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Israel's Mossad controls ISIS.

Well, there are lots of conspiracy theories regarding the birth of IS, some of which could even be true... But the fact is, in the current world order, you can't really do anything to those behind this menace. The best way forward is to fight this thing collaboratively and stop their expansion at any cost...

The best option is to fight the ISIS heroes (?) on the ground. Russian air attacks will have a minimal effect on them. It is true for all air attacks. A war must be conducted by ground troops and won on the ground. It has been always like this. Missiles can dent here and there, but cannot win a war.
The best option is to fight the ISIS heroes (?) on the ground. Russian air attacks will have a minimal effect on them. It is true for all air attacks. A war must be conducted by ground troops and won on the ground. It has been always like this. Missiles can dent here and there, but cannot win a war.

Well, they are already losing ground in Syria and Iraq and over time, the local forces will be strong enough to put the last dagger. It's the spillover effects of ISIS that should be the bigger concern which cannot be mitigated just by military interventions...
ISIS is another name for the Mossad
  • Monday, July 18, 2016

For those paying attention, we have been inundated with clues that the whole ISIS phenomenon is a massive fraud. In a Freudian slip Obama recently stated that “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up the training of ISIL forces”. ISIL is another of ISIS’ many names. Earlier in the year, there were reports that Israel was attending to wounded ISIS soldiers in Israeli hospitals. The spin put on that by the Zionist-owned press was that Israel was so generous and magnanimous that it even cares for its enemies, a ridiculous lie designed to cover the fact that Israel controls ISIS.

Even the alleged head of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi (accused of being a Mossad double agent), died in an Israeli hospital!

What about this piece of information that ISIS is another name for the Mossad, i.e. that it stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? What about reports coming from Iraq that Israel controls ISIS, gives them weapons and fights alongside them as revealed by Luke Rudkowski in Israel Joining ISIS?

The ISIS game is up. The official narrative is simply far too much to believe. As Bernie Suarez humorously writes:

“According to U.S. “intelligence sources” mouthpieces, ISIS has [professional camera and image editing software and skills] including social media capabilities. Amazingly, these covered-face killers have unraveled the secret of how to outsmart every world power including the U.S. Empire with regard to every form of communication. They have stomped out the U.S. military, NSA, CIA, NATO, U.N. and the intelligence of Israel, U.K. and every other nation that surrounds them …”

“ISIS is so close to Israel, they may attack Israel any given day … The big Israel attack would gain them all the PR and Marketing they need … The irony gets even crazier here. According to U.S. politicians pushing the ISIS psyop narrative, ISIS is not only unwilling to attack Israel, which they could do in a day or two, they instead prefer to make plans to travel all the way to the other side of the world to attack the world’s most powerful Empire of all time. Yes, they would rather risk getting caught, imprisoned or killed traveling halfway around the world than to go for an easy quick strike at Israel.”

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .”

ISIS is the latest installment of deceptive propaganda, but it’s not working. Many have seen right through it. We know, with proof, that Israel controls ISIS. How long until a critical mass realizes it and looks instead at the real puppet-master Israel?


this whole notion is idiotic to be generous. And the underlined part takes the cake. If one uses this logic, ISIS would simply mean the plural of ISI. So is it your contention that Pakistani ISI is behind ISIS?
I wont even go into details of the points you already mentioned but we both know that it is not as simple as you made it look. However since it is already there i know people who actually are interested in learning about this can look it up themselves and those who are not, a world of knowledge and facts cant help them.

However i sure will add one point to this, AND, will make it simple just like you did

Looking away knowing what they have given birth too and knowing well based on past experience (Taliban) of what it would become.

The simple point is that if anyone thinks that it is America or West who are the only victims here and that they had nothing to do with this crime against humanity then i am sorry but they are living in a delusional world. It is totally the other way around!!

Why do You think the help was half-hearted?
Simply because there were a number of groups and no group really fought
for basic human rights.
Not into conspiracy theories and definitely not an apologist for Islamist Terrorists. How stupid must we as muslims be...time and time again, we keep getting 'used'? lol

BUT - Israel definitely doesn't want ISIS to lose. This is not conjecture or some loony conspiracy, but straight from the horses mouth.

In a speech at the Herzliya Conference, Israel’s military intelligence chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, took Israel’s long-standing position that it “prefers ISIS” over the Syrian government to a whole ‘nother level, declaring openly that Israel does not want to see ISIS defeated in the war.

Quoted in the Hebrew-language NRG site, linked to Maariv, Maj. Gen. Halevy expressed concern about the recent offensives against ISIS territory, saying that in the last three months the Islamist group was facing the “most difficult” situation since its inception and declaration of a caliphate.

Israeli officials have regularly expressed comfort with the idea of ISIS conquering the whole of Syria, saying they find it preferable to the Iran-allied government surviving the war. At the same time, they were never so overtly supportive of ISIS and its survival.

Halevy went on to express concern that the defeat of ISIS might mean the “superpowers” leaving Syria, saying this would put Israel “in a hard position” after being so opposed to the survival of the Syrian government.

He then said Israel will do “all we can so as to not find ourselves in such a situation,” suggesting that the Israeli military is looking at direct support for ISIS as a matter of policy, and not just rhetoric.
this whole notion is idiotic to be generous. And the underlined part takes the cake. If one uses this logic, ISIS would simply mean the plural of ISI. So is it your contention that Pakistani ISI is behind ISIS?

I ask you one simple question in a simple language. Why has ISIS, who claim to champion the Islamic cause and wants to establish a Khilafat, has never attacked that Jews entity called Israel? It is only a kilometer of cakewalk, though!!!
Why do You think the help was half-hearted?
Simply because there were a number of groups and no group really fought
for basic human rights.
Which help being half-hearted i mentioned? or you pointed too?
My post was quite simple and clear and that was pretty much all i had to say.
Which help being half-hearted i mentioned? or you pointed too?
My post was quite simple and clear and that was pretty much all i had to say.

Your post was vague.
"Had something to do" can mean anything, and noone is denying that.
The guys renting the truck to the Nice terrorist "had something to do" with the act.
Still does not mean they have any guilt.
Your post was vague.
"Had something to do" can mean anything, and noone is denying that.
The guys renting the truck to the Nice terrorist "had something to do" with the act.
Still does not mean they have any guilt.
Oh no no,,
sorry about the confusion. I was not being vague but just stating how thing are. It was not "had something to do" but i was pointing to the people who may claims that US "had nothing to do with ISIS" or deny that it was US and its allies who created, armed and supported ISIS in the first place. These are the facts that cannot be changed and when one look at these in context with the history (Taliban) one think that US should have been wiser than that. Now WHY they were not so is up there for debate and anyone can have any point of view about it.
Oh no no,,
sorry about the confusion. I was not being vague but just stating how thing are. It was not "had something to do" but i was pointing to the people who may claims that US "had nothing to do with ISIS" or deny that it was US and its allies who created, armed and supported ISIS in the first place. These are the facts that cannot be changed and when one look at these in context with the history (Taliban) one think that US should have been wiser than that. Now WHY they were not so is up there for debate and anyone can have any point of view about it.

Of course it can be questioned.
US did not create ISIS. ISIS was created as a reaction to US invasion of Iraq, and Iraqi Shia secterism.
US did not arm ISIS. US armed other parties and their weapons were later captured by ISIS,
handed over as "tax" when weaker parties were in trouble, or those parties defected to ISIS.
US has never "supported" ISIS.
US did not create the Taliban, they had already left the area when the Taliban emerged,
to fight those Mujahedeen trained by the US, which had taken power and was fighting a civil war.

Pakistan/ISI is the part responsible for creating the Taliban, in most sensible views.
What I think about Terrorism

1. It was first planned by Germany when they were on the verge of losing the WWI. They were looking for alternative ways to survive and theorized that their ally the ottoman Caliph can incite terrorist attacks on Allied Colonies such as in India Egypt or Algeria. However it didn't materialize as Germany lost quickly.

2. American intelligence knew about the plan and used it in cold war against Soviet Russia. They modified the plan and in absence of a caliph they took pakistan's help to preach the dangerous ideology in Afghan refugee camps. Pakistan was licking it's wound of 1971 and was happy to help.

3. According to cold war era spies, after accomplishing mission, the super power sused to eliminate their own agents. However Islamist terrorism was a Frankenstein they couldn't eliminate. So it grew and became a problem for its creators.

4. No one supported IS. But when USA Israel and Turkey realized that they can be used against Iran they allowed it to grow even more.

5. I don't rate mossad that highly. They are only good in eliminating individual vulnerable enemies as tourists....
I wont to go if it is Mossad or CIA but if anyone here denies the link between the Americans and ISIS then that guy sure is delusional! It is a fact and people must learn to live with it. It was America and its allies who gave birth to ISIS, armed them and now are destroying the whole region claiming to kill there own illegitimate child.

Afghanistan/Taliban allover anyone?

It's the Iraqi Baathast soldiers who were fired when Saddam's regime fell. https://defence.pk/threads/trump-praises-saddam-hussiens-ruthlessness.438032/#post-8443001

They had money, weapons, and motive.
Truth be told Crusader Army of west using radical Islamic groups to take down one after another Muslim strongholds. Mossad is just a local ally who comes handy to support their cause, same like other Muslim countries in ME whose interest overlaps. For example same can be said about ISI who controlled and still has control on AQ. After invading Afghanistan this way, they trapped Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen etc. They will sooner or later take on the collaborator Muslim nations as well if puppet regimes arent installed. But the support behind ISIS is much sophisticated. This is age old battle. Muslims are first to blame because of their impotency to run affairs. In Indian subcontinent they used Muslim collaborators and dacoit groups such as Marathas to take down Mughals. And now AQ/ISIS these are helping them to keep Muslims busy in infighting. Ultimately using them, getting a reason to overtly or covertly invade or weakening these nations. Because if these countries become strong they will be cause of headache for ideological clash. India proved itself handy in this region to keep in check anti imperialist China and another Muslim stronghold Pakistan. As BD is a fortunate country detached from any of the Muslim country only through Indian border these groups can get help. If India (not as whole but some elements) thinks it as a good option to have its long aspired akhand thing. Then it will be foolish attempt and will play at the hands of the western powers. Because increasing Muslim minds will again give westerners to set a foot here. Non Muslim countries arent that easy to conquer. Its enough sign for an intelligent one. I mean they dont do these as their sole purpose, but keeps using different tactics and see the fun from distance how it goes. Another angle is orthodox christians who cant also get along with crusades, example Russia. So these anti imperialist Communist China, orthodox christians and traditional Muslim power finds themselves close to one another. Where hardliners radical splinter Islamic groups, Zionists and Crusades finds themselves close to one another. BD is neutral and something in between but world scenario and history to be keep in mind and forming more splinter groups means digging its own grave.
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