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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

Two questions are crucial:
1. How many times is this gonna happen again?
2. Is this provocation or retaliation of something we don't know?
Syria will look toward Russia before any answer. Right now, Russians are busy talking (with Iran, west, Israel) and analyzing.
I think Russia will say "be patient boy"
Iran will say "Don't leave it un-punished"
Stop inventing. No country ever fought for Israel except the Israel itself.


Yeah you don't have to fight, you have your own proxies in Syria fighting for you FSA... heck even your iron dome is not Israeli, it is American...
Yeah you don't have to fight, you have your own proxies in Syria fighting for you FSA... heck even your iron dome is not Israeli, it is American...

We have heard the Israeli, Pakistani, Jordanian, perspective on this incident.

Syrian Lion, give us the Syrian perspective on this.
We have heard the Israeli, Pakistani, Jordanian, perspective on this incident.

Syrian Lion, give us the Syrian perspective on this.
I already commented, my posts should be in the first pages, but I will repeat it here again...

FSA for sure is happy... FSA helped Israel... Israel must be proud of FSA now... let's see FSA fight Israel now, since FSA claim the are in control and fighting for Syrian people... oh wait FSA is nothing but terrorists groups helped by the west and gcc, and Israel...

Syria would attack back, but before we attack we should think... if we attack Israel who will stand with Syria? Iran and that's it, and who will stand with Israel? the west, gcc, jordan, turkey, and others... so basically the world vs Syria...

and I will add this, FSA couldn't destroy the center, thus Israel jumped in and helped them...
your iron dome is not Israeli, it is American...

Thanks for the Fact ..May I ask the Israeli guys who Exhibit their Combat Proven Iron dome in Aero India 2013

AFIKT Your Phone is Invented by Israeli But did you say that is from America
I already commented, my posts should be in the first pages, but I will repeat it here again...

FSA for sure is happy... FSA helped Israel... Israel must be proud of FSA now... let's see FSA fight Israel now, since FSA claim the are in control and fighting for Syrian people... oh wait FSA is nothing but terrorists groups helped by the west and gcc, and Israel...

Syria would attack back, but before we attack we should think... if we attack Israel who will stand with Syria? Iran and that's it, and who will stand with Israel? the west, gcc, jordan, turkey, and others... so basically the world vs Syria...

and I will add this, FSA couldn't destroy the center, thus Israel jumped in and helped them...

But isnt the FSA filled with hard core Sunni Islamists who hate Israel?

I mean even the Chinese stopped fighting each other in the 1930's and turned their guns on Japan and resumed their civil war in 1945 after Japan's defeat.

Won't this serve as a unifying event for both forces to combine their efforts against Israel?
But isnt the FSA filled with hard core Sunni Islamists who hate Israel?

I mean even the Chinese stopped fighting each other in the 1930's and turned their guns on Japan and resumed their civil war in 1945 after Japan's defeat.

Won't this serve as a unifying event for both forces to combine their efforts against Israel?
Really? look can you tell me how many operations Alqaeda have done in Israel? ZERO, because Alqaeda was adopted and started by the west, funded by the gcc...
The west support those hardcore Islamists, so the west can always have an excuse to stay in the M.E and start wars...

Look the FSA themselves said it on the Israeli Channel 2, FSA is with Israel.....

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what more can a terrorist iranian regime could do?
Iranian regime is terrorist? :woot: Just because they've shown two fingers to the West regarding their construction of a nuclear power plant for producing legitimate nuclear energy for electricity generation?

Are they producing nukes? Says who? The US of A? Well, they said the same thing about Iraq having WMDs as an excuse to screw the country and take over its oil. But they found sweet nothing later! Of course they wouldn't have found anything as that was a story spun by the PTB as an excuse to invade a sovereign country for the oil.

Now the yarns are being spun against Iran to take out a lawfully elected government as it does not conform to the diktats of the Americans and their convoluted capitalistic democracy that they want to impose on the whole of West Asia/Middle East.

Oily fellas these neo-cons, Illuminati, and Bilderbrgs and their enormously rich and powerful oil cartels having a twisted vision of a New World Order, that needless to say, is bound to fail.
@Hyperion : Stop with the Arab Bashing otherwise the wife is going to get evidence of your flirtatious escapades with Uttba the Sudanese ! :bad:
@BLACKEAGLE : Stop with the Pakistani Bashing otherwise your Jordanian girlfriend is going to know all about that Iranian lady down the street you've been flirting with ! :whistle:

And then the fun will begin ! :devil:

Okay the both of you - Behave yourselves & keep it cool ! :kiss3:
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But isnt the FSA filled with hard core Sunni Islamists who hate Israel?...Won't this serve as a unifying event for both forces to combine their efforts against Israel?
No. Once arguing in favor of Palestine's Jews became forbidden by law and custom the only remaining way for challengers to contend for power against the existing elite was to take a more militant position. After a few stages of this the only results possible are war, either against foreign opponents or domestic ones. Syria has made its choice: nobody is going to yield power or the hope of it in favor of more efficiently killing Jews.

The American South after 1830 evolved similarly when it prohibited discussion in favor of abolition. A generation later it went to war with the rest of the Union.

In both cases all it took was for the right of free speech to be suppressed on one particular subject.

What happens to Syrians visceral hatred of Israel next? Don't know. Probably it has little or nothing to do with what Israel actually does.
i thought syrian have S300, it's pity israel isn't neighborhood with iran.
But isnt the FSA filled with hard core Sunni Islamists who hate Israel?

I mean even the Chinese stopped fighting each other in the 1930's and turned their guns on Japan and resumed their civil war in 1945 after Japan's defeat.

Won't this serve as a unifying event for both forces to combine their efforts against Israel?

FSA is supported to do just what happened with Israeli jets roaming around targeting weapons shipments. If there was no FSA, that airstrike could not have happened. I dont see how they could lose by supporting the FSA. If the FSA dont win and keep the army busy, the airstrikes keep happening .. If the FSA win and turn a stink eye towards israel .. The airstrikes keep happening... this time on the FSA.
i thought syrian have S300, it's pity israel isn't neighborhood with iran.

The F15 flies Below the Radar to avoid Detection Just like a silent ops..So your S300 Can't able yto detect the Jets
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