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Israel's Mossad controls ISIS.


Jun 14, 2016
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ISIS is another name for the Mossad
  • Monday, July 18, 2016

For those paying attention, we have been inundated with clues that the whole ISIS phenomenon is a massive fraud. In a Freudian slip Obama recently stated that “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up the training of ISIL forces”. ISIL is another of ISIS’ many names. Earlier in the year, there were reports that Israel was attending to wounded ISIS soldiers in Israeli hospitals. The spin put on that by the Zionist-owned press was that Israel was so generous and magnanimous that it even cares for its enemies, a ridiculous lie designed to cover the fact that Israel controls ISIS.

Even the alleged head of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi (accused of being a Mossad double agent), died in an Israeli hospital!

What about this piece of information that ISIS is another name for the Mossad, i.e. that it stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? What about reports coming from Iraq that Israel controls ISIS, gives them weapons and fights alongside them as revealed by Luke Rudkowski in Israel Joining ISIS?

The ISIS game is up. The official narrative is simply far too much to believe. As Bernie Suarez humorously writes:

“According to U.S. “intelligence sources” mouthpieces, ISIS has [professional camera and image editing software and skills] including social media capabilities. Amazingly, these covered-face killers have unraveled the secret of how to outsmart every world power including the U.S. Empire with regard to every form of communication. They have stomped out the U.S. military, NSA, CIA, NATO, U.N. and the intelligence of Israel, U.K. and every other nation that surrounds them …”

“ISIS is so close to Israel, they may attack Israel any given day … The big Israel attack would gain them all the PR and Marketing they need … The irony gets even crazier here. According to U.S. politicians pushing the ISIS psyop narrative, ISIS is not only unwilling to attack Israel, which they could do in a day or two, they instead prefer to make plans to travel all the way to the other side of the world to attack the world’s most powerful Empire of all time. Yes, they would rather risk getting caught, imprisoned or killed traveling halfway around the world than to go for an easy quick strike at Israel.”

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .”

ISIS is the latest installment of deceptive propaganda, but it’s not working. Many have seen right through it. We know, with proof, that Israel controls ISIS. How long until a critical mass realizes it and looks instead at the real puppet-master Israel?

People should think twice before opening such threads about holocaust victims.

Thanks for the warning. I saw this article and thought it fit to be known by others about who and what is ISIS. Only two weeks ago we have suffered because of ISIS or a terror group related to it. ISIS itself claimed responsibility for the Dhaka Cafe attack. Holocaust victims the Jews may be but Israel has no right to initiate holocaust in every other country through violence and cold-blooded murder.

I have no objection if the PDF management thinks it should be stopped. So, please delete the whole thread.
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ISIS is another name for the Mossad
  • Monday, July 18, 2016

For those paying attention, we have been inundated with clues that the whole ISIS phenomenon is a massive fraud. In a Freudian slip Obama recently stated that “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up the training of ISIL forces”. ISIL is another of ISIS’ many names. Earlier in the year, there were reports that Israel was attending to wounded ISIS soldiers in Israeli hospitals. The spin put on that by the Zionist-owned press was that Israel was so generous and magnanimous that it even cares for its enemies, a ridiculous lie designed to cover the fact that Israel controls ISIS.

Even the alleged head of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi (accused of being a Mossad double agent), died in an Israeli hospital!

What about this piece of information that ISIS is another name for the Mossad, i.e. that it stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? What about reports coming from Iraq that Israel controls ISIS, gives them weapons and fights alongside them as revealed by Luke Rudkowski in Israel Joining ISIS?

The ISIS game is up. The official narrative is simply far too much to believe. As Bernie Suarez humorously writes:

“According to U.S. “intelligence sources” mouthpieces, ISIS has [professional camera and image editing software and skills] including social media capabilities. Amazingly, these covered-face killers have unraveled the secret of how to outsmart every world power including the U.S. Empire with regard to every form of communication. They have stomped out the U.S. military, NSA, CIA, NATO, U.N. and the intelligence of Israel, U.K. and every other nation that surrounds them …”

“ISIS is so close to Israel, they may attack Israel any given day … The big Israel attack would gain them all the PR and Marketing they need … The irony gets even crazier here. According to U.S. politicians pushing the ISIS psyop narrative, ISIS is not only unwilling to attack Israel, which they could do in a day or two, they instead prefer to make plans to travel all the way to the other side of the world to attack the world’s most powerful Empire of all time. Yes, they would rather risk getting caught, imprisoned or killed traveling halfway around the world than to go for an easy quick strike at Israel.”

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .”

ISIS is the latest installment of deceptive propaganda, but it’s not working. Many have seen right through it. We know, with proof, that Israel controls ISIS. How long until a critical mass realizes it and looks instead at the real puppet-master Israel?

to see who is involved in any incident you should check which is the one benefitted most from the incident .................. it is clear here
Jew money is controlling much of the govts. in the USA and Europe. USA is completely eclipsed by the money of the Jew Holocaust victims' descendants. US Presidents, before or after election, dare not criticize Jews in that country or the Israeli entity.

All the important finance & businesses in the US and Europe are owned or controlled by the Holocaust descendants. Their money is victimizing not only the Muslim world, but also other worlds of different nationalities. Russia understands this and is air bombing action against ISIS. But, without a forceful land war it is not possible to vacate the world of these killer rats sponsored by Israel.
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Well, there are lots of conspiracy theories regarding the birth of IS, some of which could even be true... But the fact is, in the current world order, you can't really do anything to those behind this menace. The best way forward is to fight this thing collaboratively and stop their expansion at any cost...
I can see two different scenarios.

1. ISIS was created by Mossad.
Then thousand of Muslim Morons have convened from all over the world
to Iraq/Syria to kill tens of thousands of innocent Muslims and put
Iraq and Syria out of business, and no treat to Israel.
Many countries have gotten rid of their worst scum, and since they are convening in masse,
they can be easily taken out by air strikes.
It must be the Intelligence Coup of the Century, or Millennia,
and Muslims will be the laughing stock of the Universe if it is actually revealed.

2. ISIS was not created by Mossad
The stupidity of Muslims is then limited to those that believe in fairy tales.

What to choose, hmmmmm....
I wont to go if it is Mossad or CIA but if anyone here denies the link between the Americans and ISIS then that guy sure is delusional! It is a fact and people must learn to live with it. It was America and its allies who gave birth to ISIS, armed them and now are destroying the whole region claiming to kill there own illegitimate child.

Afghanistan/Taliban allover anyone?
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I wont go if it is Mossad or CIA but if anyone here denies the link between the Americans and ISIS then that guy sure is delusional! It is a fact and people must learn to live with it. It was America and its allies who gave birth to ISIS, armed them and now are destroying the whole region claiming to kill there own illegitimate child.

Afghanistan/Taliban allover anyone?
It is well known that the US have had a half-hearted program to support the FSA.
This has more or less been a failure, producing maybe 10s and not 1000s of soldiers.
A lot of defectors to al-Nusra and ISIS and/or handover of American Weapons to them.
A lot of stuff captured from fleeing Iraqi soldiers at Mosul etc.
Thats the link for You.
conspiracy theories and fantasies :lol: I guess mossad is behind the birth of every middle easterner and believe it or not they paid me to write this comment
It is well known that the US have had a half-hearted program to support the FSA.
This has more or less been a failure, producing maybe 10s and not 1000s of soldiers.
A lot of defectors to al-Nusra and ISIS and/or handover of American Weapons to them.
A lot of stuff captured from fleeing Iraqi soldiers at Mosul etc.
Thats the link for You.
I wont even go into details of the points you already mentioned but we both know that it is not as simple as you made it look. However since it is already there i know people who actually are interested in learning about this can look it up themselves and those who are not, a world of knowledge and facts cant help them.

However i sure will add one point to this, AND, will make it simple just like you did

Looking away knowing what they have given birth too and knowing well based on past experience (Taliban) of what it would become.

The simple point is that if anyone thinks that it is America or West who are the only victims here and that they had nothing to do with this crime against humanity then i am sorry but they are living in a delusional world. It is totally the other way around!!
If Muslims are that dumb then they deserve to die by American and Russian bombs.
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