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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

Jewish Lobby will win Trump the next elections ..first Jerusalem Embassy and now this , who else can serve Israel's interest better than Neocon Christians .
Fantastic, when are the arabs going to break diplomatic relations with the U.S as a rebuke for such a insult to the arab world?

Or for a change are you going to do Nothing!
slaves have no authority against their lords.

who else can serve Israel's interest better than Neocon Christians .
Saudi family
I told you it is not worth answering.. first because you show your sarcasm about the Arab formidable army.. and second because you lack understanding of the Yemeni conflict.. to make it simple for you to understand.. compare it to the war in Afghanistan And the Arab coalition to the US.. got a clue..or not yet.. the same goes for Iran .. it is insane to think the US and Usrael will wipe it out in one day.. that is very far from reality.. and it is why I recommand you to read a lot about things you want to comment on before actually commenting based on bad or lack of sound information..

Here are the links
Read this post#120

And read this post#9
Can't compare Iraq's geography to the Iranian one.. Iraq is a flat country..while Iran has a lot of mountainous regions.. even the US might be trapped there..let alone the unrealistic assumption about Usrael..


UN body adopts Pakistan resolution on Golan Heights

March 23, 2019

The UN Human Rights Council on Friday criticised Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights a day after US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the disputed territory.

The UN rights forum adopted an annual resolution on the Syrian Golan, brought by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), with 26 states in favor, 16 against and 5 abstentions.

European members including Britain voted against it. The United States, which quit the Council last year accusing it of an anti-Israel bias, does not participate.

“Voting for such a resolution should send a clear message… to the occupying power and to all who support Israel inside this Council and outside,” Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Hussam Edin Aala, told the talks.

“The United States is justifying the practices by the Israeli occupation and ignoring Security Council resolutions,” he said. “The occupied Syrian Golan was and shall remain Arab and Syrian.”

The UN rights forum adopted an annual resolution on the Syrian Golan, brought by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), with 26 states in favor, 16 against and 5 abstentions.
we are still supporting this traitorous group?
they should seek India's help on this
The UN Human Rights Council on Friday criticised Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights a day after US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the disputed territory.

The UN rights forum adopted an annual resolution on the Syrian Golan, brought by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), with 26 states in favor, 16 against and 5 abstentions.

European members including Britain voted against it. The United States, which quit the Council last year accusing it of
an anti-Israel bias, does not participate.

“Voting for such a resolution should send a clear message… to the occupying power and to all who support Israel inside this Council and outside,” Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Hussam Edin Aala, told the talks.

“The United States is justifying the practices by the Israeli occupation and ignoring Security Council resolutions,” he said. “The occupied Syrian Golan was and shall remain Arab and Syrian.”

brought by Pakistan

Although this issue doesn't affect us in everyday life, it is good to see that Pakistan is using its influence to help the heart-rendering situation in Palestine. The least we can do is speak out when we see wrong doing.. but Pakistan seems to have gone one step above and beyond. Well done.
Isn't it frustrating for Syrians, how Israel occupied Syrian territory and is now settling Israelis to strengthen it's claim.

Although this issue doesn't affect us in everyday life, it is good to see that Pakistan is using its influence to help the heart-rendering situation in Palestine. The least we can do is speak out when we see wrong doing.. but Pakistan seems to have gone one step above and beyond. Well done.

Golan Heights are Syria's legal territory, not Palestine.
Druze protest Trump's backing of Israeli sovereignty on Golan

MARCH 23, 2019

MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights (Reuters) - Dozens of Druze Arabs, some carrying Syrian flags and pictures of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, gathered on the Golan Heights on Saturday to protest U.S. President Donald Trump’s support for Israeli sovereignty over the territory.

The mountainous plateau was part of Syria until Israel captured it in the 1967 Middle East war, annexing it in 1981 in a move not recognized internationally.

Israel regards the Golan as a strategic asset because its peaks overlook northern Israeli towns and southwest Syria, where battles from an eight-year civil war have raged in view.

Some 22,000 Druze, an Arab minority who practice an offshoot of Islam, live in the Israeli-occupied Golan, and many still have relatives on the Syrian side of the fortified boundary.

“This land has sovereignty and its sovereignty is the Syrian Arab Republic,” said local resident Rafiq Ibrahim, dressed in traditional Druze black garb, in the town of Majdal Shams.

Trump on Thursday said it was time to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, marking a major shift in U.S. policy. Syria pledged to take back the territory and there was widespread international criticism of the U.S. move.

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