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'Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights' - Not internationally recognized!


they havent got much more to conquer.... might aswel give em damascus, bagdad, amman too.

just watch out, they might have their eyes on islamabad too
it is unlikely Israel will ever give up Golan Heights
Who says Israel will give up, do robbers give up the loot. Still this is the century of the West and next will be the turn of the East, and it will be taken away from them its a matter of time. Let them change the landscape with their illegal settlements, write and invent the history, terrorise the helpless locals, kill innocent stone throwers kids but then what???? Lets hope when the locals turn comes over time robbers know all the fire exits and escape routes to run away in one piece. Its not what Israel writes in their text books will change the reality, their brutality is etched in helpless people hearts and we are living in the internet age and rest of the world knows the reality on the ground. Wish world is a better place for the those poor locals and they get what's justifiably theirs. Humans don't have to kill to steal someone's land, but some section of the civilized world is still living in the dark ages.
Who says Israel will give up, do robbers give up the loot. Still this is the century of the West and next will be the turn of the East, and it will be taken away from them its a matter of time. Let them change the landscape with their illegal settlements, write and invent the history, terrorise the helpless locals, kill innocent stone throwers kids but then what???? Lets hope when the locals turn comes over time robbers know all the fire exits and escape routes to run away in one piece. Its not what Israel writes in their text books will change the reality, their brutality is etched in helpless people hearts and we are living in the internet age and rest of the world knows the reality on the ground. Wish world is a better place for the those poor locals and they get what's justifiably theirs. Humans don't have to kill to steal someone's land, but some section of the civilized world is still living in the dark ages.

East != Muslim


they havent got much more to conquer.... might aswel give em damascus, bagdad, amman too.

just watch out, they might have their eyes on islamabad too
they are a tad more competent than the pakistani ruling class
White nationalism is a political ideology which advocates a racial definition of national identity for white people; some white nationalists advocate a separate all-white nation state. White separatism and white supremacism are subgroups within white nationalism.


Describes trump and Netanyahu perfectly
What has Saudi & Gulf said about this? I know they secretly nodded this through but still interesting to know what their public reaction is.
Many say that Trump is Illuminati King, the man who started the begining of the conflicts that lead into World War 3 or Armageddon War.

The Israelis have missed a great opportunity by not securing lasting peace with her neighbours.

Had it been that the only thing the Israelis needed for the resolution of the Golan hights issue and other outstanding issues it has with its neighbours was US recognition, than it would've gotten it long ago.

The issue of Kashmir has kept Pakistan and India tied up for decades and still threatens regional peacè.

The Israelis should've been wise and secured lasting peace with its neighbors whilst the US was the only super power. With the emergence of newer powers AND the rise of neo nazism, the Israelis will start to feel the reality of the numerical, territorial and economical disparity that exists between Israel and the Arabs and the Muslim world in general.

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