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Israel's Mossad controls ISIS.

Yes I guess ISI is sleeping along with other agencies of the world.
I have no doubt that ISIS and mosad are both Non muslims ,But if this is true then ISI and other agencies like always Instead of telling people the truth always make it hidden.

ISIS top people, including Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Amir-ul Mumenin of the Musalmans everywhere, are all good Muslims. But, many might not have really known where from they are receiving much of the funds and arms. Once known now, these Muslims dare not go against Israel, as this would be their end.

Their end is coming soon, though. By Russian air strike and by ground attacks by the Iraqi and Syrian troops.

Since the very beginning Muslims are more shedding their fellow Muslim blood than the non-Muslim blood. All because of their greed for the Hoors in the Zannat-ul-Ferdouse. It is not so far, though. Scientists predict the extinction of the Sun without no more hydrogen to burn it after 5 billion yrs. No burning Sun means no light for the Earth. The Earth dies and with it all will die, but, only the trouble-maker and terrorist Muslims will enter Paradise.
ISIS top people, including Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Amir-ul Mumenin of the Musalmans everywhere, are all good Muslims. But, many might not have really known where from they are receiving much of the funds and arms. Once known now, these Muslims dare not go against Israel, as this would be their end.

Their end is coming soon, though. By Russian air strike and by ground attacks by the Iraqi and Syrian troops.

Since the very beginning Muslims are more shedding their fellow Muslim blood than the non-Muslim blood. All because of their greed for the Hoors in the Zannat-ul-Ferdouse. It is not so far, though. Scientists predict the extinction of the Sun without no more hydrogen to burn it after 5 billion yrs. No burning Sun means no light for the Earth. The Earth dies and with it all will die, but, only the trouble-maker and terrorist Muslims will enter Paradise.
If Muslims are that dumb then they deserve to die by American and Russian bombs.

This is our main disease. Our lives are governed by the hatred we have towards those Muslims who do not follow Islam exactly the way we do. There cannot be even tiny difference, if there is they(so-called Muslims) start hating and killing. The way Muslims try to rectify others, it's just appalling.
ISIS top people, including Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Amir-ul Mumenin of the Musalmans everywhere, are all good Muslims. But, many might not have really known where from they are receiving much of the funds and arms. Once known now, these Muslims dare not go against Israel, as this would be their end.

Their end is coming soon, though. By Russian air strike and by ground attacks by the Iraqi and Syrian troops.

Since the very beginning Muslims are more shedding their fellow Muslim blood than the non-Muslim blood. All because of their greed for the Hoors in the Zannat-ul-Ferdouse. It is not so far, though. Scientists predict the extinction of the Sun without no more hydrogen to burn it after 5 billion yrs. No burning Sun means no light for the Earth. The Earth dies and with it all will die, but, only the trouble-maker and terrorist Muslims will enter Paradise.
Buddy you should be banned @waz @Oscar
What you giving up on your civil manners so early? I have not even started quoting you the countless facts and you are already restoring to insults and bashing? Just say it, have you never seen any of those proofs and reports and claims? Do you really want me to do that all over for your again? Say the word and i will be happy to help.

I have seen multiple claims and they all boil down to the reasons I have given.
Already asked for sources, and none given...

The ISIS guys are good Muslims by every Islamic definitions. They pray, they pay zakaat, they do not take usury, they go to Mecca for hajj. They are following all the instructions of after war killing and beheading of non-Muslims written in the old Books. They also believe Muslims who fight against them are not Muslims. So, they deserve to be beheaded.

Do not see these Muslims in the humanitarian eye, see them rather as Muslims only. ISIS people are good Muslims because they are following every word written in the old books. They are marvelous Muslims. However, you can say they are not good human being.

However, a good Muslim does not necessarily make a good human being, this is what I think. It is true for all other religionists, as well. Too much of religion is bad for humanity.
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ISIS top people, including Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Amir-ul Mumenin of the Musalmans everywhere, are all good Muslims.

LOL, I'd challenge that!

The mythical Califate and freedom from the nations concept for Umma
including jihad, fine but past even the Takfir business, encouraging all
to join their banner by bombings on innocent Muslims, since they know
not who'll be hit, during both Ramadan and prayer???

Are you serious?

Good day, Tay.
LOL, I'd challenge that!

The mythical Califate and freedom from the nations concept for Umma
including jihad, fine but past even the Takfir business, encouraging all
to join their banner by bombings on innocent Muslims, since they know
not who'll be hit, during both Ramadan and prayer???

Are you serious? Good day, Tay.

Are not the Talibans of Pakistan/Afghanistan are burning Churches and bombing Shia Mosques in Pakistan because they beleive that the victims are lesser human being. Taliban regard themselves as good Muslims for doing that. I wonder, why it is the Muslim trait to watch other Muslims' way of prayers.

Why it is only the Muslims who find fault of a non-believer? It is none of his business to watch other people's way of life and beliefs. But, a Muslim would dash forward to kill these people. If people believe this is the way of Islam, I find no fault in the way these ISIS crooks deal with other Muslims and non-Muslims. They are the purest of all Muslims.
Taliban regard themselves as good Muslims for doing that.

It does not matter how they regard themselves, it matters how Allah sees them.
And since the Sunni Shia divide is not inscribed in Qur'an, I think a bright 12-14
year-old could break down the reasoning by which they think themselves "good" ...
and so Muslims at all.

SBS, ( sorry but sincere ), Tay.
It does not matter how they regard themselves, it matters how Allah sees them.
And since the Sunni Shia divide is not inscribed in Qur'an, I think a bright 12-14
year-old could break down the reasoning by which they think themselves "good" ...
and so Muslims at all.

SBS, ( sorry but sincere ), Tay.

Tay I've always been meaning to ask you. Are you a French guy living in Pakistan or other way around? :D Just curious.
ISIS top people, including Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Amir-ul Mumenin of the Musalmans everywhere, are all good Muslims. But, many might not have really known where from they are receiving much of the funds and arms. Once known now, these Muslims dare not go against Israel, as this would be their end.

Their end is coming soon, though. By Russian air strike and by ground attacks by the Iraqi and Syrian troops.

Since the very beginning Muslims are more shedding their fellow Muslim blood than the non-Muslim blood. All because of their greed for the Hoors in the Zannat-ul-Ferdouse. It is not so far, though. Scientists predict the extinction of the Sun without no more hydrogen to burn it after 5 billion yrs. No burning Sun means no light for the Earth. The Earth dies and with it all will die, but, only the trouble-maker and terrorist Muslims will enter Paradise.

These people have been brainwashed with the seeds of this ideology. House of Saud began to wash their brains by violating the true ideas of the The Noble Quran.

300 religious television channels in the Arab world, of which only three are educational, the rest dedicated to “wash the minds” of the young. “These [religious] people use technology for the wrong purpose. The internet and social media serve their purpose.

“If a young man has a sexual intent, they tell him ‘if you fight, you see the houris’ [beautiful young women] and even in life the man is told that if he lays his hand on every woman he meets and says ‘alahu akbar’, she will be under his control. Even the young women they allow to make ‘jihad’, they will join with the man. They even have ‘fatwas’ about the interests of men – to have cars or houses – and they give them drugs that help them fight without sleep for three days. The purpose of the drugs is to make each of them into an unnatural person.”

Internet calls for a “holy war” in Syria and a well-organised system of villas for newly arrived “jihadis” already set up on the other side of the Turkish border.

New arms shipments – paid for and transported, the Syrians believe, by Qatar – have made Nusrah a far more formidable force.

Major General Suheil al-Hassan who has been battling for three weeks Aleppo – the Nusra to cut their last military supply route to Turkey.

The ISIS guys are good Muslims by every Islamic definitions. They pray, they pay zakaat, they do not take usury, they go to Mecca for hajj. They are following all the instructions of after war killing and beheading of non-Muslims written in the old Books. They also believe Muslims who fight against them are not Muslims. So, they deserve to be beheaded.

Do not see these Muslims in the humanitarian eye, see them rather as Muslims only. ISIS people are good Muslims because they are following every word written in the old books. They are marvelous Muslims. However, you can say they are not good human being.

However, a good Muslim does not necessarily make a good human being, this is what I think. It is true for all other religionists, as well. Too much of religion is bad for humanity.
so what you're saying is....

They are following all the instructions of after war killing and beheading of non-Muslims written in the old Books. They also believe Muslims who fight against them are not Muslims. So, they deserve to be beheaded.

ISIS people are good Muslims because they are following every word written in the old books. They are marvelous Muslims.

The billion+ muslims who don't do any of the above aren't good muslims? I knew I was a bad muslim, but I thought that was because I didn't pray enough...now, I hear - it's because I'm not going to war and beheading muslims and non muslims alike.

Well...as they say - you learn something new everyday.
It does not matter how they regard themselves, it matters how Allah sees them.
And since the Sunni Shia divide is not inscribed in Qur'an, I think a bright 12-14
year-old could break down the reasoning by which they think themselves "good" ...
and so Muslims at all.

SBS, ( sorry but sincere ), Tay.

I fully accept that Allah sees the Shias not at per with the Sunnis because it is not written in the old Books. But, how come it has become the responsibility of the Sunnis to judge and kill non-Sunni people by bullets? It is Allah who will judge in His own way. Should not He alone and not the mortals has that kind of authority? It means, we are superseding our prescribed right.

This super Sunni/Wahhabi mentality has taken the entire Muslim Ummah to the path of quarrel and fighting each other like a bunch of str*et d*gs that I see at midnight in my BD district town.

All other faiths are watching and laughing at us. This infighting and too much of religion have made the Muslims the laughing stock of other faiths, specially the Jews. They are taking advantage and throwing a piece of bread here and and another piece there for us to pick up. So, our fanaticism must stop.

so what you're saying is....

The billion+ muslims who don't do any of the above aren't good muslims? I knew I was a bad muslim, but I thought that was because I didn't pray enough...now, I hear - it's because I'm not going to war and beheading muslims and non muslims alike.

Well...as they say - you learn something new everyday.

Read not my lines, read the line in between the lines. It was sarcasm. However, Muslims are certainly killing other Muslims. Have you ever wondered which scriptures from they get instructions and instigation, albeit, wrongly?
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