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Israel's Mossad controls ISIS.

What I think about Terrorism

1. It was first planned by Germany when they were on the verge of losing the WWI. They were looking for alternative ways to survive and theorized that their ally the ottoman Caliph can incite terrorist attacks on Allied Colonies such as in India Egypt or Algeria. However it didn't materialize as Germany lost quickly.

2. American intelligence knew about the plan and used it in cold war against Soviet Russia. They modified the plan and in absence of a caliph they took pakistan's help to preach the dangerous ideology in Afghan refugee camps. Pakistan was licking it's wound of 1971 and was happy to help.

3. According to cold war era spies, after accomplishing mission, the super power sused to eliminate their own agents. However Islamist terrorism was a Frankenstein they couldn't eliminate. So it grew and became a problem for its creators.

4. No one supported IS. But when USA Israel and Turkey realized that they can be used against Iran they allowed it to grow even more.

5. I don't rate mossad that highly. They are only good in eliminating individual vulnerable enemies as tourists....
Terrorism saw light already in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century...
Terrorism saw light already in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century...

No, no, no my good cardinal! That is the very modern etymology
derived from the French Revolution original only.

I mean who was Guy Fawkes for example if not a would-be terrorist.
That alone sets the trend back to 1605 and to be honest it almost
always existed. Heck, the Romans thought as much of the resistants
of Judea around 50 AD.

And with that, we're back to main topic ;) Tay.
OH BOY !! More Middle East conspiracy theories. You guys LOVE that shit, don't you ? And even if it were true, don't you guys eventually have to ask yourselves, 'Hey, why are we so easy to f#ck with ? The Great Satan plays us like a harmonica.' Look in the mirror, nutsacks ! Now someone fetch me my tin foil hat.:usflag:
No, no, no my good cardinal! That is the very modern etymology
derived from the French Revolution original only.

I mean who was Guy Fawkes for example if not a would-be terrorist.
That alone sets the trend back to 1605 and to be honest it almost
always existed. Heck, the Romans thought as much of the resistants
of Judea around 50 AD.

And with that, we're back to main topic ;) Tay.

Very true, just pointing out that it did not start in WW1.
OK first question, what is this thread doing in the Bangladesh subforum? :lol:

Or is this all part of that Bangladesh govt claim that there is a connection between mossad and the terrorism in Bangladesh through BNP-JEI-Mossad (and apparently now ISIS) nexus?

The same claim that wasn't even noticed anywhere in the world much less laughed off.

BAL/Bangladesh has to manage its international PR a lot better to be taken seriously.:partay:

OH BOY !! More Middle East conspiracy theories. You guys LOVE that shit, don't you ? And even if it were true, don't you guys eventually have to ask yourselves, 'Hey, why are we so easy to f#ck with ? The Great Satan plays us like a harmonica.' Look in the mirror, nutsacks ! Now someone fetch me my tin foil hat.:usflag:

Sad how its expanding to other parts of the islamic "neighbourhood" now.

Sort of a neo-faith thing now.
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I ask you one simple question in a simple language. Why has ISIS, who claim to champion the Islamic cause and wants to establish a Khilafat, has never attacked that Jews entity called Israel? It is only a kilometer of cakewalk, though!!!

the answer is quite simple and you should know it. The Israelis are are too well equipped and organized and what's more have learnt to live under constant state of terrorist attacks from its neighborhood. The ISIS guys are cowards who only attack soft targets as most of their barbaric predecessors who also committed terrorism in the name of islam
It's the Iraqi Baathast soldiers who were fired when Saddam's regime fell. https://defence.pk/threads/trump-praises-saddam-hussiens-ruthlessness.438032/#post-8443001

They had money, weapons, and motive.
It is just an excuse that no one believes any more sir.

Of course it can be questioned.
US did not create ISIS. ISIS was created as a reaction to US invasion of Iraq, and Iraqi Shia secterism.
US did not arm ISIS. US armed other parties and their weapons were later captured by ISIS,
handed over as "tax" when weaker parties were in trouble, or those parties defected to ISIS.
US has never "supported" ISIS.
US did not create the Taliban, they had already left the area when the Taliban emerged,
to fight those Mujahedeen trained by the US, which had taken power and was fighting a civil war.

Pakistan/ISI is the part responsible for creating the Taliban, in most sensible views.
Sir these are just excuses and we do not even need to quote the authorities and references present on internet to prove ISIS-US connection anymore. It is common knowledge!
US was the one who created and armed the ISIS.
It is just an excuse that no one believes any more sir.

Sir these are just excuses and we do not even need to quote the authorities and references present on internet to prove ISIS-US connection anymore. It is common knowledge!
US was the one who created and armed the ISIS.

When You do not have any proof, You turn to fantasies and want everyone to treat it as truth.
So far noone has shown any credible links to anything but Muslim Morons posting on Forums
without any credible sources.
When You do not have any proof, You turn to fantasies and want everyone to treat it as truth.
So far noone has shown any credible links to anything but Muslim Morons posting on Forums
without any credible sources.
Sir it is not just me, it is YOUR leaders confirming these things what you call fantasy!!
Sir it is not just me, it is YOUR leaders confirming these things what you call fantasy!!

Never happened, outside what I have described.
ISIS is a reaction to US and Shia secterists actions, thats all
Never happened, outside what I have described.
ISIS is a reaction to US and Shia secterists actions, thats all
You have no reason to explain this to me, you need to tell your own leaders about this and may be they will agree!
You have no reason to explain this to me, you need to tell your own leaders about this and may be they will agree!

No need to bother anyone with questions resulting from your poor skills in English.
If You take one or the more known examples: Hillary Clinton,
she did not claim that the US founded the organisation.
She claimed it was created as a response to the US, even if the wording was "We created ISIS".

Now go and buy an English Language course.
No need to bother anyone with questions resulting from your poor skills in English.
If You take one or the more known examples: Hillary Clinton,
she did not claim that the US founded the organisation.
She claimed it was created as a response to the US, even if the wording was "We created ISIS".

Now go and buy an English Language course.
What you giving up on your civil manners so early? I have not even started quoting you the countless facts and you are already restoring to insults and bashing? Just say it, have you never seen any of those proofs and reports and claims? Do you really want me to do that all over for your again? Say the word and i will be happy to help.
Yes I guess ISI is sleeping along with other agencies of the world.
I have no doubt that ISIS and mosad are both Non muslims ,But if this is true then ISI and other agencies like always Instead of telling people the truth always make it hidden.
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