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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

next will be egypt or jordan . good congratulation to all arab ...
A famous Urdu Proverb came to mind: Jiski Lathi Uski Bhains

Sums up this development.

This news surprised me initially but then I recalled Donald Trump's decision to declare Jerusalem as a part of Israel earlier without clarifying Palestinian element in it.

With the Arab strongman Saddam Hussein out of the picture, US and Israel can do as they please across the Middle East. Very clever.

Jordan is next. Even their PM is another economic hitmen who worked in World Bank. Expect Syria like protests due to poor economy which become violent and then same Syria like situation in Jordan.
Screw territory, in Kashmir people are being killed brutally from past 70 years.
U.N general seceteray is saying right. Also U.N should not allow israel to capture gollan heights.
Feels sorry :disagree:

I don’t know when Arab speakers want to wake up and know their real enemy

The threat of Great Jewish land is very serious

Jordan and Morocco Ratify Golan as Syrian Territory

Amman, Mar 29 (Prensa Latina) The Kings of Jordan and Morocco, Abdullah II and Mohammed VI, respectively, ratified that the Golan Heights is a Syrian territory occupied by Israel.

The Kings expressed that opinion in a declaration issued in Rabat and quoted by Jordan media on Friday.

The monarchs agreed on the Israeli regime's illegal effort to annex the Golan Heights.

The declaration underlined the need for the Arab world to negotiate a solution to the Syrian conflict and to preserve the country's unity.

Likewise, the text confirmed the stances by Rabat and Amman that peace in the Middle East will only flourish after the creation of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The declaration expressed the Moroccan King's support for the custody by Amman of Islamic and Christian sites in Jerusalem.

For that reason, Mohammed VI said that the defense and preservation of the holy city for Catholics, Islamists and Jews is a priority for Morocco and Jordan.

Lol why would we care about your recognition anyways? It's literally ours, we have sovereignty over the Golan want it or not
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