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It was not fair that moderators closed Indian invention thread.

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Couldnt bare the fact that INDIA gave so much to this world.

Do u ever wonder why pakistan is where it is???:whistle::whistle:
LOL... can't come to terms with advancements India made since the dawn of the civilization.... priceless... act of mods and supporters show it is hurting there (you know where).... The moment free speech is trifled (that too against their own rules), you know you have touched a raw nerve...

last time i checked india saved humanity from poverty and aids...
Couldnt bare the fact that INDIA gave so much to this world.

Do u ever wonder why pakistan is where it is???:whistle::whistle:

India- a joke did not exist at the time those inventions were made-
Sure. My brothers belong to me!!! Would you claim the same with your illegal brothers that are not wanted anywhere?

Greek minister terms Pak, Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’ - World - DAWN.COM

Nobody...like seriously, cares!!!
indians can you please, all stop fcking crying, this is a Pakistani site, and we don't want you fapping here, go to bhaRAT $hitshak for that.
You really didn't have to prove the "dumb by birth" part, but I'm glad that you did!!!

yup.. we claim to have "conquered mexico" .. :lol:

Meanwhile in reality the only think you conquered is pole vaulting US-Mexico border with half a million illegal indians living in USA...... :disagree:
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