that does not mean that you can accidentally kill 2 Indian's and can get away with the responsibility.
And you think this is fair to our marines and their families? Be honest please...

No it's not but since they are out on a bail living in the embassy it's not such a big issue. Anyways they would be charged on Feb 18. Personally I hope the SC decides against applying the anti terrorism act.
And you think this is fair to our marines and their families? Be honest please...

To be honest, we don't think its fair. But having said that, they do need to face the law of the land. If they haven't committed an intentional crime, they ll be set free. But if Italy is going to threaten us, and demand things, its only going to make things worse.

Little less hyperbole, little more back door diplomacy is the need of the hour. Italy can't and shouldn't boss us around.
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