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It was not fair that moderators closed Indian invention thread.

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No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan | Fox News

Pakistan Called`Pornistan’ by Fox News | NEVER MIND

'Pornistan' title upsets Pakistan | NDTV.com

Urban Dictionary: Pornistan

It was previously claimed that the country's top searches include terms like 'horse sex', 'donkey sex', 'rape pictures', and 'child sex'.

In Pakistan, there are eight million users of Internet, which makes only five per cent of the country's total population.

All debunked, US is the largest consumer of por.n, watcher and makers of por.n and anything related to por.n including use of devices infact there are private ranches where men/women come to have sex with Animals. Google and similar US search portals/sites promotes vaular and pornographic links/searches thus it is with-in the reach of these Search giants to block and remove those websites/links and contents so no country could ever have Access to it but they choose not to thus the fingerpoints at US.

Next create a better case to defame Pakistan, now you get -ve Rating for offtopic. Want -VE removed remove you post otherwise -VE stays.

What about Indian Mathematics ? Radio wave,Water on moon were discovered by Pakistanis ?

That fact they cannot listen & fathom mate. All they want to see & listen about India is rapes & crimes. Alas!! thats what they are taught.
Haters will hate..!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bose–Einstein statistics and Boson
Raman effect
Saha ionization equation
Bhabha scattering


Hindu number system
Fibonacci numbers
Madhava series
Trigonometric functions

And the legacy continues...


India leading research on Thorium: US official - Indian Express


India has joined the exclusive club of nations with superconducting cyclotron capability. On Saturday, Salt Lake-based Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre director Bikash Sinha announced the successful completion of the Rs 100 crore project only the fifth in the world.The four other set-ups are in America and Europe.
''The successful commissioning of the superconducting cyclotron is a huge achievement for the Indian science as there is no such facility in Asia, Australia, South America or Africa''


Why exactly was the thread closed? which forum rules did that tread flout?
Next create a better case to defame Pakistan, now you get -ve Rating for offtopic. Want -VE removed remove you post otherwise -VE stays.

I seriously :lol: Don't care about your -VE rating , I have a better life outside PDF :pleasantry:

Debunked or not but the name "Pornistan" Will remain attached to Pakistan forever :rofl:

Same with Pakistan, nobody care about names people have lives to live instead of sticking to TVs and Internet as to watch US says, next time think before you speak you really have non functional brain.

You get another -ve for derailing and trolling a Thread no more reversal offer to you.
Leave it bro they know it already, they just haven't got guts to face it...


India leading research on Thorium: US official - Indian Express


India has joined the exclusive club of nations with superconducting cyclotron capability. On Saturday, Salt Lake-based Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre director Bikash Sinha announced the successful completion of the Rs 100 crore project only the fifth in the world.The four other set-ups are in America and Europe.
''The successful commissioning of the superconducting cyclotron is a huge achievement for the Indian science as there is no such facility in Asia, Australia, South America or Africa''

Same with Pakistan, nobody care about names people have lives to live instead of sticking to TVs and Internet as to watch US says, next time think before you speak you really have non functional brain..

post reported for personal attack.
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