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Isreali a terrorist



New Recruit

Jan 24, 2014
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They are doing ethnic cleansing of innocent people
First ... become a real Muslim, raise awareness and boycott everything Israeli and go further, boycott every damn corporation that supports Israel.
I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes
yup, same is the case with twitter and other social medias etc
First ... become a real Muslim, raise awareness and boycott everything Israeli and go further, boycott every damn corporation that supports Israel.

We all take the easy way out and just expect being Muslim is God given right and solutions to all ills of our laziness. Educate your kids in science and technology and dominate the world and then see how Muslims roast the world. Being true Muslim is one aspect of life we conveniently forget about the other aspect of life which is work. Look at all the Muslim countries what they produce in industrial goods and how behind are in science and technology.
There is all to see how US the one and only super power have exceled in science and technology. Thanks to those capabilities they have empowered themselves to raze our so called Muslim countries to the ground and rest of the Islamic world stayed numb like nothing have happened or looked the other way and hoped that they will not be the next in line.
Then we need visionary leaders who guide our nations to developments and greatness and keep all the traitors at bay who are happily willing to sell themselves for monetary benefits. T
Lets achieve that then we will see, there will be no one will be talking about Israel any more.
I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes

The very creation of the state of israel is a criminal act and an illegal step. You say that we should engage israelis and show them that Muslims aren't monsters. Tell me, how do you tell a monster (israel) that we (Muslims) aren't monsters? The creation of the state of israel is illegal, because the very basis on which israel is created, is a lie. They say God gave them this (Holy Land), but that is a lie. God gave Abraham the Holy Land, only those of Abraham's children (Christians, Muslims & Jews) are permitted to live in the Holy Land who didn't commit acts of wickedness. Jews murdered the Prophets of God, Zachariah & John. They then proceeded to conspire to crucify Jesus.

Also, the majority (overwhelming) of israelis aren't even real Jews (Hebrews), rather they are ethnic Khazars (Western Turkic). So one they are in the Holy Land based on a bogus and fraudulent claim. Two, they aren't even ethnic Jews who claim to be the chosen people of God. Three they are murderers and butchers who slaughter Palestinians on a daily basis.

And you want us Muslims to engage with these demonic monsters? What are you smoking bud?

We all take the easy way out and just expect being Muslim is God given right and solutions to all ills of our laziness. Educate your kids in science and technology and dominate the world and then see how Muslims roast the world. Being true Muslim is one aspect of life we conveniently forget about the other aspect of life which is work. Look at all the Muslim countries what they produce in industrial goods and how behind are in science and technology.
There is all to see how US the one and only super power have exceled in science and technology. Thanks to those capabilities they have empowered themselves to raze our so called Muslim countries to the ground and rest of the Islamic world stayed numb like nothing have happened or looked the other way and hoped that they will not be the next in line.
Then we need visionary leaders who guide our nations to developments and greatness and keep all the traitors at bay who are happily willing to sell themselves for monetary benefits. T
Lets achieve that then we will see, there will be no one will be talking about Israel any more.

My friend, educating one's self and breaking through in science and technology and working hard is part of being a true Muslim. We have countless accounts of Muslims doing this when the Islamic World dominated everyone.

Read the Quran, it tells us about a people, Gog & Magog, who shall surpass all in the fields of dominance and the earth would yield up it's treasures to them. They (Gog & Magog) have seduced the Jews and are leading them to their oblivion.

You and I (Muslims) have the duty of preserving our Imaan, while this world goes to the garbage bin of history.
You and I (Muslims) have the duty of preserving our Imaan, while this world goes to the garbage bin of history.[/QUOTE]

Bro I was raised as a Muslim and I want to go back to my creator with the same way but if we get inspiration from our religion to rise to the heights of the western levels or above that should be our aim. Chinese set down the marker and they are nearly their. What target we have got not to go to IMF?? In last 70 years world have moved on and we are still hiding behind the religion lets not use religion for our short comings.
How many technical Universities have we got in top 10? None that's shows where we stand in the world and why we are behind literally in every thing. Why Israel appeared from no where in Arab heart land and now whole world is looking the other way while Kashmir ghetto land foundations are being laid. When Israel was created am sure there were more better Muslims at that time then you and me so lets get down to the real facts rather then using religion for everywhere for our inactions.
Crazy fact: which place gives Muslims the best democratic representation in the middle East? Out of all the ummah brudders countries in the region apart from Turkey, which country can a Muslim go out and vote for their representative without fear if they vote for the "wrong guy"?
None that's shows where we stand in the world and why we are behind literally in every thing.

We are behind because we (majority) chose to waste our time lapping bollywood/hollywood garbage of Zionists and Hinduvta runts. We are also such mindless buffoons that we elect corrupt, vile traitors.

Today, Pakistanis have a leader that we can get behind. Improve our household, with education of this world and our deen.
I disagree. We engage with Israelis. We show them Muslims are not monsters. We have the same hopes and dreams as they do. We smile at them, we hold the door for them,we invite them to our homes

And then they shoot you in the head or bomb your home.

You think Muslims haven't tried "talking" to them yet???

They want no peace, they want land. And guess who's living on that land??

If they want that land, they have to either kill or displace its population, i.e the Palestinians. They're already building settlements in the West Bank so they're definitely working on it.

On the other hand, they're also trying to have Pakistan on their good side because they only Pakistan (and maybe Turkey) can do anything about them....the Arabs have been long defeated or converted into slaves...

Also, take a look at these images:




Now tell me...you still want to "talk"?? :rolleyes:

Sneak peak into the future:


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