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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

Although this issue doesn't affect us in everyday life, it is good to see that Pakistan is using its influence to help the heart-rendering situation in Palestine. The least we can do is speak out when we see wrong doing.. but Pakistan seems to have gone one step above and beyond. Well done.
Issue effected our daily life because Israel came all the way to IOK helped India to bomb us. This was the least we could do to reply them.
No matter the cause, a war is a war.
Israel has its justification on the golan heights.
That "justification" still gives Israel 0 rights to owning the Golan heights.

Israel took the territory in counter attack and held until the ceasefire was signed?

Much like how Kashmir is held by 2 different countries.
Israel can hold, but Israel cant own Golan heights.
People like you should be in rehab. unless you are drone of defnece.pk moderators, who have tasked you of biting non compliant people.
Look here, a patwari defending an indian, no wonder all of u patwaris are modi lover khota khor traitors, now go fck a cactus and dont qoute me again.

I'm sorry.
If that was your attempt at a theoratical question....
Then I'm afraid you have no right to call me a brain dead zombie.

I live in the same slum, known as Pakistan, as you.
My good sir.
L mera, every one knws u false flag fake ID indian.
Look here, a patwari defending an indian, no wonder all of u patwaris are modi lover khota khor traitors, now go fck a cactus and dont qoute me again.

L mera, every one knws u false flag fake ID indian.

Such salt over a piece of land you've no relation to.
Woah murica loves Muslim so much, that's what murican cheerleaders in pdf said to me.
Now Pakistan needs to send over some GPS guided rockets to take out the SPICE factory plus small arms, anti-tank missiles and manpad sams to so the Palestinians can defend themselves. The GCC can pick up the tab for the Palestinians.
Israel took the territory in counter attack and held until the ceasefire was signed?

Much like how Kashmir is held by 2 different countries.

What a stupid argument!!

Kashmir is a place where Kashmiris revolted against annexation to India. That is why Kashmir is disputed and there is a cease fire line there between two countries as its not recognized as international border. Its neither part of India nor Pakistan. Kashmiris dont want to be with India. There are UN resolutions to hold plebiscite there to determine will of the people.

Pakistan claim on Kashmir is because when Pakistan was created, all contiguous Muslim majority states were to constitute Pakistan. So for Pakistan, its an unfinished partition agenda.

Golan Heights was never disputed. It was part of Syria. Its rich in gas and oil fields. It was occupied by Israel in 1967. Its annexation to Israel, like all Palestinian territories is illegal. Israel by itself a country that is settled on other people's lands. Hence the country itself is illegal.
Such salt over a piece of land you've no relation to.
Who are u to say i have no relation to that land?, my Prophet(pbuh) declared all muslims one body hence i am a part of that body, if u think u knw better than the Prophet(pbuh) i can only pity u.... My heat beats for every muslim on this earth, this is a feeling that hypicrittes like u can never understand.
Look here, a patwari defending an indian, no wonder all of u patwaris are modi lover khota khor traitors, now go fck a cactus and dont qoute me again.
low cultured behavior and dirty language is a give away of a shit.
Well you support corrupt suwars, so its kinda even I would say.
When are you going to slam fatwa of kufr on me... and when is hizbulla coming to get me?
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