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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!

saudia and other Muslim countries should learn from russia
IsraHELLI Occupied Golan Heights rightfully belong to Syria and Syrian Peoples!

View media item 17895
This is the freedom and democracy USA is always talking. about, when you abey US and serve the US interests, you are democracy and you are with freedom.
Now you know how. we feel. of. Hong Kong and Macau, before them back and our feeling towards ChinaTaiwan,
but things are also different, China PLA can take China Taiwan in 2 days, while Syria can not, we are waiting for the right time, but Taiwan reunification to China is a sure thing unless US wants to start nukes wars!
saudia and other Muslim countries should learn from russia
Saudia and other Muslim countries hold the same position as Russia.. So what to learn? or just a dumb unnecessary comment.. again..:police:

Is this the point where the Greater Israel project begins to become reality.
The project has been a long time in the making. A bit like where you buy a file in a Bahria Town and it’s taken years for you to actually get possession :)

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Allah's Messenger (S+) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5401
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said,
"There will be civil strife which will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword

Sahih Muslim 7035
Umm Sharik reported
that the messenger of Allah said:
"The people will flee from the Dajjaal (the Anti- Christ) till they will take shelter in the mountains." Umm Sharik said that she asked: "Where will be the Arabs at this time?" He answered: "They will be few (in number)."
Some already happened with the Mongolian herds..a.k.a the destruction of Baghdad..
Some might still come..but what did it say about those few in numbers and the context around it..??
Unfortunately, Israel is playing the Muslim world like a fiddle. Arabs vs Iran, Sunni vs Shia is all part of their plan. And the Muslim world is falling for it.
That what appears on the surface..it is not true deep down..
Theft of sovereign Syrian territory. All of the muslim world should resist and agitate against it.

Shebaa Farms should also be returned to lebanon.

I been warning about this the ((Koshers)) are playing everyone and bam they do this only pip squek in the MSM

Unfortunately, Israel is playing the Muslim world like a fiddle. Arabs vs Iran, Sunni vs Shia is all part of their plan. And the Muslim world is falling for it.
True brother they want the whole world to burn and become degenrate and while Israel becomes the only supepower
That what appears on the surface..it is not true deep down..
It is. Tell me that why does Iran and US/Israel threaten to destroy each other every now and then but never fight each other. US and Israel know that with Iran around, Arabs will be scared hence they will go to the camp of Israel and make an alliance against Iran. Then there will be more sectarian (Sunni Shia) wars in middle east like in Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc.
Arabs and Iranians because of their stupidity have destroyed the middle east.
It is. Tell me that why does Iran and US/Israel threaten to destroy each other every now and then but never fight each other. US and Israel know that with Iran around, Arabs will be scared hence they will go to the camp of Israel and make an alliance against Iran. Then there will be more sectarian (Sunni Shia) wars in middle east like in Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc.
Arabs and Iranians because of their stupidity have destroyed the middle east.
Israel doesn't threaten to destroy Iran and never have.
We got no problems with the Iranian people and never had.
It is the Mullah regime who seeks to conquer and destroy
It is. Tell me that why does Iran and US/Israel threaten to destroy each other every now and then but never fight each other. US and Israel know that with Iran around, Arabs will be scared hence they will go to the camp of Israel and make an alliance against Iran. Then there will be more sectarian (Sunni Shia) wars in middle east like in Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc.
Arabs and Iranians because of their stupidity have destroyed the middle east.
Arabs scared of Iran.. are you in your right mind? And go to the camp of Usrael.. like if the latter has a camp.. now listen , there is the US camp.. and the fact is the Arabs and Usrael are there..there is a "common" interest but not fully the same..Arabs want Iran not to meddle in Arab internal affairs, while Usrael does not want Iran in Syria near its borders.. the US supports both sides against Iran..So don't believe that BS of Arabs' rapprochement with Usrael which is not based on Iran at all, that might happen if Usrael recognises an independent Palestinian state, otherwise it is impossible..
Arabs scared of Iran.. are you in your right mind? And go to the camp of Usrael.. like if the latter has a camp.. now listen , there is the US camp.. and the fact is the Arabs and Usrael are there..there is a "common" interest but not fully the same..Arabs want Iran not to meddle in Arab internal affairs, while Usrael does not want Iran in Syria near its borders.. the US supports both sides against Iran..So don't believe that BS of Arabs' rapprochement with Usrael which is not based on Iran at all, that might happen if Usrael recognises an independent Palestinian state, otherwise it is impossible..

Israeli official confirms: Bin Salman visited Tel Aviv last month

There are numerous reports that are saying MBS had visited Israel atleast twice. Why was he there???
If Arabs had such a formidable army, you could have ended the Yemen problem by now.
Iranian themselves are part of the problem who are trying to spread their wings in the region but they will be burnt as well. Just not now.
And if USA/Israel wanted Iran gone, it would have taken them not more than a day. Who do you thing they are keeping the so called "Iranian Threat" for??? Enlighten me.....
Israeli official confirms: Bin Salman visited Tel Aviv last month
There are numerous reports that are saying MBS had visited Israel atleast twice. Why was he there???
If Arabs had such a formidable army, you could have ended the Yemen problem by now.
Iranian themselves are part of the problem who are trying to spread their wings in the region but they will be burnt as well. Just not now.
And if USA/Israel wanted Iran gone, it would have taken them not more than a day. Who do you thing they are keeping the so called "Iranian Threat" for??? Enlighten me.....
And you expect an answer to that BS article!? we had like more than a dozen like it here on PDF.. all ended up being wet Usraeli dreams and propaganda..you can read the official position of Saudi Arabia about Palestine.. again there are many articles about it in the middle east section.. for the rest about Iran an Yemen.. it is not worth answering.. i recommend you to go on the ME section of PDF and read..
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